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11/10/2017 4:15:17 PM
Possibility Existence in the everyday Existences of
Individuals, Communities, and ( OperationComplex )
s. Perfect Law and their implementation into the
everyday Existences of individuals, communities, and
( OperationComplex )s cause all participants that
agree to function in the parameters and
functionality of perfect Law to be at peace, love,
tranquility with life and the ( OperationComplex ) of
3.At the end of all sequences of event Perfect Law
that cause the Marc Perfect Possibility and the Most
Advanced Reality Creation to come into existences
with Knowledge, Ability, and Power, is Marc Perfect
then worship.
43-(1-23). The Marc Perfect Possibility is Marc
Perfect than worship:
1.Over the history of the planet Earth most forms of
worship have not been been directed towards
achieving perfection or a Marc Perfect Humanity
and World. Most civilization that are at least five
thousand years earlier then the year Two Thousand
Common Era had some form of worship all of these
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forms of worship found on the planet earth did not
achieve perfection for those cultures, most of those
forms of order were more concerned with pleasing
an object of worship mainly through sacrifice then
with achieving perfection for Humanity. Most of
those forms of worship were more concerned with
prayer then giving the Knowledge, Ability, and
Power, to Humanity to achieve perfection that is
mental, physical, spiritual, and ( OperationComplex )
atic. Some would come to the conclusion that many
of the failures of early Human culture had to do
with the form of worship that was established in
their civilization.
2.Perfection is Marc Perfect then worship especially
when those who seek to become Marc Perfect have
Knowledge, Ability, and Power, to help in the
formation of such perfections and to maintain such
perfections. Higher Conscious Beings should seek
after Four forms of perfection, 1. Mental Perfection,
2. Physical Perfection, 3. Relation Perfection and, 4. (
OperationComplex )ic Perfection.
3.The first form of Perfection Mental Perfection, is
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having a Perfect, Calculative, Powerful Mind. Having
a Perfect, Calculative, Powerful Mind lead an
individual possessing such a mind to become Marc
Perfect in decision making, in remembering
parameter Law that cause one to commit less
errors, in becoming more creative and inventive, in
making more moral decisions, in making great
calculations that lead one to becoming more
advanced, in withstanding stress and obstacles
because the mind is powerful, in becoming greater
in the ability to communicate and in becoming
more powerful to fight mental combat.
4.The Second form of Perfection Physical Perfection,
is having a More Advanced body that can withstand
the test of time. Such a body will have enough
Knowledge, Ability, and Power, to be Permanent Life
and everlasting. Such a body will be able to repair
any damage done to it, such a body will be able to
defeat all illnesses, germs, and disease that attempt
to terminate it. Such a body will be able to give
birth to progeny in an orderly manner and the
parents of such a body will be able to design
children purposefully, such a body will give birth to
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children with no pain at all. Such a body will be
perfected for eternal companionship in a
heterosexual manner which means that both
existential gender codex male and female will
Existence in matrimony. Such a body will be
powerful enough to defeat all enemies that is
against its kind and race, which means such a body
will be the most powerful body design having the
power to control particle codex, time and space, the
Most Powerful body is a ( Human Universe Makers
Artists Numerics Scientists Intelligences Coders And
Decoders, ( Mind-Actuated-Reality-Calculated-
Existence Matrix Creators And Reality Managers )
Astronomical Reality Humanatorcreators, Particle
Orderer World Elemental Rearranger “Humansicad
Marc Power” ) Body that is a Form Preservation
Body, that control Particle Codex that is personal
and ( OperationComplex )ic.
5.The third form of Perfection is Relation Perfection.
Relation Perfection is the Knowledge, Ability, and
Power, to maintain peace between individuals that
come in contact with each other. When individuals
come in contact with each other there is only 3
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routs of variance that can occur between them, they
can either 1. Become Friends, 2. Become Enemies,
or 3. Ignore Each Other or Go Their Separate Ways.
Relations Perfection teaches individuals that come
in contact with each other 1. how to maintain peace
and friendship amongst each other; 2. how to
survive conflicts that occur between those who
come in contact with each other by avoiding such
conflicts, or winning such conflicts, or surviving such
conflicts; and 3. how to ignore and walk away from
those that have no purpose in ones life enough to
initiate conversation, and how to Existence with
being ignored by others.
6.The fourth form of Perfection is
( OperationComplex )ic Perfection.
( OperationComplex )ic perfection deals with
making a Marc Perfect ( OperationComplex ) that
Higher Conscious Beings Existence in; this includes
building the Most Advanced Resourceful Continuewe-
nation, Building a Perfect
( MindOperationCausation ) with Perfect Law and
Perfect Parameter Rules of Operations. Inventing all
knowledge, Ability, Power and Tools for the Perfect
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Operation of ( OperationComplex )s and the People
that Existence inside of them. Making sure that the
rules of ( OperationComplex ) ( Mind-ActuatedReality-
Calculated-Existence Matrixes ) give the User
and Inhabitants of such ( OperationComplex )s
Protection and Lawful Peace to Existence inside
such ( OperationComplex ) ( Mind-Actuated-RealityCalculated-
Existence Matrixes ). Making sure that
only safe ( MindOperationCausation )s that are
harmless towards Users and Inhabitants of
( OperationComplex ) ( Mind-Actuated-RealityCalculated-
Existence Matrixes ) operate
( OperationComplex ) ( Mind-Actuated-RealityCalculated-
Existence Matrixes ). Making sure that
( OperationComplex )s and the Users and
Inhabitants of such ( OperationComplex )s Existence
in Paradise and Happiness with the greatest
protection for their home world, inhabitants, and
continue-we-nation from invasion and destruction.
7.Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics come to the
conclusion that Perfection is much Marc Perfect
then worship especially when those who seek for a
Marc Perfect Operendice have Knowledge, Ability,
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and Power, to sustain such perfections.
44-(1-24).The postures worships use todocilitate
theirfollowers into the powerlessandthe needy:
1.Posturing is a key part of worship. objects of
worship wither they are real or fake weak or
powerful will seek some form of posturing to assert
their dominance over the worshipers. Some of the
most favorite postures objects of worship and their
priest teach worships is kneeling and bowing.
worshipers must learn how to show an object of
worship that the object of worship rules absolutely
over their mind, body, and soul the most common
way to show the object of worship and the priest of
the object of worship that the object of worship
dominates the mind, body, and soul absolutely is to
bow, kneel, or crawl before the object of worship.
The gesture and posture of bowing, kneeling, and
crawling inputs the code into the mind
( MindOperationCausation ) of the worshiper that
the worshiper is inferior and totally defeated before
the object of worship; and the gesture of seeing a
worship bow, kneel, and crawl input the code in the
mind ( MindOperationCausation ) of the object of
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worship that the object of worship is more powerful
and totally dominates the worshiper.
2.Inferior posturing causes worshipers to become
inferior before the object of worship, but this
inferior posturing does not only cause the
worshiper to become inferior before the object of
worship, but causes the worshiper to give life to the
inferior mind codex, the inferior mind codex causes
those who worship to have a sense of inferiority
this sense of inferiority causes worshipers to
depend, and this dependence causes them to
forsake having their own personal Knowledge,
Ability, and Power, to defend themselves, instead
they immediately call the object of worship to
defend them all day long. This dependence causes
a worshiper to call the object of worship before
even driving a vehicle out of a parking lot. This
dependence causes worshipers to call on the object
of worship before, sleep, when they awake, and
during the day. This dependence causes worshipers
to say that they are nothing before the object of
worship and shall never seek to have power with
the object of worship and as far as a worshiper is
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concerned only the object of worship should have
power no one else. Inferior Posturing and gestures
causes worshipers to hate having power with the
object of worship to a point where they would
tremble in fear, or even terminate, or "curse" the
person, or give illegal hell to the person if they
were told they could have similar power with the
object of worship. Inferior posturing and gestures
causes the object of worship to keep worshipers in
a lower position and causes the object of worship
to prevent worshipers from obtaining Knowledge,
Ability, and Power, that would set them
loosuncaptured from the subjugation of worship.
Inferior posturing and gestures causes the object of
worship to give illegal hell to worshipers even for all
eternity, because worshipers prove to the object of
worship that they are nothing before the object of
worship this inferior posturing causes objects of
worship to punish worshipers severely because
worshipers never fight for their rights before an
object of worship but agree with all judgments that
the object of worship pass because of programming
brought upon by inferior posturing and gestures.
Inferior posturing is the sign an object of worship
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look for to tell the object of worship that the object
of worship have dominance over the worshiper.
Inferior posturing such as crawling on the belly
before an object of worship is a sad sight to see
when it is a Human who crawls. Crawling is the
lowest posture of all this is when a worshiper get
upon the worshipers belly or back and totally
submit before the object of worship this posture
signifies that the worshiper is a total servant of the
object of worship.
3.An Owuwunow must avoid all worship postures
bowing, kneeling, and crawling must be avoided by
Non-Object worshipers. Owuwunows must develop
postures that motivate the uplifting of Knowledge,
Ability, Power, and Mental Pride and Physical Pride.
The Power Up Gicpair Posture is Marc Perfect for a
Owuwunow to use because it causes pride and the
hand to go upward instead of the knees to go
downward, the Chin Up Posture is Marc Perfect for
an Owuwunow to use because it causes alertness
and the head to go upward instead of bow
downward. The Muscle Strong Posture is Marc
Perfect for a Owuwunow to use instead of the hand
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of praise because it causes a Owuwunow to feel
strong instead of weak and needy. The Power Up
Posture is Marc Perfect to Use because it Motivates
the User to Desire to Have and to Keep and to
Increase Knowledge, Ability, and Power and to Give
Priority to Knowledge, Ability and Power over
powerless worshiping. Owuwunow must avoid
inferior, docile nature that lead others to take
advantage of them. It is Perfect to have a Perfect
Nature, but being to docile can cause everyone to
take advantage of a person. A person must have a
humble personality, but must carry Great Power in
the Mind, Body, and Soul being humble does not
mean to be docile, to be humble is not to show off
to much because showing off too much can cause
someone to look like a fool. An Owuwunow must
have a kind nature only when kindness is necessary,
but must have a stern nature when combat is
necessary. An Owuwunow must avoid trembling
before an enemy and so an Owuwunow must have
a strong Mind, Body, and Soul. An Owuwunow must
seek after personal, communal, and
( OperationComplex )ic power so that the person
can always count on the persons self in all situation,
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and when the person give way the community can
count on the communities power to help the
person, and when the community give way the
( OperationComplex )ic program and its parameters
can help the community to survive. Whatever the
person and community put into the
( OperationComplex ) that is what they will get out
of it and so when a community build a
( OperationComplex ) they must put the proper
parameters to deliver themselves from evil malicious
beings and things and nature. For example a battle
ship is a ( OperationComplex ) in which a
community of sailors Existence inside of and so the
sailors that build the Most Powerful Battle Ship to
command and operate will win over other
battleships, and so when a community build a City
Machine or a World Machine the community must
build a City Machine and World Machine that they
can command to rescue themselves when they are
in great danger; and so a world
( OperationComplex ) must be designed to rescue
communities that command it from danger; and so
the Most Advanced Resourceful Continue-we-nation
must be build by Individuals and Communities for
11/10/2017 4:15:17 PM
their own advantage and safety. The City Machine
must be under the command of the Human
Community for their own safety, for the Individual
and Community will build the City Machine for their
own advantage and for the advantage of the City
Machine Infrastructure and Mechanic.
45-(1-25).The 6LevelsOfPosture
1.There are six postures that one observes; the first
Five Postures are found in worship and the Last one
The 6th One is the Owuwunows Posture. Below I
will Explain the Meaning and Significance of the Six
2.(posture 1): total submission on your belly or
back: posture one on your belly is the lowest
posture of all it signifies that the being who is
worshiped by the object worship have obtained
total domination over the mind
( MindOperationCausation ) of the worshiper and
that the worshiper have no conscience or rights
with the object of worship and that the worshiper
can't event stand on the worshipers knees before
the object of worship. This form of posture is not
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used by Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics.
3.(posture 2): total submission on your face: posture
two signifies that the object of worship have
obtained total domination over the worshiper and
have allowed the worshiper to at least get on the
worshipers knees but the worshiper cant even look
at the face of the object of worship and so they put
their face down to the floor. This form of posture is
not used by Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics.
4.(posture 3): on your knees: posture three signifies
that the worship is in punishment and defeat and
must be on the worships knees before the object of
worship. Though the worshiper can look at the
object of worship face the worshiper Existence on
the worshipers knees before the object of worship
but not on the worshipers feet. This form of posture
is not used by Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics.
5.(posture 4): on one knee: posture four signifies
that the object worship have obtained some form
of rights or dignity and have been allowed to
evolve somewhat, but not quite sometimes those
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who are found on one knee are knights of a king or
super natural being. This form of posture is not
used by Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics.
6.(posture 5): bow down your head: posture five
signifies that the object worshiper is not held too
much in check and have been given some form of
respect or rights to at least stand on the object
worshipers feet as a worshiper. This form of bowing
is the more respectable one and the one with the
most dignity out of the worship postures. This form
of posture is not used by Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
7.(Posture 6): Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics Way
Power Up Strong loosuncaptured Beings of Marc-G-
P-L Perfectionists Creatics Way Power Up: posture
six is when a Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics realize that It is Knowledge, Ability, and
Power, that is the true Power inside of Existences;
and that Knowledge, Ability, and Power, is Greater
then worship. This is when Being Of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics realize that Knowledge,
Ability, and Power, along with the Marc Perfect
11/10/2017 4:15:17 PM
Possibility which is the Three Marc Perfect Marc-G-
P-L Perfectionists Creatics Purposes and Plan is the
Greatest Guidance to achieve the Marc Perfect
Possibility inside of Existence. Realizing this absolute
truth Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
invest their time in the pursuit of the obtainment of
Knowledge, Ability, and Power, and the Marc Perfect
Possibility to guide them towards the achievement
of the Marc Perfect Possibility throughout Qualified
and Compatible Infinity. This is when Being of Marc-
G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics realize that only the
Marc Perfect possibility shall Existence throughout
Qualified and Compatible Infinity if their effort as
Non-Object worshipers are achieved. Realizing that
Knowledge, Ability, and Power, along with the Marc
Perfect Possibility is the Greatest Achievement
Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics put
their Arms in a Muscular Way and Power Up Gicpair
each other and those who are their genuine ally
and a Gicpair to all their friends and allies inside of
Existence and to each other they Gicpair upon their
two feet but not upon their knees for upon their
feet they Gicpair with the Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists
Creatics Power Up Gicpair. They come upon their
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Marc-G-P-L Creatic Way is working on Advance Cities for Humanity.
I Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis known that humanity can achieve the More Perfect Possibility if Humanity have Knowledge, Ability, and Power.
MarcGPL Perfectionists Creatic Way
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