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for the ailment and cause of their anti-pleasure
illegal hell to be removed from their daily Existence.
The ability to Existence to ones Continuities Fullness
is one of the greatest achievement an Existential
Being can achieve.
254-(5-16).Ones Education andScholarModality:
1.Education and Scholarship brings Knowledge,
Ability, and Power to achieve what is learned. One
of the Most Important things in the whole of
Existences is Knowledge, Ability, and Power; with
Knowledge, Ability, and Power all things that are
achieve-able by such Knowledge, Ability, and Power
can be achieved. What prayer, pleading, and
begging cannot achieve, Knowledge, Ability, and
Power can achieve so long as it is the appropriate
Knowledge, Ability and Power to achieve what is
required to be achieved. Great Investments of time
and effort must be invested in education and
scholarship. Without the appropriate Knowledge,
Ability, and Power one could be rich with resources
but unable to develop such resources to its full
wealth, therefore the Obtainment of Knowledge,
Ability, Power is one of the Greatest Investments
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Humanity, and Compatibles, and Worlds will ever
255-(5-17). The Ability for Ones Self and Race to
Procreate andProduce Progeny:
1.For Humanity child birth and existence comes
through Procreate and love, but not all entities in
the Universe are born this way some entities are not
born through Procreate and love, nor passion, nor
attraction, nor Procreate, but are born through
replication, germination, assembly, rearrangement,
cloning, materialization, and by building themselves
from the root upwards with no Procreate. Humanity
is lucky in that we get the Marc Perfect Situation
when it come to childbirth. Humanity is the Union
of the Male Aspect Codex of Humanity, and the
Female Aspect Codex of Humanity which allows
both the female version of Humanity and the Male
version of Humanity to survive and participate in
the populating of the Human Species. When it
comes to birth Humanity is lucky in that both the
Human Males body and the Human Females body
get to become the builder of their Human Kind.
Humanity is lucky in that the birth of Humanity
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involve Love, Passion, and Attraction; and Humanity
is mostly a Love Child or a Pure Soul. The method
of birth of Humanity makes Humanity mostly a Pure
Soul Race. The birth of a Human Child is the
product of the Love of their mother and father. The
Human Male and Female Love for each other turns
into companionship and under the right conditions
this companionship can become eternal
companionship. Human Beings naturally hate to be
alone in existences and the Greatest Person a
Human can share a Human's existence with is a
spouse or the fellow contributor to the progress of
Human Progeny which will build the continuance of
Humanity. Humanity should never allow themselves
to lose the ability for their race to Procreate and
make progeny; for the Universe is Infinite in spacial
capacity and Humanity and no other race will be
able to fill up the entirety of infinity. According to
the plans of Marc G-P-L Creatic in the near or far
future Humanity will no longer have birth pain nor
death during childbirth, but shall give birth to an
egg cocoon that will give no pain to the mother of
the child, the egg cocoon shall be placed in a
growing chamber inside of a liquid solution and the
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Human Child shall emerge out of the Egg Cocoon
and grow to larger size in a given pace; two Human
Beings from separate families shall be born next to
each other born for each other in pre-birth design
Procreation Espouse contracts and since birth
Procreation Espouse contracts; These children shall
be designed by the Mind ( MindOperationCausation
) of their parents; Human Beings will be able to
choose what their children look like before they are
born and shall receive orders from the child birth
and progeny department of Marc-G-P-L
Perfectionists Creatics to Create and give birth to
specific children that shall be designed for each
other and Procreation Espoused to each other since
birth and that children shall Existence forevermore
without death nor decay. One of the Greatest things
Humanity shall ever have is Each Other and so
spousal relationships are the most precious
relationships Humanity will ever have in existences.
Therefore Humanity should never give up their right
to be with each other and to Procreate with each
other in a Heterosexual Manner between one Man
and one Woman.
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256-(5-18). Ones Race and Loyal Beings Of That
Race Immediate Race andCo-SimilarRace:
1.In a vast infinite space filled with variations and
combinations of Beings those who are born in
infinity who have something in common are usually
the protectors of each other because they are
compatible with each other. Those who are
compatible with each other must Existence in
harmony with each other and those who are
incompatible with each other must be separated
from each other. Sometimes the Universe is like a
jungle filled with animals who devour each other as
prey; sometimes what rescues and protects one
from those who seek to devour them is ones own
kind; and so ones race and loyal beings of that
race, immediate race and co-similar race is a very
important aspect of existences especially for
Humanity and Compatibles.
257-(5-19).LoyalFriendsandAcquaintances: 1.In
Existences the Law of variations and combination
provide three options one can have friends,
enemies, or those who are neutral towards them.
Having a Loyal friend as a Human or
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Compatible is a very valuable thing for not too
many people with a Higher Conscious Mind wants
to be friendless, but many even those among us
who are loners seek after a friend to stand by their
side during the difficult times and the Perfect times
and so a friend is a valuable thing to have.
258-(5-20). Ones Community, Nation, World, and
1.Those who are often compatible with each other
wither it is because of racial ties, religional ties,
Leadershipment ties, organizational ties,
employmental ties, or common interest ties come
together and form a community, a nation, a world
community, or a Marc-G-P-L Creatic Advanced
Community. It is not only the community that
Existential Beings make that is important but a
Perfect World Environment, or a Perfect Universal
Computation Environment is also an important
thing because that is the host and the ( MindActuated-
Reality-Calculated-Existence Matrixes ) of
their existence and so it is Perfect to Existence in a
Perfect host and a Perfect ( Mind-Actuated-RealityCalculated-
Existence Matrixes ); if one Existence in a
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poor, evil malicious, or conflicting community, world,
( Mind-Actuated-Reality-Calculated-Existence
Matrixes ), and universe then ones life will be
unsatisfactory torn apart by conflicts and a illegal
hellish existence filled with anti-pleasure; and so a
Perfect Community, Perfect Nation, Perfect World,
and a Perfect Universe is very important to an
Existential Being.
259-(5-21).Ones PersonalTools andTechnology
andOnes (OperationComplex)icToolsand
Technology that are Perfect:
1.To Higher Intelligent Lifeforms and even lower
intelligent life form having tools and learning how
to use tools is a very valuable thing. Especially in
the case of Humanity possessing tools have caused
Humanity to become the Most Advance Race in the
Human World, though there are More Advanced
Races currently then Humanity because they
possess Marc Perfect tools then Humanity;
Humanity will soon become just as advanced as
them, so long as Humanity Existence Humanity will
become one of the Most Advanced Race in
Existences, because Humanity possess a Mind
( MindOperationCausation ) that is intelligent
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enough to achieve great things and great thoughts.
The ability for Humanity to think and make logical
intelligent decisions and the design of the body of
Humanity which is an upright design that possess
hands and feet and a tongue to speak and ears to
hear have caused Humanity to become great
communicators and great inventors and designers
of tools; the Humanoid design of Humanity, and the
Senses of Humanity, and the Mind
( MindOperationCausation ) of Humanity have
caused Humanity to become One of the Most
Advanced Races and Humanatorcreators in
Existences; and soon when Humanity possess
supernatural powers, and the ability to become
( Human Universe Makers Artists Numerics
Scientists Intelligences Coders And Decoders,
( Mind-Actuated-Reality-Calculated-Existence Matrix
Creators And Reality Managers ) Astronomical
Reality Humanatorcreators, Particle Orderer World
Elemental Rearranger “Humansicad Marc Power” )s
Humanity will become the Most Powerful Race in
Existences when Humanity obtain the Knowledge,
Ability, and Power to become the Most Powerful
Race in Existences and Optimum Power Humankind
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Shall Obtain with Knowledge, Ability, and Power.
The ability for Humanity to have personal tools of
the body, and external tools from the body is one
of the Most Important thing Humanity will ever
260-(5-22). Ones Personal Shelter from the
1.For Humanity Shelter is a very important part of
life. Humanity originated as a species in open
jungles among the wild beast of predator filled
jungles seeking for food to eat in open jungles of
turbulent weather and labyrinth like foliage and
trees. Being an intelligent life form Humanity soon
began to think elaborate ways to bring order to a
dangerous environment of origination. Soon the
talented among Humanity began to build shelters
though at first such shelter was basic over millennial
ages Humanity soon build great highways and
skyscrapers and space stations and infrastructure
( OperationComplex )s to order Humanity into an
organized people to survive the environmental
shifts and weather of the Earth. Ones personal
shelter from the environment as a Human or
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Compatible is very important aspect of life and
brings order and safety from the environment and
the beast, intruders, and pestilence that dwell in
certain environments.
261-(5-23).The Ability to Build aLasting
Continue-we-nation that Achieves the Marc
Perfect Possibility throughout Existence and
Throughout the Vastness ofPerfect Non-illegal
1.Living to ones continuities fullness is a very
important thing in existences and the chances of
living longer increases when Humanity and
Compatibles build a lasting Continue-we-nation that
achieves the Marc Perfect Possibility throughout
Existences and Throughout the Vastness of Perfect
Non-illegal hell Space. A Continue-we-nation is one
of the most important machine a Human or
Compatible will ever build such a Continue-wenation
machine bring order to a peoples daily
Existence; such a machine is the machine that
Create the routes, institutions, and situations that
bring about the advancement and survival of a
people. The order ( OperationComplex ) of a
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Continue-we-nation brings out the perfection of a
people when it is ordered appropriately the Marc
Perfect a Continue-we-nation is designed the
greater the Paradises the People living inside of its
boundaries will experience. A Beautiful Continuewe-
nation brings much happiness and pride in the
hearts of those who Existence inside of its
boundaries. Great happiness can be cultivated
inside the boundaries of a secure paradise filled
Continue-we-nation and such a Nation shall
continue the Existence span of those who Existence
inside of its boundaries and Existence by the order (
OperationComplex ) which organizes the people
into an orderly machine of commuters an civilians.
The ability to build a lasting Continue-we-nation is
one of the most important things Humanity and
Compatibles will achieve and because a Continuewe-
nation is the habitation of those who Existence
in such ( Mind-Actuated-Reality-Calculated-
Existence Matrixes ) situations a people must make
sure such a continue-we-nation is the Most
Advanced Reality Continue-we-nation that they can
build for their advantage, their survival, their
habitation, their advancement and their Paradise.
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262-(5-24).Ones Occupation tosustainOnes
Personal (OperationComplex):and to sustain
Ones Communal(OperationComplex)and to
1.Employment is a very important aspect of Human
and Compatibles life for it takes away the boredom
out of life and gives purpose to a person, increases
the intelligence of a person, and contribute to the
advancement of society. Ones occupation to sustain
ones personal ( OperationComplex ) and to sustain
ones communal ( OperationComplex ) and to
sustain ones ( OperationComplex )ic
( OperationComplex ) is a very important aspect of
Human and Compatibles life. From the beginning of
a Human's Life a Purpose is to be fulfilled by the
Human and such a purpose for Human Beings
come in two forms 1. Employmental Contribution to
society, and 2. the Procreate to sustain the Human
Race into continuance. Knowledge, Ability, and
Power is obtained in education institutions, and
situational ( OperationComplex )s to accomplish the
occupational task of ones labor position; and a
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mate is sought after to continue ones race and
species by Procreate and the birth of children
especially in races that are mortal and die away
Procreate is essential to the survival of ones species,
race, and kind. An occupation is supposed to be
designed for the sustainment of ones Continue-wenation
and the ( OperationComplex ) ( MindActuated-
Reality-Calculated-Existence Matrixes ) and
people that Existence inside the boundary of such
reality ( OperationComplex )s. The Human
community, Human person, and Human
( OperationComplex ) is sustained by employment
and occupations of its citizens, physical body host,
mechanism and ( OperationComplex )ic beings.
Employment and Occupations are purposes for the
birth of individuals in Reality ( OperationComplex )s.
263-(5-25). Perfect Pleasure, Leisure, and
1.There must be times that are loosuncapturety
from time consuming duties such times must be
reserved for Perfect Pleasure, Leisure, and
Entertainment. Humanity must maintain the
employmental ( OperationComplex ) of Human
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Society and so most of the time Humanity and
Compatibles will find themselves busy and occupied
with labor wither it be physical or mental labor.
Once a Human Being have fulfilled their
occupational duties, they must be given time to
experience Perfect Pleasure, Leisure, and
Entertainment. Pleasure, Leisure, and Entertainment
are at their prime state of existence when they are
positive and clean of evil malicious annoyances and
unclean attributes such as curse words and
profanity or any other evil malicious annoyance, or
unclean attributes. To keep Humanity happy to be
alive and content with their existences it is
necessary to have Perfect Pleasure, Leisure, and
Entertainment to satisfy their mind, body, and soul.
Perfect Pleasure, Leisure, and Entertainment is some
of the most satisfying things Humanity will have in
their Existence.
264-(5-26). The Maintenance of Ones Beauty and
1.Acceptable is a person that is Perfect and
Beautiful and Clean. A combination of Perfectness,
Beauty, and Cleanliness makes someone very
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acceptable. Humanity and Compatibles must
maintain their Perfectness, Beauty, and Cleanliness.
Beauty does not mean that racist Law are put in
place to oppress those among us who are so called
not so pretty but all of us those who are considered
not so pretty and those who are considered
Beautiful must maintain our beauty and cleanliness.
In modern Human society if someone is a modern
Human wither they are considered Beautiful or not
so pretty they must be protected by the Law and
community to survive as their variance; and so all
Modern Humans are protected from termination
based on beauty because all Modern Humans have
the right to life pretty and not so pretty.
265-(5-27).The Maintenance ofOnes Reputation:
1.One who have a Perfect reputation is respected by
those who knows the person's Perfect credit and
Perfect reputation; and so the maintenance of ones
reputation is the key to being respected by society,
acquaintances, friends, and family and even an
enemy give a greater respect to someone with a
Perfect reputation; and so the maintenance of ones
reputation is one of the more important things and
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quality Humanity and Compatibles will have in their
Existence; and so honesty, Perfectness, keeping ones
Perfect words, helping others, having a clean record
of acts, correcting mistakes that are made, paying
your bills and debts on time, not being a thief,
being a moral person, being on time to
appointments, being dependable, non-criminal like
behavior, compassion, and empathy for others all
play a role in contributing towards ones Perfect
Reputation. The maintenance of ones reputation is
one of the More important things Humanity and
Compatibles will have in Existences.
266-(6).The Three PrimaryEnjoyable Conditions
OfMarc-G-P-LPerfectionists Creatics Purposes
1.The Most Important and Enjoyable codex and
state of Existences all Compatible Existential Beings
of Existences, the Compatible Universes, throughout
all compatible worlds throughout Qualified and
Compatible Infinity, and especially throughout the
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics shall ever know
is the Three Primary Enjoyable Conditions of
Existences of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics
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Marc-G-P-L Creatic Way is working on Advance Cities for Humanity.
I Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis known that humanity can achieve the More Perfect Possibility if Humanity have Knowledge, Ability, and Power.
MarcGPL Perfectionists Creatic Way
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