and Logical Calculations:
1.Reactionary Technique and Logical Calculation is the method the
victim of schizoid entities will use to survive the illness. This method of
survival is based on logical thinking and reactionary calculations. Listed in this
book are 51 methods evil minded schizoid entities use on their victims to
drive their victims into insanity or even suicide as over 10% of victims of
schizophrenia commit suicide, over 77 million are effected world wide with the
oppressive disease which is not really a disease but mental and physical
warfare induced by invisible evil minded schizoid entities to terrorize their
2.If you count the 10% of the 77 million people who are victimized by
schizophrenia who commit suicide, you will get a genocidal number 7,700,000;
That is Seven million, Seven hundred, thousand people who will commit
suicide around the world because of Schizophrenia which is induced by
invisible evil minded schizoid entities.
3.I am writing this Guide Book to guide and instruct you on how, to survive
schizoid entity tactics using knowledge and reactionary thinking and logical
4.When you are attacked by evil minded schizoid entities you are in a, state of
war. Truthfully you are in a state of mental warfare and you can lose your life.
Like the battle fields of physical warfare where bullets missiles and other
weapons of war are used to kill victims, the evil minded schizoid entities use
words to kill you instead of bullets. Words to the evil minded schizoid entity
are like bullets and missiles and they intent to kill you or torment you using
words, especially curse words warfare. In fact most schizophrenic attacks are
curse words warfare. That is when the schizoid entity uses curse words to
torture and degrade the victim even into suicide. In fact, the evil minded
entities not only have words as bullets, but actually carry other weapons such
as electrical pulse weapons to shock the victims body, heat burst weapons,
hallucinogenic weapons, heart attacks, diseases, rape, sexual molestation,
spitting on the victim, cannibalizing the victim, and many more weapons.
5.When facing the evil minded schizoid entities you must be very logical and
you must understand that you are at war against an invisible enemy that is as
real as you are. Learning all the methods of the schizoid entities, you must
then put them to use in your calculations. Each method you use is a logical
construct and a logical phrase. This phrase you will use to have mental clarity
on which method the evil minded entities are using on you. Many times the
schizoid entities come in groups to fight against the victim and to abuse the
6.Using the 51 techniques revealed in this book, you must use them like you
would use a shield or a gun to protect yourself and you must do so logically
with mental clarity and practice
7.The evil minded schizoid entity depend on you to lack the knowledge of
what it is doing to you. The normal reaction of victims of schizoid entities are
frustration, melancholy, depression, suicidal thoughts, great anger,
hopelessness, confusion, restlessness, fright, fear, mental pain and anguish and
other disastrous forms of reactions. You must overcome these reactions to the
schizoid entities and replace them with reactionary thinking and logical
calculations and optimism.
8.I will now guide you on how to respond to the evil minded schizoid entities.
Like a machine the evil minded schizoid entities are prone to do the same
thing over and over again. The evil minded schizoid attack a victim to torture
the victim and like torturers they will use the same method to attack the
victim over and over again. I have calculated these method with personal
experience and the experience of others to reveal the techniques the evil
minded schizoid entities are using to torture, torment and murder their
victims. It is like a science. The evil minded schizoid entities work in a network
and they pretty much do a variation and combination of things to torment or
kill their victims and most victims will have a similar experience when it comes
to the evil minded schizoid entity warfare that is waged against them.
9.What you must do is retrain your mind, you are at war for your life and in
sometimes for the life of your children and loved ones because evil minded
schizoid entities can even make you kill your own children or other people
that you are familiar with or kill complete strangers with some of their
methods such as lies, criminal intent and murder techniques.
10.Your mind must be able to adapt quickly and it must have great
intelligence at knowing what is truthful and what are lies and what methods
that are being used against your consciousness. Knowing these methods you
can then logically react to them in a calm and collective way. Calmness is the
way when it comes to schizophrenia, you as a victim must learn how to stay
calm and calculate. Depending on the level of the schizoid entities attack you
will have to do a lot of calculating in order to keep your mental sanity and
guide yourself logically through this illness.
11.When it comes to evil minded schizoid entities calculations can save your
life and your mental sanity. For each method a evil minded schizoid entity
uses on you, you must have a logical reaction in your mind.
12.For example if you hear Evil harmful sounds from the Environment: your
reaction must be a logical calculation and mental response of the phrase ”evil
harmful sound from the environment” and you must be prepared to use this
logical phrase each time you hear the sound and are able to calculate it. You
calculate and you move on to the next task. Whatever you are doing
including working and playing or resting you must be able to do your logical
calculations with calmness and courage.
13.If you hear the evil minded schizoid entity cursing in your head at you or
at others. Your reactionary calculation must be: the phrase “curse words
warfare” you say the phrase mostly in your head and not with your mouth. It
is easier to say the phrase with your head or mental voice instead of with
your voice coming from your mouth. Saying the logical phrase with your
mental voice is less tiring than saying the logical phrase with your voice using
your mouth. Another problem is that while attempting to say the logical
phrase the evil minded schizoid entity may attempt to sabotage your words
using voice overlapment over sound. By using its own voice to sabotage what
you are attempting to say instead of hearing the logical phrase, victims hear
the schizoid entity overlap its voice over their own voice.
14.I guide you to become a logical conscious machine. You must calculate for
your mental sanity and for the preservation of your life. By calculating the
attack of the schizoid entity you use knowledge to be several steps ahead of
the evil minded schizoid entity. Instead of out of control emotions, fright,
frustration and anger you gain logical calculating power of the mind.
15.Listed in this book are 51 techniques the evil minded schizoid entity uses
on its victim for some victims it may be more or less, but I am writing this
manual to guide you on how to respond to the attack of the schizoid entities.
You must be courageous and brave not letting fear take over your mind, body
or soul. You must become a knower of the techniques that are used against
you in order for you to lose control over your life and your happiness and joy
in this world and reality system.
16.For each method the schizoid entity uses you must have a logical reaction
and that logical reaction is the logical phrase categorized in this book. You
must learn each technique thoroughly so that may have the power of
knowledge over the brain washer and torturer that is the evil minded schizoid
17.For example I will lists some of the methods used by the schizoid entities
these are only categorized samples, you will learn in detail what they are later
in this book.
759-(19-114-18). If the evil minded
schizoid entity uses Evil harmful sounds
from the Environment:
your logical reaction must be this phrase “Evil harmful sounds from the
Environment” ; I advise you not to panic many evil sounds will come from
your environment, calmness is the way to survive along with your logical
760-(19-114-19). If the evil minded
schizoid entity uses Sonic Weapons:
your logical reaction must be this phrase “Sonic Weapons”; I advise you not to
panic sonic weapons are sometimes used by the schizoid entities to shock
their victims with sound through voice overlapment.
761-(19-114-20). If the evil minded
schizoid entity uses Lies:
your logical reaction must be this phrase “Lies” ; I advise you not to listen to
the lies they tell you don’t be fooled especially to do something harmful to
yourself or to others because of lies the schizoids can sometimes be
pathological liars, but sometimes they tell truths, do no harm to yourself or to
others because of their lies, seek truths calculate logically.
762-(19-114-21). If the evil minded
schizoid entity uses Disinformation:
your logical reaction must be this phrase “Disinformation”; I advise you not to
be easily fooled by the schizoid entities they will use disinformation to
confuse and to mislead you think logically before you believe what they say
and see that they are very misleading.
763-(19-114-22). If the evil minded
schizoid entity uses Invisibility:
your logical reaction must be this phrase “ Invisibility” ; I advise you no to let
invisibility mislead you into thinking that the schizoid entities are not real,
they are very real and they are depending on you to think that they don’t
exists so that they may harm you with impunity, but I advise you to know that
they are real and to charge them with the crimes they commit against you.
764-(19-114-23). If the evil minded
schizoid entity uses Visual Hallucinations
and Weapons:
your logical reaction must be this phrase “Visual Hallucinations and Weapons”
; I advise you to make your own visual hallucinations shields and weapons to
fight against them. Your Universal Guardian Selves and friends will imagine
the weaponry for you in the astral world and they will assists you to fight with
your chosen weapon. You are at war against an enemy that uses your mind to
torture and kill you don't be afraid to hit them using your minds eye, but they
will attempt to hit you back, use creative weapons to fight against them.
765-(19-114-24). If the evil minded
schizoid entity uses Pressure around the
forehead, brain and skull:
your logical reaction must be this phrase “Pressure around the forehead, brain
and skull”; I advise you to purchase a skully, stocking, cap, beanie cap,
headband or bandana to put on your forehead to block the vibration of the
pressure to the forehead, brain or skull.
766-(19-114-25). If the evil minded
schizoid entity uses Mental Enslavement:
your logical reaction must be this phrase “Mental Enslavement”. I advise you
not to become the mental slave of the invisible evil minded schizoid entities.
You must not become the slave of anyone or entity, you are a Free Beings Of,
Marc-G-P-L Creatic, Existences, and Original Universal Infinite Matrix
Existence . Charge the schizoid entity with attempted slavery and break any
bondage it puts against you and others.
767-(19-114-26). If the evil minded
schizoid entity uses Torture:
your logical reaction must be this phrase “Torture” ; I inform you that torture
is one of the most common tools used by the schizoid entities most or all of
the things they do to you is to torment and torture your mind, body and soul.
Be strong and courageous in the face of torture don’t give up this is a fight
for your life. Charge the evil minded schizoid entity with torture and defend
yourself and others from their cruel and degrading treatment and
punishment, they are illegal violations.
768-(19-114-27). If the evil minded
schizoid entity uses Terrorist Threats:
your logical reaction must be this phrase “Terrorist Threats”; I advise you to be
fearless in the face of terror don’t be afraid. Terrorism is one of the main tools
of evil minded schizoid entities you must have resolution that you can defeat
the invisible terrorists and tormentors of your mind, conscience, and body.
Face the evil minded terrorists with fearlessness don’t let them frighten you
charge them with terrorism, show them that you do not buckle in fear in the
face of terrorism.
769-(19-114-28). If the evil minded
schizoid entity uses Racism Programation
and Colorism:
your logical reaction must be this phrase “Racism Programation and Colorism”
; I advise you to know that racism is a tool of divide and conquer and the evil
minded schizoid entities know this do not let them overcome your tolerance
with racists thoughts and behaviors if you do you will lose you ability to
cooperate and communicate with other Universal Races with respect and
dignity. We all come from the same Universal Source which is Original
Universal Infinite Matrix Existence . Respect your race and respect the race of
other Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Creatic. Racisms is a tool of hatred do not let the
evil minded schizoid entity fill you with hatred for your race or for the race of
770-(19-114-29). If the evil minded
schizoid entity uses Negative Enticement:
your logical reaction must be this phrase “Negative Enticement”; I advise you
to know that the evil minded schizoid entities will always seek to entice you in
a negative way, relax, take deep breaths and defend yourself. Calm yourself
down have control over your mind and seek to spread positive energy when
you are enticed in a negative way by schizoid entities.
771-(19-114-30). If the evil minded
schizoid entity uses Sleep Depravation:
your logical reaction must be this phrase “Sleep Depravation” ; I advise you to
purchase sleeping prescription strength sleeping pills to fall asleep or you
may be in danger of suicidal thoughts. Sleep is very important for victims of
schizoid entities, without proper sleeping the body gets tiring and very
annoyed this gives the schizoid entity an opportunity to seek to make the
victim commit suicide, don't commit suicide get as much sleep as possible,
also without sleep, the victim is much more likely to see the invisible world
vibrating slightly faster then our reality, without proper preparation this can be
772-(19-114-31). If the evil minded
schizoid entity uses Curse Words
your logical reaction must be this phrase “Curse Words Warfare”; I advise you
to know that curse words warfare is one of the main methods the schizoid
entities use on their victims, don’t curse back as this uses tiring and stressful
levels of energy instead calculate what they say and respond with the logical
reactionary speech “Curse Words Warfare”. Don’t let anger overcome
you nor be aroused into anger and frustration, calmness is the way to survive.
By the way like machines, the evil minded schizoid entities may attempt to say
the same curse words over and over again. If they say curse words to religious
Super Natural Being and figures, and important people of our world such as
politicians, stars, family, friend, etc., and the Universe don’t commit suicide
over it this is a common method to cause a victim to live in fear, to panic and
to commit suicide. Don’t allow them to frighten you into insanity and suicide
and don’t repeat the curse words they say.
773-(19-114-32). If the evil minded
schizoid entity uses Depression:
your logical reaction must be this phrase “Depression”; I advise you to know
that depression kills people over time, find Ways to avoid depression, do
things that calm you down take a walk, listen to music even though they will
attempt to sabotage the music overcome them listen to the music anyway
don’t be afraid overtime you will become immune to the curse words, but you
must use your logical calculations in order to do this. Do things that lower
your depression avoid sadness and anger.
774-(19-114-33). If the evil minded
schizoid entity uses Conniving Directive:
your logical reaction must be this phrase “Conniving Directive”; I advise you to
know that the evil minded schizoids are very conniving. See through their
connivance techniques be clever enough to realize it identify conniving
behavior and bring it out into the light with clarity, don’t be fooled by the
schizoid entities. The evil minded schizoid entities have no shame, yet they
will attempt to shame you see through their connivance.
775-(19-114-34). If the evil minded
schizoid entity uses Coercion:
your logical reaction must be this phrase “Coercion”; I advise you to know
that the schizoid entities will attempt to coerce you to do things you do not
want to do, do not fallow them nor agree with them. They will even bring out
your past and present deeds to coerce you into submission or agreement do
not agree with them defend yourself and let them know that you are aware of
their coercive plans against you they will use evil exposure coercion on you
also known as blackmailing. Don’t agree with them defend yourself.
776-(19-114-35). If the evil minded
schizoid entity uses Accusations:
your logical reaction must be this phrase “Accusations” ; I advise you not to
give in to accusations. Accusations are major methods used by the schizoid
entities they will continually accuse a victim so that they may gain power over
the victim to do evil to the victim. One of their method is accusation for
acquisition they accuse victims so that they may acquire power over the
victim, or acquire to do evil things to the victim such as torture, sexual assault,
degradation, or silence from the victim, or ownership of the victim, or
ownership of the victims property, land, family, or friends, or condemnation of
the victim and many more evil things they wish to acquire from the victim. Be
prepared to defend yourself the More Perfect way you can never agree with
them for them to have authority to torture, or burn you, or send you to any
hell in this life or in any potential after or future life hell is illegal to the
Beings of the system of the Universe and especially to the Marc-G-P-L Creatic
who invented those sayings and laws and you are a part of the Marc-G-P-L
Creatic and the Universe which is the (Original Universal Infinite Matrix
Existence ). Though the evil minded schizoid entities are guilty of many evil
things they will still accuse you of any error you have in your file, these errors
are usually kept in your memory file; they will go into your memory file and
start reviewing your life recordings, this is how they will learn of all your
mistakes. They will even accuse you of what they are guilty of it is part of the
conniving directive; they will also accuse you of what you are not guilty of.
Don’t give in to them seek to achieve the More Perfect possibility. Evil minded
entities are not the only ones who use accusations for acquisitions but also
the evil human, the evil minded, and the evil Super Natural Being use
accusations for acquisitions to acquire Beings Of Existences and Their Property
or self for slavery, hell, or even for food.
777-(19-114-36). If the evil minded
schizoid entity uses False Accusations:
your logical reaction must be this phrase “False Accusations”; I advise you to
know that the schizoid entities will use false accusations against their victims.
False accusations are common among victims of schizoid entities. They
habitually accuse victims of things they never did. They will make up false
accusations against their victims when falsely accused defend yourself do not
at any point agree with the schizoid entity when it falsely accuse you. Known
the truth and don’t be fooled by the schizoid entities lies and false
778-(19-114-37). If the evil minded
schizoid entity uses Opinionated Sin
your logical reaction must be this phrase “Opinionated Sin Conspiracy”;
Regularly the evil minded entity will use opinions to doom their victims.
Whatever opinions they have they will use them to accuse the victim of sin.
Many times these are sexual accusations and other accusations based on nonharmful
things. I advise you not to do any sexual indecencies around the evil
minded schizoid entities or around anyone, or they will accuse you, if you are
involved in sexuality make sure that you are heterosexual and seek to be
married to your sexual partner. You should only have sex with one sexual
partner in marriage and you must be a heterosexual this is the least error-full
and least troublesome sexual modality; and also you must make sure that you
forgive yourself for past sexual mistakes that you made and move forward
toward sexual morality and proper sexual behavior. When they accuse you of
opinionated sin conspiracies let them know that they are opinionated sin
conspiracies, if you do not let them know that they will attempt to doom and
torture the victim based on their opinions of harmless things. Do not let them
condemn you for harmless things or for their opinions, even if they use
religious and governmental laws on you. If you did a harmless thing it is
opinionated sin conspiracy, in order for it to be an opinionated sin conspiracy
you must prove that it was harmless.
779-(19-114-38). If the evil minded
schizoid entity uses Religion:
your logical reaction must be this phrase “Religion”; I advise you to know that
the evil minded schizoid entity will use religion against their victims. Do not
let the schizoid entities use religiously sanctioned hatred against you and do
not let them use religious games in your head. They will cause you to become
afraid using religion and they may use religion to make you do harmful things
to your self or to others. Be careful of what they tell you to do because of
religion and don’t worship them or you will become their servant or slave,
they will command you and do whatever they please to you using religion.
780-(19-114-39). If the evil minded
schizoid entity uses Confusion:
your logical reaction must be this phrase “Confusion”; I advise you to know
that the schizoid entities will use confusion on you be careful not to become
confused by the schizoid entities. Have clarity of your mind and see through
all their confusions.
781-(19-114-40). If the evil minded
schizoid entity uses Change of Intent:
your logical reaction must be this phrase “Change of Intent” ; I advise you to
know that the schizoid entity uses a very conniving, confusing method called
change of intent if they change your intent know and identify the technique
and redirect your intent back to its original intention.
782-(19-114-41). If the evil minded
schizoid entity uses Superstition:
your logical reaction must be this phrase “Superstition”; I advise you to know
that superstition is a major block to understanding reality. Do not fall into
superstitious practices or beliefs because they will not do anything to free you
from the evil minded schizoid entities. Steer clear of superstition and find an
effective proven to work method to survive and free yourself from the
invisible evil minded schizoid entities.
783-(19-114-42). If the evil minded
schizoid entity uses Aggressive Assault:
your logical reaction must be this phrase “Aggressive Assault”; I advise you to
know that the evil minded schizoid entities will assault their victims regularly
through curse words warfare, through visual hallucinogenic weapons, and
through physical assault using a number of weapons they possess, such as
electrocution weapons, heat burst weapons, sonic weapons and many more.
Charge them with aggressive assault as many times as they assault you and
don’t lose hope defend yourself.
784-(19-114-43). If the evil minded
schizoid entity uses Criminal Intent:
your logical reaction must be this phrase “Criminal Intent” ; I advise you not
to commit any crime or let it commit crimes against you.
785-(19-114-44). If the evil minded
schizoid entity uses Brainwash:
your logical reaction must be this phrase “Brainwash” ; I advise you not to let
it brainwash you.
786-(19-114-45). If the evil minded
schizoid entity uses Evil Cue:
your logical reaction must be this phrase “Evil Cue”; I advise you to know that
the schizoid entity will continually use evil cue on its victims to initialize the
next behavioral thought or action by the victim. The victim must identify the
evil cue and must not comply with it.
787-(19-114-46). If the evil minded
schizoid entity uses Arousal Of Anger:
your logical reaction must be this phrase “Arousal Of Anger” ; I advise you not
to become angry, calmness is the way.
788-(19-114-47). If the evil minded
schizoid entity uses Sexual Harassment:
your logical reaction must be this phrase “Sexual Harassment” . I advise you
not to lose hope and you must know that the schizoid entity have violated
you, it is a crime against you and others to be sexually assaulted. Rape is a
common method the schizoid entities use against their victims. I advise
victims not to allow the schizoid entity to cause them to sexual abuse an
adult or a child in any way. Yet the schizoid entity may attempt to sexual
assault victims while they are awake or while they are asleep.
789-(19-114-48). If the evil minded
schizoid entity uses Sexual Deprivation
and degradation:
your logical reaction must be this phrase “Sexual Deprivation and
degradation”;I advise victims to know that sexuality may become undesirable
to victims of schizoid entities as they may make the practice more difficult to
practice. If victims are strong perhaps victims may overcome the guilt and
oppression and still be able to practice sexuality. Be very careful with sexuality
around schizoid entities as they may seek to take advantage of sexual victims.
Victims who are human must also make sure that they only practice sexuality
with human beings or they may get killed by an invisible entity seeking to kill
them for mating with the invisible entities kind. It is also much More Perfect
and safer when Humans mate with Humans only. I also advise sexual beings
not to be involved with pornography, prostitution, promiscuity, or adultery. If
you practice sexuality while the evil minded schizoid entity is tormenting you
make sure that you are married and practice sexuality with one partner only in
a heterosexual manner; and also if you practice sexuality make sure you say
these words in your mind before practicing sexuality with your spouse say “to
all invisible and visible beings can I please have some privacy to mate with my
spouse”. The reason I say this is because the invisible and visible beings can
see you mating with your spouse even inside your home. Sometimes the evil
minded schizoid entities will even attempt to spit on, or rape, or harm, or kill
a victim who is practicing sexuality with their spouse. A human have an
essential, absolutely, necessary, indispensable right to mate with their spouse
in a heterosexual manner, especially for the procreation of children. It is the
evil minded schizoid entity that is violating the law when it refuse to allow a
human to mate with their spouse.
790-(19-114-49). If the evil minded
schizoid entity uses Heat Burst Weapon:
your logical reaction must be this phrase “Heat Burst Weapon and Assault” ; I
advise the victims to know that the schizoid entity have attacked the victim in
a physical way. The victim must not be scared, the victim must be brave and
courageous in the face of physical assault.
791-(19-114-50). If the evil minded
schizoid entity uses Electrocution
your logical reaction must be this phrase “Electrocution Weapon and Assault”;
I advise the victim to know that the schizoid entity have attacked the victim in
a physical way the victim must not be scared, but must be brave and
courageous in the face of physical assault.
792-(19-114-51). If the evil minded
schizoid entity uses Heart Tremors:
your logical reaction must be this phrase “Heart Tremors and Attempted
Murder”; I advise you to know that the schizoid entity have attacked you in a
physical way don't be scared, be brave and courageous in the face of physical
793-(19-114-52). If the evil minded
schizoid entity uses Fright:
your logical reaction must be this phrase “Fright” I advise you not to become
scared be brave in the face of fear.
794-(19-114-53). If the evil minded
schizoid entity uses Hate/ Hatred/ Hate
your logical reaction must be this phrase “Hate/ Hatred/ Hate Crimes”; I
advise you not to let hatred consume you defuse the hatred remain calm.
795-(19-114-54). If the evil minded
schizoid entity uses Entrapment:
your logical reaction must be this phrase “Entrapment”; I advise you to relax
yourself think it through visualize freedom calm down your nerves.
796-(19-114-55). If the evil minded
schizoid entity uses Restlessness:
your logical reaction must be this phrase “Restlessness” ; I advise you to
remain calm take deep breaths of meditation. If the schizoid entity overlaps its
voice over your meditative breath do not be dismay overcome it and don’t be
797-(19-114-56). If the evil minded
schizoid entity uses Subliminal
Messages/ Torturous Subliminal
your logical reaction must be this phrase “Subliminal Messages/ Torturous
Subliminal Messages” . I advise you to Remain calm read through the signs
you see turn them into your advantage over the schizoid entities.
798-(19-114-57). If the evil minded
schizoid entity uses Discouragement:
your logical reaction must be this phrase “Discouragement” ; I advise you not
to be discouraged optimize yourself become an optimists in all that you do,
keep moving forward.
799-(19-114-58). If the evil minded
schizoid entity uses Hopelessness:
your logical reaction must be this phrase “Hopelessness”; I advise you not to
lose hope against the evil minded schizoid entity, become an optimists in all
struggles. Think it through logically find your way and complete all tasks with
800-(19-114-59). If the evil minded
schizoid entity uses Fear:
your logical reaction must be this phrase “Fear” ; I advise you not to be afraid,
be brave. You can dance through fear when you overcome it.
801-(19-114-60). If the evil minded
schizoid entity uses Inducement of
Cowardly Behavior:
your logical reaction must be this phrase “ Inducement of Cowardly Behavior”;
I advise you not to allow cowardly behavior to make you an easy prey for the
schizoid entity face the fear head on and be courageous against the schizoid
802-(19-114-61). If the evil minded
schizoid entity uses Teasing and
your logical reaction must be this phrase “Teasing and bothering” ; I advise
you not to let words get in your way don’t cry or become ashamed, nor
aroused into anger by the evil minded schizoid entities.
803-(19-114-62). If the evil minded
schizoid entity uses Dreams:
your logical reaction must be this phrase “Dreams” ; I advise you not to
become dismayed after a bad dream, or abuse in your dreams by the schizoid
entities, go back to sleep or take sleeping pills. Practice having awareness in
your sleep. Be prepared to defend yourself in your sleep and while you are
awake. Practice makes perfect.
804-(19-114-63). If the evil minded
schizoid entity uses Flashing Lights,
Broken Electronic Equipments, animal
attacks and other Paranormal Activities:
your logical reaction must be the applicable phrase out of the lists “Flashing
Lights, Broken Electronic Equipments, animal attacks and other Paranormal
Activities”; I advise you to remain calm, have no fear and be prepared to
escape from harm or to defend yourself from harm.
805-(19-114-64). If the evil minded
schizoid entity uses Sickness and
your logical reaction must be this phrase “Sickness and Diseases”; I advise you
to be prepared to go to the hospital for medical help and buy whatever
medicine that is necessary to cure you illness. Also be prepared to charge the
evil minded entity with attempted murder because it gave you an illness.
806-(19-114-65). If the evil minded
schizoid entity uses Sabotage:
Your logical reaction must be this phrase “Sabotage” ; I advise you to know
that most or everything the evil minded schizoid entities do is to sabotage
your mind and body. Knowing is half the battle and your ability to survive is
the other half. You must use your knowledgeable brain and discipline to
perceive sabotage and to avoid and fix what have been sabotaged your life,
your relationship, friendships, occupation and all other things that have been
sabotaged by the evil minded schizoid entities must be repaired and
strengthened. I reveal these methods to you, so that you may avoid the
sabotages of the evil minded schizoid entities and other sabotagers of the
invisible and visible world.
807-(19-114-66). If the evil minded
schizoid entity uses evil minded
your logical reaction must be this phrase “evil minded Cannibalism” ; I advise
you not to agree to be eaten by evil minded entities or anyone it is a crime
and illegal to cannibalize a Higher Conscious Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Creatic,
Existences, and Original Universal Infinite Matrix Existence . Cannibalism of a
Human or Higher Conscious Being is illegal and evil and can be punishable a
death sentence.
808-(19-114-67). If the evil minded
schizoid entity uses Attempted Murder/
your logical reaction must be this phrase “Attempted Murder or Murder” ; I
advise you to Charge the schizoid entity with the crime and do not follow
their instruction to commit murder against anyone. You have the right to
defend yourself, but do not commit murder.
809-(19-114-68). If the evil minded
schizoid entity uses Crimes Against
Humanity and Universal Crimes:
your logical reaction must be this phrase “Crimes Against Humanity and
Universal Crimes”; I advise you not to give the schizoid entity the idea nor the
permission to commit crimes against you nor against other Universal Beings.
The harmful things the schizoid entities do to you and others are highly illegal
crime against Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Creatic, Existences, and Original Universal
Infinite Matrix Existence .
810-(19-114-69). If the evil minded
schizoid entity uses Fatality:
your logical reaction must be this phrase “Fatality”; I advise you not to
become catatonic or stricken with sadness. You have to see that the evil
minded schizoid entity knows what it is doing and want the victim to
experience fatality by the programming that the evil minded schizoid entity is
using against the victim.
811-(19-114-70). If the evil minded schizoid
entity uses Abomination Attack:
your logical reaction must be this phrase “Abomination Attack”; Many times
abominations will be used against the victim. The evil minded schizoid entities
will use beastiality, homosexuality, and cannibalism against their victims if they
can. The evil minded schizoid entity are a living abomination against
everything they can overpower. You must be prepared to fight them to the
end, let them know that they are an abomination attack.
812-(19-114-71). If the evil minded
schizoid entity uses Many More Unnamed
Criminal Tactics and Activity:
your logical reaction must be this phrase “Is to say the applicable tactic that
the schizoid entity is using against you”; Catalog all new tactics of the evil
minded schizoid entities and use logical reactionary speech and calculations
to defend yourself and to have clarity and in advantage over the oppression,
persecution, and illness of schizophrenia that is caused by the evil minded
schizoid entities.
72.Knowing how to logically react to the schizoid entity can save your life and
the life of other Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Creatic young and old. This method is
simple yet it takes practice. As the saying goes practice makes perfect. You are
in a war for your life and for your happiness. The evil minded schizoid entities
are like pit-bulls once they have a grip on you they do not want to let go like
a vice grip. Your solution is to stay alive as long as possible and to enjoy
your life with your friends and family.
73.While you are experiencing cruelty and pain from the oppression of evil
minded schizoid entities join brains and hands with your fellow Beings Of
Marc-G-P-L Creatic, Existences, and Original Universal Infinite Matrix
Existence , and try your More Perfect to find a scientific, physical, spiritual and
other ways to build tools to defend yourself from the evil minded schizoid
entities. If you are lucky there will be other invisible beings around to assists
you. You don’t have to worship them nor pray to them they will attempt to
help you anyway they are Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Creatic, Existences, and
Original Universal Infinite Matrix Existence , who are here to help fellow
Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Creatic, Existences, and Original Universal Infinite Matrix
Existence . Some of them have been with you for many years these entities
can help you to make hallucinogenic weapons against the schizoid entities
they are your friends and some of them are a part of you, some of them will
guide you towards a More Perfect survival. They will help you the More
Perfect way they can they are Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Creatic, Existences, and
Original Infinity that is around you. Your Personal Marc-G-P-L Creatic Of
Original Universal Infinite Matrix Existence Warriors.
74.Using Logical Reactionary calculations of the mind victims of schizoid entity
are able to gain control of their minds they do not react in a random
emotionally charged stressful way. They react in an organized systematic way
to their oppressors which are the evil minded schizoid entities. They have
knowledge of what is going on and they can predict and know the next move
of the evil minded schizoid entities and why they are doing it and for what
purpose they are doing the tactic to them. Using this method and knowledge
the victim is one step ahead of the evil minded schizoid entities sabotages of
the mind.
75.The Logical Reactionary Speech Techniques takes practice to make it at its
most useful state. The victim must know that the victim is dealing with a
sometimes machine like predator that refuse to let the victim have any rest 24
hours a day. The victim may find peace of mind sometimes only during
sleeping hours, even then the schizoid entity can sometimes visit the victim
during sleep to persecute the victim. Schizoid entities are hell beings and they
intend to give hell to the victim.
76.The victim must realize that the victim is dealing with a serial killer and
mass murderer network of killers who are responsible for mass murder
throughout the Earth by torturing their victims mentally and causing suicide
or disability of a torturous form. If victims are strong enough to work, they
must use the logical calculations when necessary to survive in the workplace
with clarity. Victims must also use the logical methods to survive in a family
circle as the evil minded schizoid entities will attempt to sabotage the victims
profession, private, and family life.
77.Victims of schizoid entities must know that they are dealing with a ancient
enemy which are evil minded schizoid invisible beings that are as real as they
are. These entities are not an imagination, they are a real part of our reality
system on earth. We live in a Universe of dimensions and densities, these
entities live at different frequency rates then humanity does yet they are as
real to this world as humanity is. Victims of schizoid entities must know that
they are dealing with a real enemy. The enemy is not an imagination it is a
real adversary that is calculating its next move on the victim and having an
invisible advantage and a supernatural advantage over the victim, the schizoid
entities are a real obstacle humanity faces on a daily bases. Using the Logical
Reactionary Method victims of schizophrenia can improve their lives and have
clarity on the reality of their situation and know the methods being used
against them by their adversary.
78.The adversary which is the schizoid entity is a sabotage of the mind of
Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Creatic, Existences, and Original Universal Infinite Matrix
Existence , they will do the worst thing possible to the victim if they can.
Doing the oppression the victim may experience the worst possibility of
mental warfare; Yet the victim must seek to achieve the More Perfect
possibility by attempting to achieve the More Perfect possibility which are
Universal Laws I have discovered that work for almost anything. It is called
The Three More Perfect Marc-G-P-L Purposes And Plan. Purpose One: Is the
Universal diminishment of anti-pleasure and painfulness to the lowest level
possible inside the Whole Universal Unending Infinite Spaces Of Original
Universal Infinite Matrix Existence (Whole Universe (Wu)). Purpose Two: Is the
Universal removal of all hell from inside the Whole Universal Unending Infinite
Spaces Of Original Universal Infinite Matrix Existence (Whole Universe (Wu));
and Purpose Three: Is The Universal Spreading Of Paradise throughout the
Whole Universal Unending Infinite Spaces Of Original Universal Infinite Matrix
Existence (Whole Universe (Wu)).
79.When these three purposes are achieved no matter where we may exists in
the Universe life is More Perfect and at its More Perfect form of existence in
relation to the existent place inside the Universe which is the (Original
Universal Infinite Matrix Existence ). The evil minded schizoid entities are using
the opposite of The Three Primary Enjoyable Conditions Of Existence of Marc-
G-P-L Creatic Purposes and Plan which is the hellish undesirable three worst
unhappiness evil sabotage. Knowing this victims must seek to achieve the
More Perfect possibility which is the Three More Perfect Marc-G-P-L Purposes
and Plan.
813-(19-114-115). Evil Methods of the evil
minded Schizoid Entities
1.I advise every victim and support worker to learn the methods that are used
by the invisible evil minded schizoid entities to oppress and torture their
victims. Victims must learn these tactics in order to defend themselves and
others from these evil minded tactics. Knowing that they are under evil
minded attack a victim can take proper measures to defend his or herself
from these tactics. I advise all victims to learn exactly what tactic is being used
against his or her self.
2.One of the methods I use to defend myself is to repeat a tactic out loud or
in my mind whenever the evil minded schizoid entity is using it on me. By
doing this I let the evil minded schizoid entity know that I know what it is
doing to me and that I will take counter measures to defend myself from such
harmful tactics. It is said that “knowing is half the battle”. By knowing these
tactics a victim will know that he or she is not alone in pain and anti-pleasure
and that others are experiencing the same evil minded attacks and tactics.
The victim must also know that these tactics are a great conspiracy of the
invisible evil minded beings. They use these tactics on millions of people to
destabilize, torture and murder them.
3.I advise the victim to learn these tactics and to use counter measures
against them in order to survive and endure the evil minded schizoid entity
attacks. The evil minded beings also have a process which they use to attack
Beings Of Existences it is a five step process.
4.(1st.) Occasionally the evil minded being cue, deceive, or set up the being to
do acts that are harmful, or Opinionated Sin acts that are not harmful, but are
stigmatized by certain religions as a sinful act. (2nd.) The evil minded being
begin the Accusation and Persecution Process of the being. (3rd.)
Overburdened by accusations, the victim feels guilty or condemned. (4th.) The
evil minded being then gain power over the victim who feels guilty or
condemned. (5th.) Using the guilt and condemnation, the evil minded being
then begin to fulfill it’s evil desires on the victim which can include degrading
the victim, tormenting the victim, torturing the victim, sexually abusing or
raping the victim, forcing the victim to commit suicide or murdering the
victim, burning the victim, cannibalizing the victim, and giving hell to the
victim on earth and in the after life by kidnapping the victim’s mind, soul or
spirit to illegal hell systems. This is the five step process. In this chapter I list
different tactics that are used by the evil minded schizoid entities.
814-(19-114-5). Evil harmful sounds from
the Environment:
The evil minded Schizoid Entities use evil harmful sounds from the
environment to torture and frighten their victims to terror. They use their
voices as tools to torture their victims. They also use sounds from the
television, from music on the radio, from birds outside, from lightening and
thunder, from trains passing by, from cars passing by and blowing their horns,
from doors closing, from ocean waves, from crickets, from dogs barking, from
crowds of peoples voices, from your own breath breathing or sounds you
make. These sounds coming from the environment, could be saying anything.
They could be saying that they will kill the victim, or they will kill the victims
family or other persons.
6.Voices come out of things that usually do not have voices. Regular natural
sounds are overlapped with evil minded Schizoid Entities voices, that is how
the sound phenomenon are made. Other times the sounds are processed
inside the victims mind and or changed from their normal frequency to a
different frequency that makes a different sound which is the sound the
Schizoid Entity wants the victim to hear.
7.All this is done to frighten or kill the victim or make the victim commit
suicide. It creates an illusion that the victims world is against the victim. The
sounds come from everywhere planes in the sky make new horrific sounds to
torment the now schizophrenic victim of the evil minded Schizoid Entity, no
one else hears the sounds because the sounds are translated in the victims
mind only, but when a evil minded schizoid entity speak through an animal
for an example a dog, if another human is listening, they can sometimes hear
the evil sound.
8.That is exactly what happened when my wife heard the dog bark a curse
word, when I asked her, “you would not believe what the dog said”, she
repeated the curse word, and I was surprised, the barking this time was heard
because I told her to listen to the overlapping frequency of the dog’s bark.
9.Load voices speaking noises are heard when trains pass by. I postulate that
sometimes the evil minded schizoid entity speaks in its own frequency
through sounds that large numbers of households can hear at the same time,
such as the sound of a passing train. But if the sound is not translated to
someone by the local mental schizoid entities they would never understand
what it is saying.
10.When someone start to hear frightening sounds from the environment and
from their mind based on my own experience and methods, I have learned
that calmness and conscious sane behavior is the way to survive these
terrorist tactics. You can try to block most of the sounds by covering your
ears, but you will not be able to block all of them because the ones that are
transported and are originated using your own brain and mental pathways
will not be able to be blocked. I also advise you not to become so full with
fear that you isolate yourself, or give up on things you love such as listening
to music.
11.The evil minded schizoid entities will try to overlap their voices in the
music the victim listens to, to terrorize the victim with curse words in threats
that were not originally there before. One of the methods I used against that
tactic is to keep listening to the music no matter what evil voice they
overlapped with the music. This technique will seem difficult at first, but the
victim must adapt quickly for the victim’s own sanity, while the victim fights
against the tactics of the evil evil minded schizoid entities, I found that songs
with words in them were much easier to listen to because they had original
words in them, while songs with instrumental only were easier for evil minded
schizoid entities to overlap their voices with the music.
12. Music is very healthy for someone who is troubled mentally by the
schizoid entities, and they know that it help the victim to relax and be happy
and so they try their More Perfect to ruin the music so that the victim may
exist in state of sadness. Hell is their goal, they want their victim to live in a
state of hell, and we must fight against them and their illegal hells. We will
have to invent proper proven to work scientific technology and methods to
fight against the evil minded schizoid entities.
815-(19-114-13). Sonic Weapons:
Threatening words from the evil minded schizoid entities are sonic weapons
used against the victim, harmful sounds and voices from the environment and
objects in the environment are sonic weapons used by the evil minded
schizoid entities.
14.They also use their voices in combinations with a harmful somewhat
electrical sound wave to frighten and hurt their victim, especially when their
victim is sleeping. They use the sonic weapon to wake the victim up in a
horrific frightening way. This sonic burst of energy hurts the victim body and
mind at the same time and puts the victim hope low because it shows the
victim that the schizoid entity can hurt the victim in other Ways then just
15.It shows the victim that the evil minded schizoid entity can hurt the victim
with a pulse of sonic energy, a mixture of sound and electricity. I advice
anyone who is hurt with this sonic pulse of energy to stay calm and not to
lose hope. I also advice the victim not to be afraid of going back to sleep,
because this is a way for them to make the victim stay awake and experience
the pain and discomfort of sleep deprivation. Sleep deprivation is another
technique used by the evil minded schizoid entity to torment and torture the
victim. I advise the victim to get strong sleeping medicine to go to sleep and
not to commit suicide.
16.Lies: The evil minded schizoid entities use lies to deceive their victims. I
remember how the evil minded schizoid entities tried to deceive me a few
years ago, when they first came. They quickly started to play horrific sounds
which they enacted in my mind of my family screaming and they also told me
lies to cause me to harm others. I had to really use my conscious mind to
avoid the trap and pitfall the evil minded schizoid entity was leading me
towards. Not all people are that lucky some people fall for the tricks and lies
of the schizoid entity and kill others or lose their own lives because of the lies
the evil minded schizoid entities told them.
17.Others are lost in a maze of lies and deceptions They may be told that
they are a religious figure or they are the next president, they may also be
told that they are evil things all to deceive them. I must caution the victim
that sometimes the evil minded schizoid entity tell the truth or some other
invisible being that is good that is inside or around the victim of the evil
minded schizoid entities not all things you hear are lies some of them are
truthful some of them are lies, you must use your intelligent mind and your
reasoning to be able to see what is a lie and what is truthful.
18.They are lied to mainly to do harmful things or for them to be frightened
to terror. Others are lied to in many different Ways. I advise anyone who is
victimized by a evil minded schizoid entity to use their good conscious mind
and intelligence to know what is true and what is false, I also advise them to
stay calm and to have purpose and not to do any harmful things because of
the lies that the evil minded schizoid entity is telling them.
816-(19-114-19). Disinformation:
The evil minded schizoid entities use disinformation to deceive their victims.
The schizoid entity may tell the victim that they are going to kill the victim
tomorrow or soon, but they only do this to terrorize the victim. They may plan
to kill the victim at a certain point, but they will use the threat of killing the
victim to induce, fear, depression and panic disorders into the victim.
20.When the victim is threatened by the evil minded schizoid entities I advice
the victim to stay calm, to have courage and not to lose hope.
21.The evil minded schizoid entity may also give the victim false information
such as telling the victim that his or her wife or husband is cheating on him
or her, it may be the truth sometimes, but many times they tell lies or
disinformation so that the victim may attack his or her spouse or cause an
argument or worst. Sometimes the disinformation is indeed truthful, but I
advise Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Creatic not to do any criminal activity for
example to their husband or wife if it is indeed truthful that the husband or
wife have indeed been disloyal to them, they must find a safe and nonharmful
way to put their family back together again; especially when evil
minded schizoid entities are around a spouse might leave and walk away from
an important relationship, victims must not lose hope but must survive
22.The evil minded schizoid entity also use the name of deities to give
disinformation to the victim so that the victim may think that it is a deity that
is saying evil to the victim in reality it is the evil minded schizoid entity. The
evil minded schizoid entity may also pretend to be a popular, mythical or real
deity, but in reality it is the schizoid entity not the deity. When the evil
minded entity want to harm the victim it might say to the victim that Super
Natural Being, Gods, or Goddesses or a certain deity have said something for
or against the victim, but in reality it is the evil minded schizoid entity who
have said it. The victim must use his or her higher consciousness and
reasoning to see through the disinformation and trickery of the evil minded
schizoid entity. Some deities are real living beings that are invisible to the
sight of humanity and sometimes they actually are present during the torment
and may say something for real, but this is not always truthful many times it
is the evil minded schizoid entity that is trying to kill the victim by using the
name of deities against the victim, but remember many deities are real living
beings. Sometimes these deities have no power to help the victim, sometimes
they do, but fallow spiritual laws that forbid them from helping the victim,
and sometimes the deity agrees with harmful beliefs that prevent them from
helping the victim.
817-(19-114-23). Invisibility:
The evil minded schizoid entities use their ability to be invisible to their
human victims or to any victim that cannot see or identify them to do all
types of harmful deadly things to their victims. Their invisibility is a way for
them to get away with the heinous crimes they commit against humanity.
After all if people do not believe that they exist, people cannot stop them
from harming humanity. That is a major setback by the scientific community,
because the scientific community have not pursue after the scientific
technology and personal ability to identify and stop the criminal evil minded
schizoid entities.
24.The evil minded schizoid entities are also known as spirits in popular
religions and folktale. Some teach that it is the vibration of their being that
keep them invisible to the sight of humanity, others say that they are made
out of light waves.
25.Humanity have evolved scientifically enough to pursue after the scientific
technology and personal ability to identify the evil minded schizoid entities. I
do caution that the schizoid entities may try sabotage as a tool to stop
humanities evolution to a higher state of being in which humanity will be able
to identify them and know of their existence truly without a doubt.
26.This evolutionary scientific achievement will advance the human race and
help us to protect ourselves from these invisible predators. “Know thy enemy”
is a popular saying. If we do not know our enemies that kill so much of
humanity in so many dreadful Ways, how will we be able to protect the
human family from these evil minded schizoid entities.
27.It is popular for humanity to use superstitious unproven Ways to fight
against spirits instead of proven science. We must evolve our sciences to a
new stage and level, in which we are able to face an ancient enemy that have
been spoken of for thousands of years, these enemies are the invisible evil
minded schizoid entities.
28.Because the senses cannot yet identify something does not mean that it
does not exist. Humanity know reality based on what the human senses can
see, taste, smell, feel or hear. Science have proven that there are waves of the
electromagnetic spectrum that the human eye cannot see, in fact, the human
eye can only see a very small amount of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Likewise the human ear can only hear a small amount of sound. Unaided the
human ear cannot hear sounds that are both too high or too low for the ear
to process.
29.I remember the movie the predator in which the predator alien race had
evolved scientifically enough to be invisible to their human victims. There are
many stories about ghost and spirits, and how they are invisible to the human
30.I have evidence that ghost exist for I have seen them and I hear them all
the time. The invisible schizoid entities abuse their ability to be invisible to the
human eye. They are evil minded and very harmful to the human race.
31.It is time for Humanity to devote time and resources towards proven to
work scientific technology and ability to stop, prevent, contain, extract and
even destroy evil evil minded schizoid entities in self defense.
818-(19-114-32). Visual Hallucinations and
The evil minded Schizoid Entities use visual hallucinations to frighten and
torment their victims. The victim may see them attacking the victim, punching
the victim, kicking the victim, cutting the victim, spiting on the victim, sexually
assaulting the victim, or doing many harmful things in front of the victim eyes
or minds eye, which is the imagination.
33.I have experience some of their visual attack tactics and it is very harmful
to the human psyche. Another visual tactic they use is to flash harmful images
in front of the victim eye while the victim is trying to fall asleep, just when the
victim is about to dose off they hit the victim with a visual intimidating image
along with a burst or wave of harmful electrical energy. This they do to
terrorize the victim.
34.Some of their images are transparent and subtle, very hard to detect
clearly, but identifiable and effecting the mind and body of the victim. Some
of their attack images do not hurt the victim physically, but are used to hurt
the victim emotionally or psychically.
35.One method I developed was to fight against their harmful images with
images of my own. It takes practice and thought, but your minds eye can help
you to fight against the evil minded schizoid entities using attack images of
your own, but this technique can sometimes drain your energy and require
you to focus on your effort to defend yourself from the imaginary yet real
attack images of the harmful schizoid entity.
36.I advise the victim not to let sadness take over you and not to panic and
do something harmful to yourself. You must meditate with the breath and
practice calmness and positive thoughts and motivation. Always know that
you are not insane but are being driven insane by evil schizoid entities. The
victim must keep his or her sanity at all time.
819-(19-114-37). Pressure around the
forehead, brain and skull:
The evil minded schizoid entities use a technique in which they apply a force
or pressure to the front of the victims forehead, this pressure feel like it is
penetrating the victims brain and move around almost in a circular or
pulsating motion on the forehead.
38.This force can cause a terrible headache and is very uncomfortable. When
this force is applied to the forehead of the victim it causes the victim to feel
like laying down and it drains the energy of the victim to a low level.
39.I have found a method to reduce to a large amount the pressure that is
applied to the forehead of the victim. I use a headband around my forehead
when I feel the damaging force on my forehead.
40.I advise anyone who is effected by this damaging force to put on a
headband around their forehead when they feel this force. It may not totally
remove the pressure, but it will decrease the pressure. I advise the victim to
take strong headache medicine if they cannot bear and get a headache from
the pulsating force upon their forehead.
41.Based on my experience, after a while the force goes away, but they always
use it whenever they want to decrease the stamina of the victim and so the
force may come back periodically. I advise the victim to use a . inch thick by
1 inch or greater headband that is soft to the forehead of the victim so that
the victim may not be uncomfortable from the feel of the cloth. I use a
headband that is like the ones the basketball players use on their foreheads
or I put on a Bennie Cap, or Skull Cap.
42.The More Perfect tool will be when humanity have evolved scientifically
enough to see, identify and remove the evil evil minded schizoid entity from
the victim, or from around the victim. We cannot do this if we believe that
they do not exist and that it is a figment of the victims imagination. Whatever
matter the schizoid entity is made out of, it is a real existent being and harms
its victims dramatically and even fatally. We must find new scientific Ways to
identify and extract these beings.
820-(19-114-43). Mental Enslavement:
Mental enslavement is a huge tactic and method of the evil minded schizoid
entity. As soon as it appears in it victims life, the victim becomes mentally
enslaved. The victim cannot do the things the victim use to do efficiently
anymore. Most victims become insane and many commit suicide.
44.Mental or any form of enslavement is highly illegal and should be
abolished and the victim must be set free from the offender.
45.The evil minded schizoid entities enslave their victims mentally in many
Ways. They cripple their victims with terrorist threats and tactics. They turn
their victims world against the victim by making harmful sounds and sights
come out of the victims environment. They lie to their victims and use brain
wash to deceive and control their victims. Their victims have no more privacy
of the mind because they are there reading the thoughts of their victims
constantly. They also attempt to put thoughts into the victims mind that is not
the victims own thoughts. Some of the inputted thoughts can be very
disturbing, obscene and cruel.
46.As soon as the evil minded schizoid entities attack a victim the victim
becomes mentally handicapped and enslaved in many Ways. It takes a very
strong and determined mind to survive an evil minded schizoid attack. Many
of their victims cannot function anymore and wind up living in mental
hospitals and shelters. Some wind up living in the streets as homeless people.
47.It is very helpful for someone who is attacked by a evil minded schizoid
entity to have caring family, friends, counselors and governmental institutions.
I advise any victim of the schizoid entity who are mentally enslaved by them
to know that they were once a free being of the Universe, that had a free
functional mind and body. The victim must know that mental and physical
freedom is his or her Universal Right. The victim must always remember a
time when the victim was free and hope and work for a future in which the
victim will once again gain his or her freedom and happiness from the
harmful evil minded schizoid entities.
48.The victims and all of societies scientific institutions must work intelligently
and pressingly to develop the proper proven to work scientific tools to
identify, measure, stop and extract the evil minded schizoid entities from their
821-(19-114-49). Torture:
Most of the tactics and methods used by the evil minded schizoid entities are
used to torture their victims mercilessly. Torture is one of the most evil things
that could happen to any being inside the Universe and should not be
tolerated nor promoted by any institution in society including governmental
institutions and religious institutions
50.The evil minded schizoid entities are thought to be spirits and they do
have knowledge of certain beliefs in society. They have infiltrated many
teachings in society and have spread their belief of torturing people
throughout many religious teachings. Their evil minded ideology is to spread
hell, painfulness, and anti-pleasure. As I have explained in the book of Marc-
G-P-L Creatic Way, hell is illegal to the system of Original Universal Infinite
Matrix Existence and hell must be destroyed, removed and abolished. Beings
Of Marc-G-P-L Creatic , Existences, and Original Universal Infinite Matrix
Existence must transform hells into paradises and torment-less places to exist
inside of.
51.As Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Creatic evolve to a higher state of consciousness,
they began to realize that torture is one of the worst things a being can do to
another. That is why higher Continue-we-nations abolish cruel and unusual
acts and punishments. The evil minded schizoid entities have a beastly mind
of the worst evil minded level. Even though they have a mind that is able to
understand More Perfect Ways, they prefer to use their mind to do the most
heinous criminal things to other Universal Beings.
52.I often wonder sometimes if they torture and do evil things by choice or if
they are programmed assassins that cannot bypass the evil minded beastly
command of their brains. I attempted to appeal to their minds on many
occasions to see if they would stop tormenting me, but they refused to stop,
they even tried to deceive me into doing things as bargains so that they
might stop tormenting me, but I saw through their lies with my higher
conscious mind and refused to fall for their deceptions.
53.I advise anyone who is a victim of the evil schizoid entities not to be
fooled into doing stupid or harmful thing because of the deception and lies
of the evil schizoid entities. If we cannot prove their existence nor stop them
with scientifically proven tools and methods, and with effective networks of
law enforcement and rescue workers of many levels of reality that are visible
and invisible they will never respect us and they will always seek to torture
and torment us in the worst Ways.
54.As long as religions and governmental institutions preach tormenting
Beings Of Existences, Of Original Universal Infinite Matrix Existence , and of
the Marc-G-P-L Creatic in the dungeons of hell, evil minded beings will always
have power to do the evil things they do to others, and hell will continue to
grow to much worst disgusting, harmful, torment full stages.
55.Torture is an evil tool used by many different evil factions of this world.
Some try to legalize it as a necessity to do to beings that they consider guilty
of certain things, or the usual excuse “sin”. Soon all types of reasons are used
to torture others and no one is safe from the evil grip of hell mongers.
56.I have learnt higher Universal knowledge of Marc-G-P-L Creatic that reveal
to us and to all that have a mind to understand, that we must remove all
types of hell for the benefit of the Universal Human Family and indeed for the
benefit of the whole Universe Of Original Universal Infinite Matrix Existence .
We must remove all forms of hell as More Perfect as we can, “ Aggressors
Hell” which is hell that is caused by the aggressor or wrongdoer and
“vengeance hell” , which is hell that is caused by retribution.
57.I advise any being who is being tortured by the evil schizoid entities to be
brave and strong. I advise you not to loose hope. Let peace enter into your
being, yet fight for your survival and for the survival of all good Ways and
beings of the Universe. With Knowledge, Ability, and Power, you and society
can stop these torturers and tormenters that have chosen the evil evil minded
path of tormenting and torturing Existential Beings.
822-(19-114-58). Terrorist Threats:
The evil minded schizoid entities regularly use terrorist threats to paralyze and
frighten their victims to a dismal state. These terrorist threats are used to
intimidate their victims into insanity and to make their victims do things that
their victims do not want to do.
59.They use these terrorist threats in conjunction with other methods such as
electric shock and other evil and most of the times disgusting illegal methods.
60.They would like to make their victims into what they desire so that they
could do what they will with their victims. The evil schizoid entities use these
threats to frighten their victim into a state of panic and uncertainty. Their
victims live in fear of what may happen to them, because of the terrorist
threats the evil minded schizoid entities use against them.
61.These threats are very real and some are very deceptive, so that the victim
can become paranoid and think agents of the schizoid entities are coming
after the victim. The schizoid entities are invisible beings and can
communicate with other beings and manipulate the minds of others and so
the victim live in a state of fear of not knowing when some calamitous crime
will happen to the victim.
62.The schizoid entity also use other groups in the visible world or invisible
world to frighten the victim. The groups may not even be aware of the
schizoid entity nor its intent, nor the evil that it is doing, but the schizoid
entity uses them as weapons of its own terrorist deceptive propaganda
method to frighten and paralyze its victim. For example if the victim is a
political activist, the schizoid entity may say to the victim that he or she will
make the enemy of the victim to come after the victim to kill the victim. Such
enemy the schizoid entity might suggest is making the government kill the
political activist.
63.If the victim is a founder or a follower of a new thought or way of living
that is different than popular religions, than the schizoid entity may say that it
will get people in an apposing religion that is aggressive and have been
known to kill others, to come and kill the victim. Such potential people that
would be evil enough to kill another human being might be, terrorist or secret
evil societies that have ties to the evil minded beings, or that may appose, a
new good way of thought.
64.Based on my own experience with the evil schizoid entities, I was
threatened regularly by the evil evil minded schizoid entities. They threatened
to make an extremist who was apposed to Marc-G-P-L Creatic Way come
after me and kill me. Yet I had to be brave and stand up for my good,
peaceful, Universal beliefs.
65.The people the evil minded beings threatened to send after the victim
don’t even have to know it or be a part of their evil minded conspiracy, the
evil minded beings would use them as a tool to frighten, coerce, intimidate,
and paralyze the victim. I advise any being who is a victim of the evil evil
minded schizoid entities not to panic and become frighten to a level and
state in which they would become paralyzed, have panic disorders, or become
so paranoid as to be frightened by the threats of the evil minded schizoid
66.In the face of terror the victim must be brave, especially from fear from evil
minded terrorist. The victim must train his or herself to remain calm. When
the victim feel like lashing out into a frenzy of anger and fear, the victim must
repeat “calmness is the way” , and make his or herself become as calm as
67.Do not let fear paralyze you and make you become afraid to stand up for
your rights and beliefs. Do not let evil minded terrorist threats cause you to
commit suicide or hurt others around you. We must pursue after the right
scientific knowledge and tools that will help us expose these invisible evil
minded predators.
823-(19-114-68). Racism Programation and
The evil minded beings use racism as a tool to intimidate their victims. Racial
slurs are one of the methods they use to degrade their victims. Not one race
is safe from their racial slurs. They will use any racist word they can to
intimidate a victim. They will even curse themselves, to show a victim how evil
they are.
69.If a victim is Black, they will use racist words against Blacks to intimidate
and degrade their victims. If the victim is White, they will use racists words
against Whites to intimidate and degrade the victim. If the victim is Black,
White, Chinese, Hispanic, Native American, Arabian, Hebrew, Aborigine, Indian,
multiracial or any other race they will use racist words against Black, White,
Chinese, Hispanic, Native American, Arabian, Hebrew, Aborigine, Indian,
multiracial or the victim’s race to intimidate and degrade the victim.
70.They also use racist words against people that the victim meet, words
against friends and words against total strangers. No one is safe from their
racial slurs. They use their racist tone, racial slurs to frighten and make the
victim very uncomfortable with his or her self, race, and others of a different
71.The victim may be shocked and frightened by what he or she hears. The
victim may even think that others could hear what the evil, evil minded
schizoid entity is saying in the victims head. I must say this be glad that all
around you cannot hear what the evil minded schizoid entities are calling
them, but at the same time be sad that they do not know what evil surrounds
them. If only people and institutions of the world knew what the victims of
schizoid entities endured, they would do something more about it. If the
good people of the world knew for One Hundred Percent that these evil
minded beings were real, the people of the world would take proper
precaution to advance the human race to meet the threat that those evil evil
minded entities pose to the world and to all races of the Universe.
72.The evil minded entities use old racial divides to stimulate hatred among
their victims and people of the world. They use all the evil stigmas that racism
left in the world to cause all types of hateful feelings to appear in their
victims minds. Most of the hatred is coming from them. They are very
calculative and know what type of a result they are looking for in their victim.
A victim have to be very careful, peaceful and good enough to not let the
racism programming cause them to do an evil against themselves, such as
committing suicide or an evil crime against another.
73.The victim must stand for the unification of the Universe and for the
respect of all races. The victim must not let any racist feelings dominate his or
her nature or the hatred and evil programming will consume the victim and
cause the victim to become destabilized or evil against his or herself, his or
her race, or against others of a different race.
74.The evil evil minded schizoid entities, use racism as a tool for them to
intimidate and degrade their victims, they also use it as a tool to instill hatred
and fear in the mind of their victims. They seek to take away the victims
ability to like his or her self or to like others who are of a different race or
even of the same race. I know of this evil minded tactic because I lived
through it. I experienced it firsthand from the invisible evil minded schizoid
entities. I advise anyone who is under the evil minded tactic of racism
programation to not lose hope in themselves nor feel bad about the race they
belong to.
75.I also advise them not to begin to hate others because of their race. I
advise the victim and all people to judge others by the content of their
character, not by the color of their skin, as Dr. Martin Luther King once said. It
is very truthful one should be judged for his character and for his deeds, one
should not be judged solely because of his or her race.
76.I advise the victim to be Universally minded and to know that there are
various races in the Universe and for the victim to approach these different
races with respect instead of with hatred and racist thoughts.
824-(19-114-77). Negative Enticement:
The evil minded schizoid entities use many evil tactics to put a negative
enticement on their victims. One of the tactic they use are weird burst of
energy in combination with evil words. Their victims feel very negatively
enticed. This negative enticement make the victim feel very uncomfortable.
78.Their words can make the victim feel very unsure of his or herself in a
negative way. The evil minded schizoid entities make the victim have a very
negative view of everything. The victim is negatively enticed by the evil
minded schizoid entity to doubt his or her belief and to condemn his or her
self or others; This is done by the evil minded schizoid entity so that the evil
minded entity could gain power over the victim and others.
79.The victim world seem very negative, mainly because the evil minded
schizoid entities make it seem as if the world is against the victim. This
negative enticement could make the victim feel like escaping from the world
and from the evil minded beings. Some victims are so negatively enticed that
they harm themselves by committing suicide or by doing something very bad
to themselves or to others.
80.The victims chemical composition may seem unbalanced and the victim
may feel over heated in the blood and body. I know of the evil minded
schizoid entities technique because I experienced them first hand as a victim
of schizophrenia. I advise the victim to stay calm and to be peaceful towards
himself and others.
81.The victim must defend his or herself from the evil minded schizoid entity
and must not allow the evil minded schizoid entity to gain power over him or
her. I advise the victim to have a more positive view of the world and to know
that good can overcome evil and that the victim must become good and
stand for goodness and must not allow the negative enticement to rule over
him or her self. The victim must also find Ways to relax and must not let
stress destroy the victim peace of mind and body. It may be difficult to do,
but the victim must find Ways to make the situation More Perfect.
825-(19-114-82). Sleep Deprivation:
The schizoid entities use sleep deprivation on their victims to torture their
victims. When the victim lose sleep the victim is more vulnerable to disasters
such as committing suicide or going insane. The victim is also in a miserable
state when the victim loses sleep.
83.I advise anyone who is a victim of mental illness caused by the schizoid
entities not to lose any sleep, unless they are practicing “Waking Up From
Your Sleep To See Invisible Worlds” (Wufystsiw) which is the practice of not
sleeping for 3, 5, 8, 10, 15, 20 or more days; when a victim practices
Wufystsiw they will be able to see the invisible beings that are tormenting
their mind an body. In the event that the victim is not practicing Wufystsiw
and the cannot sleep the victim must take strong sleeping pills if the victim
cannot fall asleep. Preferably use none habit forming sleeping pills.
84.The evil minded schizoid entity keeps the victim up by talking a lot in the
victims head or by shocking the victim with electricity. When the victim loses
sleep the victim is more susceptible to going into the world of the evil
minded schizoid entities. The victim also feels very tired and miserable.
85.When the schizoid entities made me lose sleep they would also ask me to
commit suicide. I even had to go to the emergency room because they kept
me up with curse words and electric shock. One of the techniques they used
on me to keep me up was a technique in which they would wait just for me
to begin to dose off and right as I would start to dose off they would shock
me with electricity and a curse word. This technique made me lose sleep it
also caused me much pain and anti-pleasure. This technique they used on me
was the only technique that almost made me commit suicide thus far so I
urge a victim not to lose any sleep and please any victim do not commit
suicide and take your own priceless life because of the tactics and terror of
evil minded schizoid entities. Instead of committing suicide, devote your life
towards helping yourself and others who are victims of the evil minded
schizoid entities by working to find a cure for schizophrenia through scientific
86.Sleep deprivation is a form of torture and many bad authority use it on
their prisoners to gain information from their prisoners. The schizoid entity
knows how to torture people and how to make them commit suicide that is
their mission, to torture their victims and make them commit suicide or some
heinous act or crime.
87.I urge anyone who is a victim of the schizoid entity not to listen to their
commands. Be very careful because you are being watched by them and they
are real. The schizoid entities are not imaginary, they are real and they will
harm a victim if they can. Losing any sleep can make a human feel very
miserable and insane. I urge victims of the schizoid entities to get plenty of
rest and to practice being conscious and mindful.
826-(19-114-88). Curse Words Warfare:
Curse words warfare is one of the number one torture tools of the evil
minded schizoid entities ask many victims of schizophrenia and they will tell
you that the voices shout at them and say evil things and evil words to them,
especially curse words.
89.The schizoid entities will curse anything and anyone be prepared to hear
some awful things if you are a victim of evil minded schizoid entities. They do
not respect anything and will curse anything in the most awful and most evil
90.If you are a victim of schizophrenia believe me you are not imagining that
you are hearing voices. The voices are real. The victim is really hearing a evil
minded like nature being, that wish to harm the victim in the most awful way.
91.The evil minded schizoid entities use the most awful curse words they
could imagine to torture their victims. They curse everything and everyone
they can, just to shock the victim and to bring fear into the victims heart.
When they often curse the victim will feel a negative energy flow from around
the victims heart. Many victims go insane immediately and lose their minds.
92.I urge a victim of schizoid entities to hold firm to their sanity and not to
lose their mind. One of the evil minded schizoid entities main weapons is its
ability to curse and say evil words. If someone is religious and pray the evil
minded schizoid entity will curse at the deity just to shock and bring fear into
the victims heart. If the evil minded schizoid entity continually curse at deities
and religious fugues and they do not answer for weeks, months, or years of
curse words warfare, the victim may soon realize that the prayer is not being
answered, because no one respond to the evil minded schizoid entity.
Sometimes a Deity is a real living being, but this does not guarantee that the
prayer will be answered, because only a proven to work network of
supernatural and non-supernatural beings answer prayers and request for
help. I was in a certain religion for many years, but I had to let go of some of
my beliefs in order to realize that only deities that are real and have
Knowledge, Ability, and Power, to defeat the evil minded schizoid entities can
answer prayers and calls for assistance to help remove evil minded schizoid
entities and other harmful beings. Deities that are not real and have no power
to deliver victims of schizoid entities cannot help victims in the day of
persecution and torment; but I do know for sure that there are Invisible,
Physical, Spiritual, Godly, Supernatural, Universal, Matrical, and Beings of
Marc-G-P-L Creatic and Existences who are good and are willing to help the
victim, but not because of a prayer that is said by the victim, but because of
their Skills, Knowledge, Ability, and Power, that they have to do so. Some
supernatural or invisible or visible beings respond immediately to help a
person who is in need of help and some do not respond when they see a
victim beings tormented by a evil minded schizoid entities; by experience, I do
know that un-answered prayers do not work against evil minded beings and
superstition will not help the victim at all. Skills, Knowledge, Ability, and Power,
to fight against evil minded schizoid entities is far More Perfect than unanswered
prayers to real or imaginary beings that do not answer prayers or
cannot help the victim at all; but when victims live in a system where a call for
help is answered by invisible and visible beings it is good to call for assistance
through key words and phone numbers that bring assistance immediately to
victims of evil minded schizoid entities. When the system of assistance givers
is real and they answer emergency calls for help by victims then it is good to
use key words to call for help from Supernatural and Non-Supernatural
Beings, and from Visible and Invisible Beings.
93.It is apparent to me that humanity will finally be free from these invisible
predators when we are scientifically and spiritually advance enough to fight
against them and to reveal that they are real living entities and not in our
94.The schizoid entity will curse at everything and anything and is a crazy,
insane, evil minded spirit or invisible being. The evil minded schizoid entities
use curse words as a weapon of war and they mean to kill the victim with
curse words.
95.The evil minded schizoid entities will try to degrade their victims to a low
level and make their victims feel worthless if they can. I urge the victim not to
feel worthless and to have a sense of pride when the evil minded schizoid
entity curses at them. The curse words are psychological weapons and they
wound deeply. I as a victim of the evil minded schizoid entities heard them
say curse words to me and others everyday of my life ever since they showed
96.I often wonder if I heard them curse tens of thousands of times, or even
hundreds of thousands of times it seem as if they would do it forever, that is
how much they curse. Curse words are a weapon for them to use to shock
and drive their victims insane and to make their victims have a feeling of a
sense of worthlessness. But I urge all victims not to feel worthless and not to
do anything harmful to themselves or to others.
97.The victim may hear evil threatening words and curse words coming from
the radio, television, trains, or cars passing by. The victim may hear evil words
coming from lightening thunder, or the waves of the ocean. The schizoid
entities overlap their voice with all sounds coming from the environment. A
person may speak and instead of the victim hearing the voice of the person
the victim hear evil threatening words coming from the voice of the person
98.Curse words are used in the victims ears and mind to frighten the victim
and to drive the victim insane. People would not believe their ears if they
heard what the victim hears that is how terrible the curse word warfare is. I
urge any victim of the schizoid entities not to use curse words in their speech.
I was once thought that one only curses when one does not have the proper
words to say, so I urge the victim not to curse back at the evil minded
schizoid entities or at anyone. Instead find productive words to say.
99.When I say don’t curse back I mean do not use the same filthy words the
evil minded schizoid entity uses. Use words of your own to resist and to
answer back to the evil minded schizoid entities when you feel frustrated. If
you use a lot of negative words you will feel depressed. You must be able to
separate your self from the evil minded schizoid entities Ways.
100.When answering the evil minded schizoid entities, I advise the victim not
to talk out loud a lot in public so that people may not think that the victim is
crazy and is talking to him or her self. But I urge the victim to tell his or her
family that he or she is hearing voices and to seek psychological help.
101.The victim must not let the curse word warfare overcome the victim the
victim must hold firm to a sane productive mind and lifestyle. The victim must
not allow the cursing evil minded schizoid entities to drive the victim insane.
102.The evil minded schizoid entities use curse word warfare to torture and
kill their victims. These curse words are used to drive the victim insane. Under
the vile and evil words weapons used by the schizoid entity the victims whole
life is changed. The victim may not be able to concentrate and perform well
at everyday task and may lose interest in things that bring the victim joy and
may lose his or her livelihood and employment.
103.I urge every victim to practice calmness and to meditate when possible
and to listen to harmonic nice music that is soothing to the brain of the
victim, the victim might also appreciate making their own music that is
against the evil minded schizoid entity, the victim might also keep a journal
about what the evil minded schizoid entity say and do to them, even if the
schizoid entity rape a victim the victim must let care workers and family know
that they had been raped by the evil minded schizoid entity, the victim must
not hide what the evil minded schizoid entity have done to them. I urge the
victim not to commit suicide or to do any harmful act to themselves or to
others. The victim must devote his or her time in activities that will improve
his or her life and the victim must continue to search for a cure for
schizophrenia. Such a cure will come when science is advanced enough to
reveal the makeup of the invisible schizoid entities. When humanity build
advance scientific tools to detect the schizoid entities in our environment and
to extract them from people.
827-(19-114-104) Depression:
104. When the evil evil minded schizoid entities come to torture or kill a
being, the being becomes depressed immediately. The world is changed for
the worst and depression takes over the victim’s mind and body. The schizoid
entities use many evil tactics to cause the victim to become very depressed I
have written many of those tactics in this book.
105.The victim may feel overwhelmed by fear and uncertainty. The depression
cause the victim to become uninterested in things the victim use to love. The
evil minded schizoid entities may tell the victim to commit suicide or to hurt
someone or the victim’s self. Life becomes a terror to the victim as the victims
perception of reality changes. Sadness enters into the victim’s mind and
emotion are driven to an unstable state.
106.The victim soon realize that the schizoid entities fallow the victim
everywhere even while dreaming. The life of the victim is changed as the
victim is labeled as a mentally ill person. To make matters worst the victim is
told there is no cure for schizophrenia or other mental illness. This causes the
victim to be very stressful. The anti psychotic drugs may ease some of the
tensions in the victims mind as a tranquilizer, but the voices of the evil
minded schizoid entities remain tormenting the victims mind to a hellish state.
107.Family relations such as marriage may come to an end. The victims
children may be taken away because the victim is labeled as a mentally ill
person. The victim may lose his or her employment because the victim cannot
perform the responsibilities of the victims duties. All these things that can go
wrong in the victims life causes more depression to take over the victim.
108.At the point of attack from evil minded schizoid entities the victim is very
vulnerable to losing life and liberty. That is why the victim needs a support
system of families, friends, and psychological and medical assistance. Because
there is no cure for the victim, because humanity have not evolved to a stage
to know the true cause of schizophrenia and other mental illnesses that are
caused by the evil minded schizoid entities, the victims world may seem to be
falling apart one day at a time. There is a proven way to see the invisible
beings that are tormenting the victim for I have used it is the process called
“Waking Up From Your Sleep To See Invisible Worlds” (Wufytsiw) when a
Human Being do not sleep for 3, 5, 8, 10, 15, 20 or more days the Human
Being who is a Human will be able to see the invisible world that is vibrating
at another frequency then the Human Eye can normally see when this happen
the victim or another Human will be able to see the invisible evil minded
schizoid entities and other Invisible Beings; furthermore, looking a Television
screen or a mirror while practicing wufystsiw will allow the victim to see the
invisible entities that are tormenting the victim.
109.The victim must overcome the depression and must fight to live everyday
at a time. Depression is multiplied as the victim becomes ill with diseases that
are caused by the schizoid entities or by bad medicine with harmful side
effects. The victim must be strong and must overcome all these obstacles one
day at a time. The victim must have a good conscious mind and must not
allow the evil evil minded schizoid entities to command the victim into doing
any harmful act.
110.Based on my own experience I managed to fight against the evil minded
schizoid entities by learning truths, by meditation, by good conduct, by
having a strong conscious mind, and by writing the book of Marc-G-P-L
Creatic Way. I also took the medication the mental hospital prescribed to me.
But my stress was increased after I began to have side effects from taking the
medication. We must do scientific work on finding More Perfect harmless
medication that work to relax the stress that victims of schizophrenia and
other mental illnesses that are caused by the evil minded schizoid entities. We
will be at a higher advantage when we invent the proper scientific tools to
detect the invisible schizoid entities and to extract and defend humanity with
these advanced scientific tools.
111.We are at an extreme disadvantage when we deny that the schizoid
entities exists and we are also extremely disadvantage when we use
superstitious methods that are not proven to work against the evil minded
schizoid entities. The victim must learn how to relax, how to be conscious,
how to have self control and how to be patient. The victim must also be an
optimist and hopeful for a More Perfect future.
828-(19-114-112). Conniving Directive:
112.The evil minded schizoid entities use a very evil method against their
victims. Based on my own experience with the evil evil minded schizoid
entities I know that they are great deceivers and are very malicious towards
humanity and other beings of the Universe.
113.I will try to describe some of the tactics of their conniving directive.
Firstly the evil minded beings like to accuse people of all the things that they
are guilty of. They are extremely evil, but they will accuse an innocent victim
of being evil. If they are guilty of a certain harmful sexual acts, they will
accuse the victim of the same thing even if the victim is innocent, they will
continue to accuse the victim. Why do they do this? The evil minded beings
would like to gain power over the victim so that they can do anything they
please to the victim.
114.For example the evil evil minded schizoid entities who attacked me hated
Super Natural Being. They would curse at any Super Natural Being, I prayed
to. After cursing the Super Natural Being they would then pretend to be
agents of the same Super Natural Being which they cursed. This disturbed my
mind for years. I had to soon realized that the Super Natural Being that they
cursed fit in two categories. Category One some of the Super Natural Being
they cursed were not real existent beings and could not answer them back;
Category Two some of the Super Natural Being they cursed are Real Living
Beings, but refused to answer or did not have enough military power to fight
against the evil minded entities.
115.They also have a conniving directive in which they deceive a victim and
tell the victim to commit suicide so that the victim could go to paradise, in
reality they are trying to kill the victim so that they could take the victim to
illegal hell systems. For example a evil minded being will order a victim to
perform a certain act, if the victim is not wise and perform the act which the
evil minded schizoid entities commanded the victim to perform, the victim will
soon be attacked by the same evil minded schizoid entities that commanded
and tempted the victim to perform those acts.
116.I caution a victim not to perform any act that the evil schizoid entities
command the victim to perform. If the evil minded schizoid entity is immoral,
the evil minded schizoid entity will accuse the victim of being immoral. For
example the evil minded schizoid entity may come to the dream of a victim
and sexually molest the victim. Before or after the sexual molestation the
schizoid entity may try to put guilt into the victim so that the evil minded
entities could do what they want to do to the victim. In this case the evil
minded schizoid entity wanted to rape the victim, so in order to get away
with it the evil minded entity tried to accuse the victim of sin or some harmful
117.The evil minded schizoid entities have a method, in which they commit
evil hellish crimes against victims, but they then put a conniving twist behind
their acts, they use the name of Super Natural Being to sanction their evil
minded attacks and vile behaviors. This is the same Super Natural Being they
hate and curse at every chance they get. They are conniving liars. They use
Super Natural Being name to sanction the evil crimes that they do to people.
This conniving tactic is used to bring their victim to a point of sadness and
dismay, it is also used on those who are gullible enough to believe the lies
they tell.
118.If there existed a Benevolent Tri-Omni Being, no evil would be able to
occur in the Universe and no harm would fall upon anyone or anything in the
Universe, what is a Tri-Omni, a Tri-Omni is a Being that can do everything,
that knows everything, and is present everywhere in the Whole Universe. If
such a being is a benevolent being, which mean doing good only, there is no
way evil could exists in the Universe because such a being would have the
power to do anything, which mean the being is powerful over all beings, and
if the being is powerful over all beings there is no way any being could defeat
such a being to do evil in existence; two the Being knows everything, this
means the being would know exactly when evil is about to take
place therefore the being would be able to prevent evil from occurring before
it occurs; Three the being is everywhere this mean nothing evil could hide
from the being which means evil would not be able to occur anywhere in the
Whole Universe; realizing this truth we come to the conclusion that no
benevolent Tri-Omni exists, but Very Powerful Beings do Exists. Even though a
benevolent, Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent Being does not exists,
because all Beings Of Existences, and the Marc-G-P-L Creatic and Super
Natural Being have their limited powers and abilities the evil minded entities
will pretend that all the evil crimes they do are sanctioned by a Super Natural
Being that can do everything who have limitless powers, which is a lie. At the
same time they are saying that their evil acts are sanctioned by a limitless
powerful Super Natural Being, they are also cursing the same Super Natural
Being over and over in the victim’s ears and mind. The evil minded schizoid
entities have conniving tactics in which they systematically and carefully plot
on and set up innocent beings for destruction. They will tempt and command
a being to do certain acts, after the being do those certain acts; they then
turn around and persecute, violate, and torture the being mercilessly. This is
why I warn all victims of the evil minded schizoid entities to be very careful
about what they do and please do not listen to any command the evil
minded schizoid entity tells you to do. Even though a homosexual gay
lifestyle is unacceptable and illegal; If a evil minded schizoid entity is gay he
or she will try to go and persecute unclean gay people to fulfill its sexual
perversion on unclean gays; or will try to go instigate hatred towards gays to
show that the schizoid is programmed to even kill those who are gay like
itself even if, the evil minded entity is gay, it is part of their conniving
directive, way of thinking and nature. I advise a victim of schizoid entities not
to allow the schizoid entity to make them into a gay person through mental
and physical warfare. The evil minded schizoid entities are often gay and
beastiality beings and if they get a chance they will even try to perform
homosexuality and beatiality against the victim. The victim must be against
homosexuality and beastiality and must never agree with the evil minded
conniving schizoid entity to except homosexuality nor beastiality.
Homosexuality and beastiality are criminal activity especially if it is done
against a Human Being.
119.The evil minded schizoid entities have a very sick, evil, twisted mind. The
evil minded schizoid entities will try to turn a good being into a criminal.
After the being commit the crime that the evil minded schizoid entity
commanded and tempted the victim to do, the evil minded schizoid entity will
then turn around and go persecute the victim. The evil minded entities will
plan on a victim to turn the victim into a prostitute. After the victim is turned
into a prostitute, the evil minded entities then turn around and come abuse
the victim on earth and try to take the victim to hell which is the most evil
place in existence; this they do even though they are the reason why the
being became a prostitute. Prostitution is illegal victims of evil minded
schizoid entities should never turn to prostitution as an answer to their
problems nor commit any prostitution act. Victims of evil minded schizoid
entities must also do their More Perfect to avoid pornography and
promiscuous acts.
120.The evil minded schizoid entities also have a tactic in which they try to
turn Nation against nation, religion against religion, race against race, family
against family and friends against friends. They do these things so that they
may cause painfulness, anti-pleasure and hell to take over the earth and over
the victim’s family and friends. While they are tormenting a victim, if someone
tries to help the victim, they quickly threaten the rescuer or friend of the
victim. They also have a deceptive, conniving tactic in which they pretend to
be Super Natural Being or Angels so that they could fool the victim into
thinking that a Super Natural Being is condemning the victim, in reality the
victim is surrounded by evil evil minded schizoid entities and must not trust
the sounds and voices coming from the environment. I must admit even
though the evil minded schizoid entities often pretend to be Super Natural
Being and Angels, sometimes Super Natural Being and Angels are indeed
present in the environment while the victim is being tortured and tormented
by the evil minded schizoid entities. Sometimes these Super Natural Being
and Angels do speak and are actually not the evil minded schizoid entities
ally, but are caught up in warfare against them.
121.They also have a conniving directive in which they put a thought in the
victims mind. After they put the thought into the victims mind, they then turn
around and curse the victim and make it seem as if it was the original
thought of the victim. In reality it was their thought and the victim can clearly
tell that it was not the victim’s original thought, but an implanted thought.
While they are among the most evil beings in existence, they will try to make
it seem as if the victim is the evil one so that they could have power to do
what they please to the victim and the victim’s friends and family.
122.They also have a conniving directive in which they try to make a victim
seem immoral and sinful in reality they are the biggest immoral, sinful beings.
A victim who is attacked by a evil minded schizoid entity must have a strong,
good, conscious, moral mind enough to avoid the many pitfalls and traps the
evil minded schizoid entity will set up for the destruction of the victim.
123.The evil minded schizoid entities will try to use many conniving tactics on
a victim so that they could doom the victim and gain power over the victim
to do evil, harmful, inhumane, immoral, torturous, criminal, heinous, hellish
acts against a victim. I urge all victims of evil minded schizoid entities to be
very careful, very conscious and to proceed with caution. You must learn all
the conniving directives and tactics they use against you and please defend
yourself. Never give up your Human and Universal Rights or Marc-G-P-L
Creatic Rights to the evil minded, conniving, entities. And please do not let
them brainwash you nor trick you. And please remember this; “they will try to
accuse you of everything that they are guilty of” .
829-(19-114-124). Coercion:
The evil minded schizoid entities have tactics in which they coerce a victim
into doing a certain act by force. They also use evil exposure coercion, in
which they go into the victim’s brain and extract memory from the victims
mind so that they could use mistakes the victim made against the victim.
125.When they read the victim mind and extract information from the victim’s
mind they use the information to persecute the victim. The victim no longer
has privacy of the mind. The victim own memories are used against the victim
to coerce the victim into guilt and vulnerable-ness. Rather it was a harmless
act, a harmful act, or mistakes the victim made, the evil minded schizoid entity
will use that information against the victim, so that they could gain power
over the victim. When they gain power over the victim because of degrading
the victim into a guilt stage, they then start to torture the victim, rape the
victim, abuse the victim, assault the victim and finally they attempt to kill the
126.I urge all victims whose minds are being read by the evil schizoid entities
to remember that their privacy is violated by the schizoid entities and to
remember that no being is to answer to a evil minded being, or a evil entity,
or a torturer for their mistakes, perceived sin, or harmful act because a evil
minded being or a evil entity is not the law of Marc-G-P-L Creatic of Original
Universal Infinite Matrix Existence , nor any Good Laws found in existences. In
fact evil minded beings and evil entities are the worst type of criminal beings.
When the evil minded schizoid entities come to violate a victim, they come
prepared to lead the victim towards a destructive road that is full of sorrow,
hatred, and calamity. I urge all victims of evil minded schizoid entities to know
that their rights are being violated by some of the most evil beings in
existence. I urge the victim not to let the evil minded entities coerce him or
her into doing anything illegal, harmful, or evil.
127.They will try to expose memories that are recorded in the victims mind so
that they could gain power over the victim. After they gain power over the
victim, they proceed to violate the victims constitutional rights and Universal
rights to life, liberty, dignity, happiness, peace and many other rights the
victim is entitled to.
830-(19-114-128). Accusations:
The evil minded schizoid entities are accusers. They will go into the victims
mind and find all the information in the victim’s memory. What they will then
do is accuse the victim of things they find in the victims mind. Anything they
find in the victim’s mind, especially mistakes made by the victim, they will
accuse the victim of doing those things. Many of the things they accuse a
victim of are harmless things, but they use opinionated sin conspiracy to try
to condemn the victim.
129.The reason they do this is because they are seeking to gain power over
the victim and so they try to convict the victim of doing bad things. Once
they accuse the victim, they then use that as an excuse to violate the victim’s
Constitutional Rights, Universal Rights, and the Rights Marc-G-P-L Creatic
have transferred to them.
130.They use conniving methods to make the victim feel guilty. Once
the victim feels guilty, they then try to give the victim hell. They then
may ask the victim to admit his or her guilt. Even if the victim is
innocent they still try to instill a feeling of guilt in the victims mind.
The evil minded schizoid entities are evil evil minded like natured beings.
They are among the biggest evil criminal beings in existence.
131.Under torment and torture if the victim admit his or her guilt, this will do
nothing to stop the evil evil minded schizoid entities they will continue to
torment the victim. I advise all victims of the evil minded schizoid entities not
to give the evil evil minded schizoid entities any power over you, defend
yourself till the end. Always remember that the evil minded schizoid entities
will accuse the victim of every thing that the evil minded schizoid entity is
guilty of.
132.When a victim is accused by them, the victim must defend his or herself
or else the victim will be tortured and tormented by them. If the evil minded
schizoid entities can attack innocent children and adults, they definitely will
attack someone who has done something that is questionable. It is difficult
for someone who have made a honest mistake to defend his or herself and it
is even more difficult for someone who have done something harmful to
defend his or herself from those invisible evil minded predators.
133.I advise all beings who are accused by the evil minded schizoid entities to
let them know that they are not the law, they are unlawful evil beings that
seek to gain power over the innocent and guilty so that they could spread
hell, chaos, torture, crimes, violence and all other evil things they desire to do.
The evil minded schizoid entities want to spread evil, I advise all beings not to
cooperate with them nor give them any power to oppress innocent or guilty
831-(19-114-134). False Accusations:
The evil minded schizoid entities are habitual liars. To gain power over a
victim, they will accuse the victim falsely. Any little mistake they find in the
victims database of the mind they will exaggerate to an extreme level. They
will even do and say evil things in the victims mind. After they do and say
those evil things, they then accuse the victim falsely of being the cause of
those evil things.
135.They even try to brainwash the victim into admitting that he or she have
done something that he or she have never done before.
136.They will even accuse a victim of things that the victim did when he or
she was a child and of course they will exaggerate the mistakes to an extreme
137.They accuse victims falsely because they want to instill guilt in the victims
conscious. Before and after instilling guilt into the victim they usually torture
the victims, sexual harass and molest the victim and torment the victim. They
do these things because they are extremely evil and harbor all evil acts and
emotions. The evil minded schizoid entities represent evil itself. There is
nothing evil that they won’t do.
832-(19-114-138). Opinionated Sin
The evil minded schizoid entities are major oppressors of humanity. They will
accuse a victim of being a sinner even though the victim is doing things that
are harmless. Even if the victim did something that was harmless, they will call
it a sin. When they call it a sin, they then proceed to torture, rape, violate,
give hell to and kill the victim.
139.Many of the accusations are usually opinionated sins which are acts and
deeds that are harmless, but are considered a sin by those that want to
control, persecute, give hell to and kill others.
140.They usually use religious beliefs of intolerance to sanction their evil
hellish crimes. Even though they hate religion, they will use religious teachings
to harm others.
141.One thing that is truthful is that the evil minded schizoid entities are
some of the biggest sinners and harmful being in existence yet they are
conniving enough to come and oppress innocent beings so that they could
do evil things, increase anti-pleasure and spread hell.
142.I advise any victim who is being violated and called a sinner by the evil
schizoid entities to defend themselves. Do not give them any power over you
to torment you for harmless acts that hurt no one. In fact cruel and unusual
acts and punishments are illegal and should be illegal everywhere, so that evil,
painfulness, and anti-pleasure may be diminished Universally.
833-(19-114-143). Religion:
The evil evil minded schizoid entities do not respect any religion, yet they will
use the teachings of many religions to oppress and violate others. They will
pretend to be Super Natural Being, Angels or even fictional religious
characters. If a text in a religious book says to do something evil to others the
evil minded beings will use that text to oppress their victims.
144.One of their conniving methods is to act as if a Tri-Omni Super Natural
Being gave them permission to violate others in the worst way. When they try
to use this tactic on a victim I advise the victim not to believe anything they
say because they are habitual liars and will use anything they can find to
torment their victims.
145.One thing I had to do is change my belief system in order to fight against
the evil minded entities. I had to realize some deities did not really exist; and
some of the deities that do exists could not help the victim in a supernatural
way without great effort and military Knowledge, Ability, and Power, . I chose
to become a Non-Object-Worshiper so that I could have clarity of the mind
and be able to reason and achieve the More Perfect Possibility in governance.
Saying repetitive prayers also came to an end for me because those methods
only caused me to be confused and to have false hope on repetitive prayers;
as a result of this new method of life I sought after networks of Beings the
Earth, Existences, and Original Universal Infinite Matrix Existence that believed
in the same teachings as I do, so that the real answer to the evil minded
schizoid entity problem could be found which is effective Knowledge, Ability,
and Power, to overcome harmful evil minded schizoid entities.
146.The evil minded entities are encouraged by religious teachings that
promote sending beings to hell to be tortured. Evil is their philosophy and
hell is the most evil place in existence. I had to move away from many of the
world’s religions in order to become a Guide Marc-G-P-L Creatic Of Original
Universal Infinite Matrix Existence . I strongly disagreed with hell and believed
in the Universal diminishment of painfulness, and anti-pleasure to the lowest
level possible. Many religions did not teach those truths, and so I had to
change my philosophy into a More Perfect philosophy.
147.When the evil minded beings do an evil act to a religious person they say
to the victim, why don’t you pray to the Tri-Omni Super Natural Being to help
you? They know that the prayer won’t be answered because the Tri-Omni
Super Natural Being does not exists, but they use this as a method for them
to say that because the Tri-Omni Super Natural Being did not answer
therefore the Tri-Omni Super Natural Being must be sanctioning their evil acts.
This is not true because in reality the Tri-Omni Super Natural Being did not
even hear them or know what they are doing, because there is no
Omnipotent, Omnipresent, and Omnificent (Tri-Omni) Super Natural Being
that is answering prayers. There are just Visible and Invisible Beings that have
their Limited Powers and Abilities which they can expand with Universal
Knowledge, Abilities, and Power.
148.I advise all victims of evil minded schizoid entities to liberate themselves
from any religion that gives evil minded beings power to oppress others
because they promote sending people to hell. They also use religion to
silence their victims and to make their victims submit to their will.
149.Another method they do often is that they try to make the victim worship
them. If the victim is not smart and begin to worship them, that would be the
end of that victim’s life and goodness, because the evil minded schizoid
entities will lead that victim to a road filled with evil, destruction, sorrow, hell
and death.
150.I advise all victims of the evil minded schizoid entities to liberate
themselves from any religion that promote sending beings to hell or that
promote cruel and unusual punishment. I also advise the victim to be very
intelligent and not to trust voices that give them command to do anything
such as crimes, harmful acts or voices that force them to submit to the
invisible being or to any being.
151.Consciously be aware of the catch word “sin”, because it can be used to
accuse anyone of doing something bad, even if it is not a harmful act.
Liberate yourself from this programming and calculate what is harmful and
what is not.
834-(19-114-152). Confusion:
The evil minded schizoid entities use many methods to confuse their victims.
The victim may become confused about reality or the victim may be confused
into losing his or her purpose in life.
153.The victim may be confused into not being able to fully tell what is right
and what is wrong. The victim may be confused into blaming his or herself for
the evil things that the evil minded schizoid entities do to him or her.
154.The victim may be confused by the evil minded schizoid entities about his
or her sexuality. The victim may experience a sense of forgetfulness about the
past, the present, and the future because of the strain the evil minded
schizoid entity put on the victims brain.
155.The victim might lose memory about what she or he wants to accomplish.
Much false information is put into the victims mind. The victim may be told to
do extremely confused things that are harmful to the victim and to others,
things that would damage the victim’s life, health and mental stability.
156.The evil minded schizoid entities are extremely evil confused beings with
a twisted, evil mind. They will say many sick confusing things in the victim’s
mind so that they may cause the victim to undergo a mental breakdown of
huge proportions.
157.In order to survive, the victim must not lose his or her true personality.
The victim must know what is wrong and what is right. The victim must not
do the harmful confusing things that the evil minded schizoid entities
command the victim to do. The victim must know that the evil minded
schizoid entities are there to lead the victim into a path of destruction,
therefore the victim must choose to put in safety measures so that the victim
may not fall into the traps of destruction that the evil evil minded schizoid
entities set for the victim to fall into.
835-(19-114-158). Change of Intent:
The tactic of change of intent is a major form of stress that the evil minded
schizoid entities use to confuse and cause major mental breakdown of a
victim. For example a victim may try to listen to music, immediately the
schizoid entity begin to change the intent of the music to mean something
else than it actually mean. Instead of the original intent of the music, a new
intent is added to the music.
159.The evil minded entity put into the mind of the victim that the music is
talking about the victim or someone else. For example if the music is saying
something bad or good, the schizoid entities say that the music is talking
about the victim or someone else that the evil minded schizoid entities direct
the intent towards. This change of intent is not limited towards music only, it
is also used on television shows, magazine articles, billboard signs, people’s
conversation and anything that the schizoid entities can change the intent of.
160.Another method of change of intent the evil minded schizoid entities use
is changing the intent of what the victim is saying. For example if the victim
says to the schizoid entity “leave me alone”, the schizoid entity quickly
changes the intent of the words toward someone else. By doing that the
schizoid entity shields itself from the words and passes the word to someone
or something else. For example if the victim says to the schizoid entity “I hate
you” the schizoid entity finds an authority figure to transfer the intent of the
words towards. The authority figure might be a religious authority, a
governmental authority, or anyone the victim may love or be afraid to talk
161.The schizoid entity uses the tactic of changing the intent of the victim to
cause confusion and fear to take over the victim. Changing the intent of
music and television shows can cause the victim to stop watching TV and to
stop listening to music. I advise the victim not to give away his or her joy or
interest because of the evil tactics of the evil minded schizoid entities.
162.The victim must always know that the original intent of the TV, music or
the victim’s words has been changed by the evil minded schizoid entity. One
method I used to defend myself from the evil minded tactic of change of
intent was to say the words “change of intent” in my mind or out loud to the
schizoid entity whenever the schizoid entity changed the intent of my words
or other words I heard on the radio, television or anywhere else.
163.Change of intent can cause a victim to become very stressed and can
even damage the physical well being of the victim. For example when I use to
ride my bicycle and listen to music at the same time, the evil minded schizoid
entity would change the intent of the music I listened to. Whenever the intent
of the music was changed my heart would become afraid and I would feel a
pressure on my heart, my heart beat would increase and sometimes even
skipped a beat. This caused me to become afraid of listening to music, but I
had to fight against the evil minded method so I continued to listen to music
so that I might adapt and evolve a defense against the evil minded tactic of
change of intent.
164.The evil minded tactic of change of intent was one of the most
bothersome tactics used by the evil minded schizoid entities because it was
used to terrorize me into not listening to therapeutic and relaxing music
which help me to stay sane.
165.The evil minded schizoid entities also used the tactic of change of intent
to transfer the intent of my words from them to someone or something else. I
advise all victims of the evil minded schizoid entities to know that their intent
and the intent of other people and things are being changed by the evil
minded schizoid entities. Knowing this the victim must not lose control and
must fight against the evil minded tactic by staying sane, calm, conscious and
836-(19-114-166). Superstition:
The evil minded entities want humanity to be as superstitious and confused
as possible. The more superstitious humanity is the less effective humanity will
be scientifically. I had to learn the hard way not to be superstitious. I had to
learn to let go of all superstitions and to become more knowledgeable.
167.Some people and religious teachings teach humanity to use superstitious
tactics instead of scientifically proven methods to chase away the evil minded
schizoid entities. For example they may tell you to pray so that the schizoid
entities could leave, but it is not proven that prayer will remove the evil
minded schizoid entities. Based on my personal experience and the
experience of others, prayer did not work to remove the evil minded schizoid
entities. In fact whole churches and priest and pastors prayed for me, but no
prayer could deliver me from the evil minded schizoid entities that plagued
me. I even prayed to all Gods, Beings and things in the Universe to deliver me
from the evil minded schizoid entity by 12 AM that day and it have been over
8 years since I said that prayer and things only got worst then they were
before, the evil minded schizoid entities never left, because unheard prayers
are a superstition, only Personal and Beings with Knowledge, Ability, and
Power, can deliver victims from evil minded schizoid entities or any applicable
harm or evil being, or thing. If an effective proven to work network of beings
that answer prayers do not exists to answer most or every prayer that is said
praying will not help anyone, it will only give them false hope; In Marc-G-P-L
Creatic Way we believe in putting together a proven to work network in which
emergency calls are answered through key words that travel throughout the
matrix or through a phone number to industrialized assistance services. The
key word and phone number would be as effective in rescuing victims as the
police station or ambulance services. Supernatural and non-supernatural
agents would work at the Industrialized Assistance Services.
168.Another superstition is the use of false magic, holy water, sea salts,
incense, non-technological-amulets and other religious artifacts and methods
that are nothing more than superstitions. In my pain and anti-pleasure I
sought to find answers in many places. I went to priest, pastors, spiritualist,
shaman, sorcerers, voodoo men and magicians, but all of their methods
proved to be superstitious and ineffective. Because they were not proven to
work and had no power behind them.
169.One shaman who was also a psychologist used superstitious methods on
me such as bathing me in a mixture of plants, leaves, perfumes, alcohol and
other formulation which I do not know he used in the water. He did this so
that he might remove the evil minded schizoid entities, but it did not work
because it was superstition. He also cracked eggs on me and used other
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superstitious methods on me that did not work.
170.One voodoo man came to my house and used a very toxic mixture on
me that nearly burned my skin off, if I did not protest and make him stop,
who knows what would have happened to me.
171.My mother also took me to Haiti to see a voodoo man; the voodoo man
used an acid on me that burned the skin off my forehead. He was a scam and
a criminal. It took months and medical treatment to heal the burned skin of
my forehead. I had to remove layers of skin from my forehead.
172.I also went to see a witch who was passing as a psychic. She told me to
put some sea salt in the corners of my house, she also tried to make me take
an oath to her and her sisters, which I did not do. Some of these spiritualists
also told me to bath in salt water which was another superstition.
173.I also found a magician on the Internet who told me that he could
remove the evil spirits with magic and prayer. None of his methods worked.
He also told me that he could make a magic genie come and grant me
wishes. He mailed me some magic words and directions to wear white cloths
and to say the magic words more than a thousand times. It was a scam and
superstitious, it did not work.
174.I also bought many books on magic, thinking that I would learn magic so
that I could make the evil minded schizoid entities leave. None of the books
of magic thought me anything effective to make the evil minded schizoid
entities leave. Exorcisms, prayers, baths in magic formulations, magic spells,
holy water, amulets, voodoo, sorcery, and other superstitious methods did not
work to make the evil minded schizoid entities leave. They only laughed at
those methods, because they knew that these superstitious methods would
not work. the people using these methods all used non-proven to work
methods and if they were magicians and sorcerers they were fake magicians
and fake sorcerers that had no true skills nor power to cause supernatural
things to manifest nor any connection to the “Code Of System Matrix Element
Transformer” (Cosmet), nor any access to the “System Technology
Astronomical Reality Code Orderer Of Worlds” (Starcoow).
175.We must be very scientific about the evil minded schizoid entities. We
must invent scientific tools that will reveal their biological compositions and
remove them from victims. The evil minded entities know the power of true
knowledge and science. They would rather see humanity use superstitious
methods that do not work to remove them from plaguing humanity. Many of
these superstitious methods proved to be very harmful to the victim of evil
minded schizoid entities. I advise all victims of evil minded schizoid entities
not to use any superstitious methods and not to go to any superstitious
person for help.
176.The numbers of victims are increasing and no superstitious method is
working to remove the evil minded schizoid entities. The psychological fields
also have certain superstitions of their own. They believe that they could
remove schizophrenia with pills. Although the pills help to calm the victim’s
brain like a tranquilizer, the anti psychotic medicines do not remove the evil
minded schizoid entities. In fact many of these anti psychotic medicines are
harmful to the victim and cause the victim to have many different illnesses
such as diabetes, which are side effects of the pills.
177.The scientific psychological field also denies that the evil minded schizoid
entities exist. They say that it is an imagination, chemical imbalance or
hallucination. This is also a scientific superstition. In reality the evil minded
schizoid entities do exists.
178.I advise the victim and others to approach the evil minded schizoid
entities in a very scientific manner. Science, knowledge, Ability, Power, and
good laws are the most powerful tools humanity has against the invisible evil
minded schizoid entities. Humanity must move away from superstitions and
invent scientific tools that are proven to work efficiently against the invisible
evil minded schizoid entities. Other than scientific advancements that are
proven to work to remove evil minded schizoid entities from tormenting
victim; a proven to work team of invisible and visible beings that are
supernatural and non-supernatural is another good tool to use against evil
minded schizoid entities; if the group of rescuers and law enforcement agents
are real and have the power to fight against and arrest evil minded entities
then it is a proven to work network such a network must be effective at
fighting against evil minded schizoid entities and removing them from the
body and surrounding networks of victims.
837-(19-114-179). Aggressive Assault:
The evil minded entities aggressively assault their victim mentally and
physically. It is common for victims of evil minded schizoid entities to
complain about being assaulted verbally and physically. The evil minded
schizoid entities use many different methods to hurt their victims. Aggression
is one of their main weapons against their victims.
180.The evil minded schizoid entities are extremely aggressive in a very evil
way. When they start to abuse a victim, the victim is usually shocked at the
methods used by the evil minded entity. Torturous evil words in combination
with harmful weaponry are used by the evil minded entities. The evil minded
entity will search for the most harmful words to assault and torture the victim
with. Because the evil minded schizoid entities are invisible they assault their
victims in front of everyone, yet the people around the victim cannot do
anything because they do not have the senses, nor the scientific tools and
ability to detect the invisible evil minded schizoid entities.
181.The victim is assaulted in front of everyone by the invisible schizoid
entities. The victim is assaulted in front of spiritualist, religious authority,
governmental authority, police authority, psychological authority, friends and
family; yet none of these people and authority can do anything to stop the
evil minded schizoid entities, because they are invisible and cannot be seen
nor touched.
182.When victims complain to authorities and family, they usually think that
the victim is crazy and is lying. In reality the victim is experiencing painful
anti-pleasure great persecution and oppression from invisible evil minded
183.A victim of the evil minded schizoid entities must know that the invisible
persecutors are real and the victim must let them know that they are breaking
International Laws and Universal Laws. The victim must have perseverance and
must not lose his or her dignity. The victim must know that what is being
done to the victim is illegal, harmful, immoral, unethical, wrong and should be
184.The victim must come together with other anti-pleasurers and people
who want to help find an answer to the evil minded schizoid entity problem.
The victim must invest time in finding a scientific way to detect and remove
the evil minded schizoid entities.
838-(19-114-185). Criminal Intent:
The evil minded schizoid entities have the intention to commit crimes against
their victims. They also have the intent to turn their victims into criminals. The
evil minded schizoid entities are criminals; they have developed a mentality
and philosophy that encourages them to commit the most heinous crimes
against their victims, against the World Community and against the Universal
Community. Their philosophy is a philosophy that states that there must be
evil in the Universe and that they must be that evil and that they must spread
that evil inside the Universe.
186.This philosophy is one of the most evil philosophies in existence. This
philosophy is driven by evil and criminal intention. They believe that there
must exist a counter force that is against the force of goodness, and that they
must be that force. This criminal philosophy is realized in the most confusing
and erroneous thinking. I always told them that if someone took one step
backward for every step forward he took, that he would never get anywhere.
If these evil minded entities have their way evil will increase in the Universe
and painfulness and anti-pleasure will continue to spread.
187.Their intention is to harm other living beings and they have no limit to
what heinous acts they will do and cause. This same evil minded philosophy is
there to promote hell and anti-pleasure. Good beings must be against the
forces of painfulness, anti-pleasure, and hell. Good beings must not approve
nor promote neither hell nor anti-pleasure, because they will be helping the
forces of evil to accomplish their goal.
188.When the evil minded schizoid entities come to oppress and persecute a
victim, they also come to destroy the victim in anyway that they could.
Turning the victim into a criminal is one of their goals. If they could make the
victim do something evil they feel that they have accomplished their goal to
spread evil. When they come to persecute a victim, they also try to command
the victim to harm him or herself and to harm others. If they could instill
hatred into the victims mind and cause the victim to commit a crime, murder,
hurt or rape someone else, they feel that they have accomplished a part of
their mission.
189.They will attempt to put criminal intent into a victims mind and cause the
victim to ruin his or her life by doing something very heinous or criminal like.
190.The evil minded entities are villains and they intent to be the worst kind
of villain that they could be. Their intentions are to do evil, harmful, criminal
191.I advise all victims of evil minded schizoid entities not to do any harmful
thing that the evil minded schizoid voices command them to do. The victim
must practice mindfulness and must do good things and have a good
intention behind everything that he or she does.
192.The victim must be very intelligent and must use his or her higher
conscious mind to avoid the dangers and traps that the evil evil minded
schizoid entities lay for the victim to fall into.
193.The victim must remember that the evil evil minded schizoid entities have
an evil intention behind almost all things that they do and that they are
criminal beings that intend to harm the victim in the most destructive way.
They also intend to make the victim become evil or do harmful things
through brainwash and programming.
194.The victim must be very cautious about everything that he or she does.
The victim must endure all the hardship that he or she faces from those evil
evil minded entities and must fight against them and persevere to accomplish
his or her task and increase his or her goodness.
839-(19-114-195). Brainwash:
The evil minded schizoid entities use brainwash to oppress their victims. One
of the methods they use is to brainwash the victim into accepting all the evil
that they intend to do to the victim. If they could find what they call a sin in
the victims mind, or a harmful act in the victims mind, or anything that is
questionable in the victims mind or acts and deeds, they will use that to do
the most heinous things to the victim.
196.They will tell the victim that they are doing the evil things to the victim
because the victim is guilty of a wrongful act. In reality they will harm a child
that was just born yesterday as they would harm an adult.
197.If they could brainwash the victim into condemning his or herself they will
do just that. They will use all the methods and tools of deception to
brainwash their victims. Lies are a common thing they use against a victim.
The smallest act is magnified and mutated by them so that they could justify
what they do to a victim. In reality what drives them is evil intention. They will
use religious teachings to brainwash a victim. They will use anything to
brainwash a victim.
198.One of the methods they use to brainwash a victim is torture. They will
torture a victim into submission. A victim may disagree with them, but after
they torture a victim the victim is more likely to agree with them because of
the violations they do to the victim. They use conniving directives and evil
intention to harm a victim and to make the victim feel guilt. They do this so
that they may gain power over the victim.
199.If the innocent could be attacked in the most savage way, the guilty is
totally taken advantage of. They savagely attack a victim over and over again
until the victim losses his or her mind. After that they brainwash the victim
into committing suicide with their commands. The same method is used to
brainwash a victim into doing a criminal or heinous act that the victim would
have never done if they were not there to brainwash the victim into doing.
200.Any weakness the victim has is used against the victim. They use guilt,
shame, and sin to gain power over a victim. The victim is attacked for what he
or she thought or for what he or she did. Even things he or she never
thought or did are invented by the evil minded schizoid entities, so that the
evil minded schizoid entities could gain power over the victim.
201.The evil minded schizoid entities are heinous criminals and must never
have any power to judge anyone. Cruel and unusual acts and punishments
should be illegal and abolished. Evil will only spread if cruel and unusual acts,
punishments and hells are increased. All beings should be informed and
should be compassionate and good enough to see the evil that hell increases
inside the Universe.
202.If the victim is not intelligent enough he or she may be brainwashed into
doing something very hateful and heinous.
203.The victim must know that he or she is being brainwashed into doing
things that he or she would have never have done if the evil minded schizoid
entities were not present. One woman who was attacked by the evil minded
schizoid entities killed all of her children because she was commanded and
brainwashed by the evil minded schizoid entities.
204.Many evil things that were never supposed to occur occurs because of
the evil minded schizoid entities. All victims of evil minded schizoid entities
must know that they are being brainwashed by the evil evil minded schizoid
entities and they must be very conscious about what the evil minded schizoid
entities are doing to their mind.
205.Victims must know that they are being brainwashed into condemning
their own selves or others. The evil minded schizoid entities may come to
stop a being from doing good in the world, but after they intrude into the
beings privacy of the mind and home, they begin to steal information from
the victims database of the mind or “memory”. This memory is then used
against the victim so that they could instill guilt and shame into the victim. If
they could reduce the victim into a sinner, they then gain power over the
206.The victim must never let the evil minded beings gain power over his or
herself because of sin or anything. The victim must seek to correct his or her
wrongs in a humane productive way, not in a hellish, heinous destructive way.
Even though the evil minded schizoid entities hate the thought of any Super
Natural Being and regularly curse Super Natural Being, they will use Super
Natural Being name to torment and torture a victim. This is part of their
conniving directive. I advise victims to know that these evil minded schizoid
entities are acting on their own freewill to do all the evil that they do and are
not being guided by Super Natural Being.
207.Another method they use on a victim is to brainwash the victim into
thinking that he or she is someone that he or she is not. This they do so that
the victim may become confused about his or her identity. Brainwash is used
on the victim to confuse the victim and to cause the victim to do things that
the victim would never do if the evil minded schizoid entities were not
208.I advise all victims to know and to identify when they are being
brainwashed by the evil minded schizoid entities and to use their higher
conscious mind to fight against all techniques of brainwash.
209.Evil Cue: One of the common methods used by the evil minded schizoid
entities is evil cue. Evil Cue is when the evil minded schizoid entity cue, or tell
a victim what to do using the conscious of the victim. For example a victim
may hear voices that tell him or her to do something pleasant or unpleasant.
The cues are mostly unpleasant when the evil minded entity want to torment
a victim.
210.Sometime the evil minded entity uses the victim’s imagination to cue
the victim to do something. Some of the things the evil minded entities cue
the victim to do may be very unpleasant and disgusting. The evil cue causes
the victim to be shocked or severely disturbed mentally.
211.I advise the victim not to follow the evil cue of the evil minded entities
and to practice calmness and consciousness.
212.Some of the evil cue are obvious and can be detected by the victim, other
evil cues are subliminal and harder to detect. Cueing a victim is a way for the
evil minded schizoid entity to command a victim into doing its will are a way
to disturb the victim mentally in a very depressing way.
213.At times, the evil minded schizoid entities use conniving directive
conjunction with evil cue. An example of this is when a evil minded schizoid
entity put an evil thought in the mind of the victim, but then attack the victim
for thinking the evil cue as if it was the victims original thought, but in reality
is was not the victims original thought, but the evil cue of the evil minded
schizoid entity.
214.I advise the victim to be very conscious and to know that he or she is
being cued by an evil evil minded natured being. When the victim realizes this
the victim can then take counter measures to avoid doing what the evil
minded entities cue him or her to do.
215.Arousal Of Anger: The evil minded schizoid entities have a
strategy in which they arouse or provoke a victim to anger by agitating
the victim with evil words against himself or against others. The
evil minded entity may regularly seek to arouse the victim into great
anger against others, especially others who may pose a threat to the
victim in some way or form.
216.The evil minded entity is also a great opportunists to cause enmity
between others. As soon as an opportunity arrives to cause enmity between
family, friends or enemies, the evil minded entity quickly began the
programming and agitation to cause the victim to have enmity and hatred
against others. They also seek to cause others to have enmity and hatred
against the victim.
217.They also use curse words warfare against other beings to arouse them to
anger against the victim so that they may be instigated into committing a
harmful or heinous act against the victim or against others. Sometimes the
evil minded schizoid entities even attempt to arouse imaginary deities or real
existent beings into harming the victim, so that the victim could be shocked
into fear of harm, fear of retaliation or into extreme anger.
218.I advise all victims of the schizoid entity to remain calm when the evil
minded schizoid entity attempt to arouse the victim into anger. If the victim
don't remain calm and use his or her logical brain to see the trap that is laid
for him or her to fall into, the victim may lose self control and place his or
herself and others in danger of harm. Anger is also very bad for the victim
because too much anger causes a rise in stress level which can cause great
depression to take over the victim of the evil minded schizoid entities. Victims
of evil minded schizoid entities must be very careful and must use their
logical minds to avoid the arousal of anger especially extreme anger that
cause great harm to self and to others.
840-(19-114-219). Sexual Harassment:
The evil minded schizoid entities are known for sexually harassing their
victims. Many people are sexually harassed verbally or physically by the evil
minded schizoid entities. The evil minded schizoid entities can keep saying
evil sexual things to the victim over and over again.
220.For many these evil sexual harassing words can turn into rape. Many
victims are ashamed to tell anyone that they had been sexually harassed or
raped by an evil evil minded schizoid entity also known as evil spirits.
221.Several methods are used to sexually harass or rape a victim. The victim
minds eye or imagination may be used to sexually harass the victim. The
victim may see an imaginational image or hand sexually harassing him or her
while awake. These images are sometimes called hallucinations by
psychologist. In reality they are not triggered by the imagination of the victim,
but by the imaginational will or device of the evil minded schizoid entities.
222.Another method used by the evil minded schizoid entity is to sexually
harass a victim while he or she is still awake. Before going to sleep the victim
may feel a force touching him or her inappropriately in a sexual way. When
the victim falls asleep he or she can be sexually harassed or raped by a evil
minded schizoid entity while sleeping.
223.While the victim falls asleep he or she may dream that he or she is being
raped or sexually molested by someone or something. The dream experience
may be very real to the victim. The victim may feel pain as if it was happening
for real. The victim may also be forced against his or her will to have sexual
experiences while sleeping. All these sexual traumas can cause a victim to
reject sexuality and become sexually inactive, because of the sexual trauma
the victim experienced from the evil minded schizoid entities.
224.I advise all victims of sexual molestation to be strong and not to lose
hope. It is especially difficult to cope with because humanity does not
currently have the scientific tools to stop the invisible evil minded entities, but
I advise the victim to not lose hope and to keep your dignity in the face of
molestation and abuse.
225.The victim may become frightened to go to sleep because of the rape
and sexual molestation that occurs while dreaming. I advise the victim to
sleep and to take sleeping pills if it becomes difficult to fall asleep. I also
advise the victim not to look at sexuality in a negative way because of the evil
trauma that is caused by the evil minded schizoid entities. It is not sexuality
that is the problem; it is the evil way that the evil minded schizoid entities
abuse sexuality that is the problem. I again advise the victim to be strong in
the face of abuse and harassment and to keep your dignity and pride in the
face of sexually caused trauma and oppression.
841-(19-114-226). Sexual Deprivation and
The evil minded schizoid entities will turn something that is supposed to
bring life and pleasure into something that brings pain and death. The evil
minded schizoid entities will sometime cause a victim to totally lose interest in
227.The evil minded schizoid entity’s presence and vileness is enough to cause
someone to totally lose interest in pleasurable things. The evil minded
schizoid entities ability to intrude in someone’s privacy in the most heinous
way is very evil and immoral. The evil minded schizoid entities will degrade
sexuality using a very negative method. They are not an imagination, but are
real entities. Their presence in someone’s life and their ability to intrude in
someone privacy is enough to discourage anyone from being involved in a
sexual relationship.
228.Their evil and vile comments concerning sex is enough to disturb the
psyche and to cause great distress in a victim. Sex may have been a positive
thing to a victim before they invaded the victim’s world, but after the evil
minded schizoid entities show up their presence and conniving, evil methods
cause sexuality to become very undesirable.
229.They may sometime use conniving directives to encourage or arouse a
victim into performing a sexual act. After the victim perform the sexual act
they will then attack the victim because of the sexual act they tricked the
victim into performing, that is how deceiving and conniving they are. I advise
all victims of evil minded schizoid entities to be very careful about what they
do sexually or otherwise. My advice is for the victim not to listen to the evil
minded entities at all. If they tell a victim to perform a sexual act, the victim
must refuse to do it.
230.When they convince a victim to do a sexual act, they usually have a
conniving plan to attack the victim afterwards. They will attack the victim with
accusations and shame. This they will do so that they could cause enough
mental traumas to cause the victim to commit suicide or to do a harmful act.
231.A victim and all people must be very careful about what they do when an
evil evil minded entity is present. I advise the victim to know that the evil
minded entity is trying to ruin the victim’s life and world. The victim and
others must encourage peace, love, and wellness in the victim’s life. The victim
must practice caution and mindfulness. The victim must use his or her higher
conscious mind to expose the techniques of the evil minded schizoid entity so
that they may not fall into the traps of the evil minded entities.
842-(19-114-232). Heat Burst Weapon:
The evil minded schizoid entities have many different forms of weaponry to
cause damages to a victim. When they are not oppressing and harassing a
victim verbally, they are using physical weapons on the victim. One of these
weapons is the heat burst weapon.
233.The heat burst weapon can be used on a victim while he or she is awake
or just falling asleep or just awaking from sleep. The heat burst weapon is a
weapon that causes a heat burst to hit a victim physically. The weapon feels
like a burst of energy hit the victim. It causes a lot of pain and it also causes
emotional trauma on the victim because the victim now realize that he or she
can also be harmed physically in conjunction to mental oppression.
234.The victim can also feel a heat flash on certain parts of the victim’s body. I
advise the victim to stay calm and not to panic when hit by the heat burst
weapon. The victim must get together with his or her peers and help find a
scientific answer to the evil minded schizoid entity threat.
843-(19-114-235). Electrocution Weapon:
The evil minded schizoid entities also have an electrocution weapon. The
weapon feels like being electrocuted. A stream of electric current may pass
through the victim’s body, or the victim may feel like static electricity has hit
the victim. The evil minded schizoid entities are very evil, dangerous and
harmful. Other than evil harmful words they also have weapons that can hurt
a victim physically. We must become scientifically advanced enough to stop
these invisible predators from harming and killing people.
844-(19-114-236). Heart Tremors:
The evil minded schizoid entities can also cause a victim to have heart
tremors. The daily stress of being persecuted by evil evil minded beings is
enough to cause tremendous heart breaks and heart aches.
237.Victims of evil minded schizoid entities have poorer health than others do.
Some of this poor health is caused by bad medicine, but most of the bad
health is caused by the stress that the evil minded entities cause to occur in a
victims mind and body.
238.Sometimes the victim may become so frightened and heart broken that
the victim’s heart skip a beat or tremble in fear. The evil minded schizoid
entities also have weapons and abilities to cause a victim to have a heart
239.I advise the victim to think healthy and to live healthy. The victim must
combat against all evil things that the evil minded schizoid entities cause to
happen mentally and physically. I advise the victim to be brave and not to
lose hope. The victim should practice relaxation, meditation, rest or sleep
when tired and exercise when possible.
240.Fright: Many of the tactics and methods the evil minded schizoid entity
uses are to frighten a victim so horrendously that the victim lose his or her
mind or commit suicide.
241.The evil minded schizoid entities use many different tactics to frighten the
victim traumatically. The victim is haunted by the evil minde entities and has
no peace.
242.When a victim is diagnosed with schizophrenia or similar mental diseases
the victim is in a world of fear, terror and hell. The victim is frightened daily in
many cases the victim is frightened on an hourly bases with the most horrible
evil minded methods.
243.When the evil minded schizoid entities first attacked me, they told me
“welcome to hell on earth”. The evil minded schizoid entities know exactly
what they want to do to a victim. They know that they have come and are
there to totally ruin the victim’s life and in most cases they are there to
eventually kill the victim.
244.The victim must be extremely brave in the face of terror and torment. The
victim must seek to find scientific answers to the evil minded problem. I
advise all victims not to lose hope in the face of fear and terror. The victim
must know that he or she is being persecuted by a real evil minded entity, it
is not the victim’s imagination it is a real external threat hat have come to
destroy the victim’s peace, tranquility, happiness, pleasure and life.
845-(19-114-245). Hate/ Hatred/ Hate
The evil minded schizoid entities are full of hatred. I do not know the source
of their hatred, but I know that they are very hateful and spread hatred
among other beings.
246.When they begin to oppress a victim the victim quickly realize that he or
she is being oppressed and abused by some of the most hateful beings in
existence. The evil minded entities also try to instill hatred into the victim. The
evil minded schizoid entities try to turn the victim into a hater of others. They
also try to make the victim hate everything that he or she love.
247.The victim must be very intelligent and wise enough to know that he or
she is being cued and programmed to display a certain hateful behavior. The
evil minded entities will commit hate crimes against the victim, but at the
same time they are also trying to make the victim commit hate crimes against
248.The victim must be very peaceful and kind hearted and must have good
intent towards others. If the victim is deceived by the evil minded entity, lose
control and allow the hateful programming to take place, the victim will
become dangerous to his or herself and towards others. The evil minded
entities will try to make the victim hate his or herself, family, friends, and other
people who are like the victim or different from the victim. It is part of their
strategy to spread hatred. I advise the victim to avoid hateful behavior and to
be kind and to use good intent in everything that he or she does.
249.The victim must not allow his or herself to be cued or programmed by
the evil minded entity.
846-(19-114-250). Entrapment:
The victim of the evil minded schizoid entities will feel very trapped and
imprisoned. It is like being in a prison with no boundaries. Once the evil
minded schizoid entities enter into someone or comes around someone, the
person is immediately a mental and physical prisoner of the evil minded
schizoid entity. Everywhere the victim goes the evil minded entity follows. The
victim will feel as if there is no escape from the torments of the evil minded
251.The victim is abused right in front of friends, family and even in front of
police authority, but they cannot do anything to rescue the victim because the
evil minded schizoid entity is invisible. The evil minded schizoid entity also set
traps for the victim to fall into.
252.The victim must be very conscious and wise enough not to fall into the
traps the evil minded schizoid entity set for the victim. What the victim was
free to do before the arrival of the evil minded schizoid entity, the victim is no
longer free to do. The victim may have been skillful and have high mental and
physical abilities before the evil minded schizoid entities came, but after the
evil minded schizoid entity comes to persecute the victim everything falls
253.The victim and everyone around the victim must be kind, compassionate
and must help and encourage the victim to live a prosperous hopeful life.
254.At our current evolution, Humanity experience painful lives because we
have not invested in the proper scientific knowledge and ability that shall help
us in the fight against the invisible evil minded predators. To make matters
worst the invisible evil minded predators are doing counter measure against
the scientific evolution of humanity.
255.We must be constant in our search for an answer to this persecution and
we must never give up nor allow anyone to sabotage our effort to evolve to
higher scientific levels. It seems as if humanity is trapped and surrounded by
an evil enemy that deceive and prey upon us we must overcome this invisible
enemy that have an invisible advantage over us.
847-(19-114-256). Restlessness:
Victims of evil minded schizoid entities will experience restlessness. The victim
may experience racing thoughts that never stops. Taking anti depressants may
help with calming the victims brain down, but they do not take away the
257.The victim may feel like he or she cannot rest, but must keep moving
around. The victim is restlessly attacked and persecuted by the evil minded
schizoid entities. Calmness and tranquility is taken away from the victim. The
victim cannot experience peace anymore because the evil minded beings will
not allow the victim to have any peace. The victim only find refuge when he
or she goes to sleep, but even sleep becomes a battlefield against the evil
minded, because they attack the victim in his or her sleep.
258.I advise all victims of the evil minded schizoid entities to practice
calmness and meditation and to listen their favorite kind of music. Meditation
and music may not totally take away the pain and restlessness, but meditation
and music will help train the victim how to rest and be calm.
259.The evil minded schizoid entity behave worst than a dangerous aggressive
animal, because it has a brain to think but devote its time to doing the most
persecuting, deadly, dangerous, heinous, torturous, murderous things to
others. It seems as if the evil minded schizoid entity never rest. The evil
minded schizoid entity is present at all times. It is present when the victim is
awake and asleep. I always wondered if the evil minded schizoid entities ever
go to sleep.
260.We must develop More Perfect medicines to calm the victim’s brain down
and to bring tranquility to a victims mind. These new medicines must have
very little or no harmful side effects.
261.The victim must find things that will take the victims mind away from the
persecution of the evil minded schizoid entity. Such things as watching a
television show, listening to music, taking a walk in the park, reading, writing,
or meditating. Even though these activities may be difficult to do or can even
be sabotaged by the evil minded schizoid entities, the victim must still try to
practice these activities for his or her own benefit. It is a fight for the victim’s
848-(19-114-262). Subliminal Messages/
Torturous Subliminal Messages:
The evil minded schizoid entities use subliminal messages to fool and to
persecute their victims. The victim could be driving down the highway and see
a billboard sign. The billboard sign can and may be manipulated to mean
something else to the victim. Numbers may mean something else to the
263.The evil minded schizoid entities may communicate to the victims sub
conscious mind and instill fear and terror into the victim’s psyche. License
plates may mean something else to the victim. Things the victim never took
notice of before may suddenly mean something to the victim. These new
things are usually used to put fear into the victim.
264.Some of these new noticeable coded things can disturb the victim’s
perception of the world. The victim may feel as if he or she is decoding secret
messages. I experienced this when I began to decode license plate while
driving along the highway. Some of the numbers seem to repeat a noticeable
pattern. This would not have normally troubled me, but the evil minded
entities put meanings behind those numbers, such meaning were used to
threaten my life and other people’s life.
265.Whenever I saw a certain number the evil minded schizoid entities would
tell me that that number means to kill me and other people. To my advantage
I also saw patterns of numbers that I associated with killing the evil minded
beings. So driving down the highway became a battleground of secret coded
266.The evil minded beings use numbers to frighten the victim. To my surprise
these numbers kept showing up in the Matrix. It seems as if there was a
mystical calibration happening in my life. Though it seemed very superstitious,
it became a battleground of letters and numbers. This proved to be very
stressful for me and for the evil minded schizoid entities. I did study
numerology briefly, but I was not proficient in decoding numbers.
267.The World Matrix is a Calibrated world when it is guided towards that
purpose by the Human Mind and by Beings that have the Knowledge, Ability,
and Power, to Calibrate the World Matrix.
268.I do believe that the Universe is an orderly place and so calibration
is a main feature of the Universe.
269.I advise all victims to be very cautious enough not to let subliminal
messages terrorize themselves. Decoding messages can be very stressful at
times it is More Perfect to devote time away from decoding messages when a
victim is stressed and attacked by evil minded schizoid entities. If a victim
must decode messages it is More Perfect to associate numbers, and messages
to the victim’s advantage instead of disadvantage.
849-(19-114-270). Discouragement:
The evil minded schizoid entities will try to discourage a victim from
accomplishing many things. Most of the discouragements are things that are
good for the victim. If the victim wants to be free from oppression the
schizoid entities will try to threaten and terrorize the victim out of it.
271.The evil minded schizoid entities conniving directive is to destroy the
victim’s life, progress and happiness. If the victim want to start a new job or
advance his or her career the evil minded schizoid entities will step up their
activity to increase stress and depression in the victims mind so that the
victim could have very little energy to accomplish what he or she wishes to
272.If the victim feel like another invisible being is trying to help the victim
the evil minded schizoid entities will quickly move in to put doubt and guilt in
the victim’s mind so that the victim could feel like he or she does not deserve
to be helped. They also try to put false emotions in the victims mind through
their use of evil cue. They do this so that it may seem like the victim does not
want help from others. They also try to discourage any other being from
helping the victim by accusing the other beings or by accusing the victim with
bogus lies and over exaggeration.
273.They also try to discourage the victim from participating in things the
victim use to participate in such as family activities, work activities and
pleasurable activities.
274.If the victim wants to investigate new scientific Ways to free his or herself
from the torments of the evil minded schizoid entities, they quickly move in
to put discouraging thoughts in the victims mind and to make the victim lose
energy so that the victim may be too tired to do anything to help his or
herself or others.
275.They do these things so that they could sabotage the victim’s progress
and attempt to find freedom for self and for others. They also try to put fear
into the victim so that the victim may become very paranoid and fearful
about doing anything that will free his or herself. I advise all victims to have
courage in the face of discouragement, brainwash and oppression. The victim
must have purpose and must not lose hope.
850-(19-114-276). Hopelessness:
One of the methods of the evil minded schizoid entities is to make the victim
have a feeling of hopelessness. The victim may begin to feel hopeless after
the anti psychotic medicines fail to remove the torment full voices from the
victim’s mind. Or the victim may feel hopeless after spiritual methods such as
exorcisms, prayers and other methods fail to work to remove the evil minded
schizoid entities. When the victim feels hopeless it is likely that the victim will
want to escape from the torment by committing suicide. I advise the victim
not to commit suicide. The victim must choose to weather the storm and
endure the hardship. The victim must devote his or her time towards finding
scientific methods, tools, and cures for this evil debilitating mental and
physical disease that is caused by invisible evil minded schizoid entities.
851-(19-114-277). Fear:
The instilling of fear is one of the most common attacks evil minded schizoid
entities use on their victims. The evil minded entities will do almost everything
they can to put fear into the victim. They regularly threaten to kill the victim
so that the victim will become very afraid of being killed by the evil minded
schizoid entities and others. The victim may become so fearful that he or she
begin to realize that today may be the last day that he or she may be alive.
278.The victim is told by the evil minded entities that others will come and kill
the victim and so the victim may become very paranoid. The victim has good
reasons to be afraid, because the victim is in real danger of being tormented
and killed by invisible evil minded beings.
279.After the evil minded attack the victim’s world is turned upside down. Life
may become a big labyrinth of out of control emotions and misperceptions.
Some victim’s become so afraid and confused that they cannot function
anymore. Fear causes the victim’s stress level to increase to crippling levels. I
advise the victim to know that fear is a tactic that is highly and commonly
used by the evil minded schizoid entities. The evil minded schizoid entities
know that the more fear they put into a victim the less able and functional
the victim will become.
280.It is said that “the biggest fear is fear itself”. The unhealthy fear the evil
minded schizoid entities put into a victim is very damaging and causes deadly
stress and illnesses to take over a victim. I advise all victims to be brave in the
face of fear and torment.
281.The victim must practice calmness and mindfulness. The victim must stand
up for his or herself and for others freedom and dignity. The victim must
know all the technique that the evil minded schizoid entities are using against
him or herself. This is why I wrote this list of techniques used by the evil
minded schizoid entities so that victims of the evil minded schizoid entities
may know what is happening to themselves and what tactics they can expect
the evil minded schizoid entities to use against them.
282.I advise all victims to be brave in the face of fear and intimidation. I
advise all victims not to lose hope and to work for a More Perfect tomorrow.
852-(19-114-283). Inducement of Cowardly
The evil minded schizoid entities will try to turn the victim into a fearful being
that cannot defend his or herself. They will try to induce cowardly behavior
into a victim so that the victim may not be able to defend his or herself and
others rights. Their plan is to use whatever infamous means they can to
undermine and sabotage the victim’s courage, dignity and self worth.
284.The evil minded schizoid entities will try to put guilt into victims by
accusing the victim of sins or doing wrongful things. This they do so that the
victim may feel guilty and lose courage to defend his or her self and others.
285.The evil minded entities have no right to accuse anyone, because they are
the biggest criminals and wrongdoers. If there was ever a sinner the evil
minded beings are the biggest sinners in existence. As Marc-G-P-L Creatic
Way teaches no being is to answer to a evil minded being, or a evil entity, or
a torturer, because a evil minded being, or a evil entity, or a torturer is not the
law of Marc-G-P-L Creatic or the laws any Good Organization, Religion, or
Government. With this truth we discredit any attempt by evil minded beings
to persecute any being.
286.Inducement of cowardly behavior causes victims to lose courage in doing
normal things that they had no problems doing before the evil minded beings
came to persecute them. The victim may brainwashed into giving up his or
her Constitutional and Universal rights to freedom, respect, and dignity. The
evil minded schizoid entities do not want victims to defend themselves and so
they try to put cowardly behavior into victims so that they may not be able to
defend themselves or others. I advise all victims to have courage and
not to be afraid to defend themselves or others from the conniving directive
and evil tactics of the evil minded entities.
853-(19-114-287). Teasing and bothering:
The evil minded schizoid entities will tease and bother their victims in the
most disrespectful way. Name calling and cursing is commonly experienced by
victims of the evil minded schizoid entities.
288.The evil minded schizoid entities want the victim to have low self esteem
and low self worth. The victim is called the most demeaning names. Others
are also called demeaning names. The evil minded entities do this so that the
victim may be shocked and stunned at what he or she is hearing and
289.The victim is harassed mentally, physically and even sexually by the hellish
evil minded schizoid entities. The evil minded assault is continuous on a daily
bases. The victim’s privacy and personal space is violated by the evil minded
schizoid entities. Everyday the victim awakens to a living nightmare that won’t
go away.
290.Everywhere the victim goes, the evil evil minded schizoid entities fallow.
Every boundary is broken by the evil minded schizoid entities. In the minds of
the evil minded schizoid entities everyone in the Universe is prey.
291.The evil minded schizoid entities have no respect whatsoever for anyone
or anything. The evil minded schizoid entities target and violate everything. I
advise all victims of the evil minded schizoid entities to have hope, faith and
perseverance that they will overcome the evil and hell that they experience on
a daily bases. I advise all victims not to use the same tactics of the evil
minded schizoid entities, but to use good, productive, positive techniques to
defeat the evil minded schizoid entities.
854-(19-114-292). Dreams:
evil minded schizoid entities are able to persecute their victims even while the
victims are sleeping. The evil minded schizoid entities are able to create
dreams in which they terrorize and molest their victims. They are also able to
infiltrate normal dreams that the victim is having. It is apparent that human
beings possess a body which is used in dreams while the normal human body
is asleep. Some call it the astral body. The evil minded entities regularly give
their victim disturbing dreams in which they mislead the victim or promote
subject matter of their interest, sexual dreams in which they molest or rape
the victim and torturous dreams in which they torture the victim or do evil
things to the victim. Sometimes they even try to kill the victim or even kill the
victim in the victim’s sleep by suffocating the victim or through other criminal
means to murder the victim.
293.They often use falling asleep and waking from sleep to torment and
terrorize a victim. A victim could be attacked while he or she is trying to fall
asleep or can be attacked while waking from sleep.
294.Somehow sleep allows human beings to travel to other dimensions or
realities. These realities allow the evil minded beings to come in contact with
the victim face to face or in other virtual like dreamy realities.
295.Falling asleep can become an obstacle to anti-pleasurers of evil minded
schizoid entities. The victim may feel like sleeping is dangerous, especially
after being attacked in his or her sleep. I advise the victim to have patience
and to have courage and to go to sleep on a normal bases.
296.Not sleeping is very tiresome and torturous for a human being and can
lead to thoughts of committing suicide. The evil minded entities will try to
take advantage of a victim who does not go to sleep for several days and try
to cue, convince or brainwash the victim to commit suicide.
297.I advise all victims who cannot fall asleep to take a good reliable
prescription level sleeping medicine. I also advise the victim not to commit
suicide and to devote his or her time and effort towards finding scientific
tools and answers to defend humanity from the evil minded schizoid entities.
855-(19-114-298). Flashing Lights, Broken
Electronic Equipments, animal attacks
and other Paranormal Activities:
The evil minded entities have the ability to cause light bulbs to flash on and
off. They also have the ability to break electronic equipment. Some have
testified that they also have the ability to make objects move in our
299.I advise all who undertake the task of building scientific electronic
equipments to detect and defend humanity from evil minded schizoid entities
to know that evil minded entities are able to temper with those equipment.
Knowing this truth inventors should still pursue scientific answers to the evil
minded schizoid entity problem diligently and carefully.
300.Inventors must build reliable scientific equipment and must have a backup
plan in case of evil minded paranormal attacks on these equipments. I advise
all who are under paranormal attacks from the evil minded schizoid entities to
remain calm and collective and to use their conscious mind to avoid dangers.
301.The evil minded schizoid entities also have the ability to, make animals
attack the victim. The victim must especially be very careful around wild
302.They can also can cause humans to be aggressive towards the victim and
others by using sub-conscious cues in the mind of humans. I advise the victim
to be very thoughtful and to use nonaggression and the way not to strike first
against others as a primary defense system. The victim does have the right to
defend his or herself if attacked severely, but the victim must try his or her
More Perfect to avoid conflicts.
856-(19-114-303). Sickness and Diseases:
Evil minded schizoid entities are not only able to give diseases of the mind
but can also cause a victim to become physically ill. The very presence of evil
minded schizoid entities cause a victim to develop poor health.
304.Unfortunately some of the medications that are supposed to be used to
help fight against mental illnesses also have dangerous unhealthy side effects
that can cause horrible illnesses.
305.I believe that the evil minded entities are able to cause people to be sick
and can cause plagues to spread. When the evil minded schizoid entities
came to persecute me, they also threatened to attack others who were
around me with diseases. I also noticed that some people did get sick with
306.The evil minded schizoid entities are very evil if they can attack others
with mental illnesses, surely they can also attack people with physical
diseases. The evil minded entities are invisible predators and murderers.
Humankind is in danger of being extinguished by them through genocide.
Human scientific and social growth is in danger of being severely limited
because of their sabotage and influence on humanity.
307.I advise victims of evil minded schizoid entities to practice good healthy
eating, intake of vitamins and exercise regularly whenever it is possible to
combat illnesses and health problems that may be caused by the evil minded
schizoid entities and by harmful side effects from medicines.
857-(19-114-308). Sabotage:
The evil minded Entities love to sabotage their victims. The worst possibility is
the hellish undesirable three worst unhappiness evil sabotage which are one:
the universal increasing of painfulnes and anti-pleasure to the highest level
possible inside the Whole Universal Unending Infinite Spaces Of Original
Universal Infinite Matrix Existence , two: the universal spreading of hell
throughout the Whole Universal Unending Infinite Spaces Of Original
Universal Infinite Matrix Existence ; and three: the universal destruction of
paradises throughout the Whole Universal Unending Infinite Spaces Of
Original Universal Infinite Matrix Existence ; the hellish undesirable three worst
unhappiness evil sabotage are known as “thutwues” pronounced (tutwus) and
they are what motivates the absolute worst state of hells. In fact the word (tutwus)
in the Haitian Creole language means “dog”. This is exactly what it feels
like when a victim is attacked by a evil minded schizoid entity, it feels like
being attacked by an enraged, evil minded, rabies infected dog that is ready
to rip the victims mind and body into shreds.
309.The evil minded schizoid entities work with the formula of “ thutwues”
pronounced (tu-twus) which is a part of their brains that make them desire to
ravage their victim in the worst way like a wild insane dog or animal.
Sabotage is one of their main tactics against their victims, and they are very
calculative at what they do to kill or drive their victims insane. They will
attempt to sabotage everything the victim does to survive, to be happy, to
enjoy life, and to communicate with others. They will sabotage the victims
whole perception of the victims world. What was once a survivable
environment becomes an environment of the worst possibility of sabotage.
310.The victims mind and body are sabotaged, the victims dreams and
aspirations are sabotaged by the evil minded schizoid entity. At times it seems
that everything the victim attempts to do are sabotaged. The victims
relationships with family, friends, and acquaintances are sabotaged in an
everyday struggle to destroy the victims world and perception of the Universe.
311.All the techniques of the evil minded schizoid entities are for the
purposes of sabotaging the victim in the worst way through mental and
physical warfare. The evil minded schizoid entities use methods that are
calculable by the expert and aware mind. This is why and how I am able to
write their methods down because they can be scientifically explained by me
and those who study these tactics of evil minded schizoid entities.
312.The victim of the enraged, sabotaging schizoid entity must know that the
victim is being sabotaged and the victim must take counter measures to
ensure that the victims plans will be fulfilled. The victim must strengthened
and organize the victims everyday life with the More Perfect discipline and
aspiration. The victim must be motivated and must optimize the victims will
and desire to survive and to be successful to the highest level. The victim
must have forewarning, knowledge and ability to avoid the sabotage. The
defense from sabotage is forewarning, knowledge, and ability to avoid
sabotage and to fix what have been sabotaged. The victim have been
sabotaged and so the victim must fix and strengthen what have been
sabotaged which is the victim of evil minded schizoid entities that give the
victim schizophrenia.
313.The victim must know when the victim is being sabotaged and must
repeat the term “sabotage”; and the victim must move forward to fix what
have been sabotaged, by using the More Perfect planning of perseverance to
avoid and eliminate the sabotage that have been caused by the “ thutwues”
programmed mind of evil minded schizoid entities. Schizophrenia is among
the worst form of mental and physical sabotage.
858-(19-114-314). evil minded
The evil minded beings see humans as food. They are very cannibalistic
towards higher conscious beings. Based on my own experience, I was
regularly threatened to be eaten by the evil minded schizoid entities.
315.I must remind humanity that humans are not food to be eaten. Humans
are higher conscious senseful beings. Though we are made out of flesh
material we are not food. Humanity have laws against cannibalism and
humans are not to be killed as food.
316.evil minded schizoid entities are very evil, insane, cannibalistic, beings
with a twisted mind. To degrade humanity they commonly view humanity as
food to be eaten. I believe that many humans are captured and eaten in
secret realms of this Earth by evil minded like nature beings.
317.Humanity must develop and evolve to high levels of science and ability,
so that we may be able to defend ourselves from all predators that seek to
eat us and our children. evil minded beings use their science and ability to
hide themselves from humanity. Who knows what secret cannibalistic societies
they have to devour and eat human flesh as food.
318.Humanity must become aware that we are not alone on this planet,
neither are we alone in this Infinite Never Ending Universe. Higher conscious
beings are not food to be eaten and will naturally defend themselves when
preyed upon. I advise all victims of evil minded schizoid entities to defend
themselves and never agree with the evil minded entities that persecute you if
they say that you are food let them know that you are a higher conscious
senseful Being Of Marc-G-P-L Creatic, Existences, and Original Universal
Infinite Matrix Existence , and that you are not food to be eaten. It is highly
illegal to eat a higher conscious being.
859-(19-114-319). Attempted Murder/
All the evil the evil minded beings do to a victim is an attempt to murder or
to murder the victim. If the victim survives the initial evil minded attack and
wind up in a mental hospital, the evil minded beings remain there to
dehumanize and to torture the victim to death.
320.One of the main methods they use on a victim is to torture and
brainwash the victim into committing suicide. It is a calamity and a tragedy
when someone take their own precious life. The evil minded beings know this
and they want to see the victim kill his or herself. All the methods of the evil
minded schizoid entities I have written in this book are all used by the evil
minded schizoid entity to torture the victim and as an attempt to murder the
victim. The evil minded schizoid entities will use every method they can to
drive a victim insane. If they take control over a victim, the victim may commit
a crime or the victim may take his or her own life to escape the torment and
torture he or she experiences from the evil evil minded schizoid entities. The
evil minded schizoid entities also seek to make the victim commit a random
murder out of the blues, I advise the victim not to commit a random murder
or act of violence, it is a trap to ruin the victims life or the life of another
321.It is sad to see a victims life fall apart one day, month and year at a time
while enduring hardship and torture under the hands of evil minded schizoid
entities. It is even more tragic to see a victim take his own life that was once
precious to him or her before the evil minded schizoid entities came to take
everything away from the victim.
322.I advise all victims to hold on to their life and not to give the evil minded
schizoid entities the satisfaction of seeing another victim take his or her own
precious life.
323.Based on my own experience, I was tormented and tortured so much by
the evil minded schizoid entities that I felt like taking my own life, but
somehow through perseverance I managed to hold on to my life and was
able to write this book even under torment, torture, abuse, humiliation,
intimidation and dehumanization. The teachings of the book of Marc-G-P-L
Creatic Way thought me to defend myself from the illegal hells of the evil
minded and so I defended myself and others from their Crimes Against
Humanity and their Universal Crimes. I advise all victims to hold on to their
precious life and to devote their time towards finding scientific tools and
method to defend humanity and other Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Creatic and
Existences from the torment full, murderous evil minded schizoid entities.
324.Crimes Against Humanity and Universal Crimes: The evil heinous,
torturous crimes the evil minded schizoid entities do to their victims are
Crimes Against Humanity and are also Universal Crimes; Universal Crimes are
crimes that are Universally found to be evil and illegal in Higher develop
Good, Humane societies and worlds that exists throughout the Universe. The
evil minded entities break national constitutional laws and international
constitutional laws, they especially break the laws of the Marc-G-P-L Creatic.
325.There should be no excuse to allow any being to treat another being the
way the evil minded entities treat other Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Creatic. We the
Beings of Marc-G-P-L Creatic should not allow hells to exist inside the
Universe because, hells are the most evil places in the Universe.
326.Humanity has evolved to a conscious level in which Humanity has
declared that cruel and unusual punishments and acts are illegal and are a
violation of the dignity and right of all humanity. In Marc-G-P-L Creatic Of
Original Universal Reality Timeless Infinite Matrix Existence (Our Space And
Time) Way we realize that hell which is the biggest cruel and unusual place
and situation should be abolished completely and removed from the Universe.
327.The evil minded entities are able to get away with the evil crimes they do
because they are invisible to the limited senses of Humanity. Humanity should
perseveringly seek after higher scientific abilities and tools that shall help
Humanity to evolve to a higher scientific level in which Humanity will be able
to identify and detect the invisible evil minded predators that plague and
destroy numerous numbers of humanity.
328.The evil minded entities have evil intent to destroy and ruin beings all
over the Universe. Based on my experience with them, they even have the
intent to destroy the whole Universe if they could. We must realize that we’re
dealing with insane, heinous, deceptive criminals.
329.When the evil minded entities attack a victim, the victim is immediately
shifted to a hellish situation. Many victims rather take their own life instead of
living as a slave that experience hell on a daily bases, but I ask victims not to
take their own priceless, precious life.
330.We must never promote nor accept the existence of hell we must be
against it in all situations and conditions. Hell is a Universal Crime and the
most evil thing that could happen to a living being. The evil minded entities
are promoters of hell and are spreaders and builders of hell. Let us not be
fooled into accepting hell as retribution, less we find ourselves and or family
and friends in hell. We must come together all over the Universe to end these
evil minded, hellish Universal Crimes.
860-(19-114-331). Fatality:
Fatality is a technique the evil minded schizoid entity uses to cause the victim
to become catatonic or feel as if the victim is totally doomed and hopeless.
This technique make the victim see the world and the victims self as a fatality.
The evil minded schizoid entity uses a malicious technique in which words are
said to the victim to make the victim feel doomed and pictures are shown to
make the victim feel doomed and dazed about reality. A combination of
making fun of the victims or making the victim feel shame about the victims
self, race, world, situation in life, friends, family, etc... For example the evil
minded schizoid entity will show the victim a person dancing and then start
making fun of the person dancing or saying the person is ugly and start
making fun of the persons feet. When something like that occurs the victim
feel as if reality is fatal and that life is over. I advise Beings Of Marc-G-P-L
Creatic to identify that a technique of fatality is being used on the victim the
victim must repeat the coded word fatality and control the victims emotions
from going out of control into sadness and catatonia.
861-(19-114-332). Abomination Attack:
Abomination attack is the sum total of the attacks of the evil minded schizoid
entities. All the attacks of the evil minded schizoid entities equate to
abomination. Victims of evil minded schizoid entities are under abomination
attack. The evil minded schizoid entities abominate their victims until the
victims dies. From the age of birth to 26 years old my life was abomination
free and I heard no evil voices nor did evil minded schizoid entities attack me
that world I left was a Paradise compared to the world I entered after the
abomination attackers known as evil minded schizoid entities started
tormenting me. From the age of 26 to present when I am writing this paper I
am now 37 years old my life have been under abomination attack by the evil
minded schizoid entities. There is not an abomination the evil minded
schizoid will not do to a victims. The evil minded schizoid entities are sexual
perverts and rapers and murderers. They are also beastiality and
homosexuality practitioners which make them an abomination. Everything
they do to a victim is an abomination against the victim. Curse words warfare
is used on the victim seven days a week and twenty four hours a day, they
also abominate the victim by spiting upon the victim constantly. The
abominations also attempt to prostitute the victim. The life of the victim
becomes a living hell life becomes undesirable for the victim. The evil minded
schizoid entities are an abomination attack against everyone they can
overpower; so long as they can overpower a victim they will abominate the
victim until they kill the victim. Rescuers must be prepared to kill the evil
minded schizoid entities because they evil minded schizoid entities are an
abomination against anyone they come in contact with.
862-(19-114-333). Many More Unnamed
Criminal Tactics and Activity:
I was able to write some of the methods that I and others experienced from
the evil minded schizoid entities, but I know that many more evil minded
tactics exists that I did not experience or write about. I know that the more
intelligent and knowledgeable that humanity becomes, the more likely we are
towards finding a scientific answer to these evil minded schizoid entities.
334.We must come together and realize that all these numerous numbers of
victims who are experiencing schizophrenia and other similar mental illnesses
are under tremendous evil minded oppression and need to be liberated from
evil minded oppression and torture. We cannot find these answers if we deny
the existence of invisible entities even in the face of millions of testimonies of
victims all over the world.
335.We must realize that we are under attack from an invisible enemy that
wish to harm and destroy humanity in the worst hellish way. We must come
together and devote Our Space And Time towards the development of proven
to work scientific tools that will scan the environment and victims for invisible
entities that cannot be detected by the unaided human senses. We must also
seek after personal power that will help humanity detect invisible beings that
can kill humanity and also personal ability that will protect humanity from
beings that are visible or invisible that can hurt or kill Humanity.
336.We must also develop scientific tools that can extract the evil minded
entities from victims. We must also have humane support groups and
institutions that care for victims of evil minded schizoid entities with respect
and understanding.
337.We must also develop medicine with very little or no dangerous side
effects that will harm victims of evil minded schizoid entities. We must pursue
after these goals urgently and systematically. We must not give up until these
goals are accomplished. The faith of humanity depends on these
accomplishments. We must free humanity from the bondage and enslavement
of hell mongering evil minded beings.
338.I advise all victims to practice meditation, mindfulness, consciousness,
lawfulness, calmness, perseverance, goodness, happiness, and positive efforts
to diminish the painfulness and anti-pleasure that is caused by the evil
minded schizoid entities.
339.Victims must come together all over the World and Universe to find
scientific tools and answers to liberate themselves from these evil minded
predators. After all, “who feels it knows it”.
340.As it was said in Gi-Joe “knowing is half the battle”. Knowing the
techniques of the evil minded schizoid entities is half of the battle, surviving
the techniques of the evil minded schizoid entities is the other half of the
battle. You must use Knowledge, Ability, and Power, to survive this
tormenting battle; with optimism and persistency to achieve a fuller and More
Perfect life one day at a time you will survive, live everyday they say as if it
was you last day on earth. With discipline enjoy your life and plan for the
future. Plan for a great future on Earth and in any potential afterlife or rebirth.
The invisible world is real and the evil minded schizoid entities come from the
invisible world; knowing they exists is More Perfect then thinking they don’t
exists; at least you know that you are fighting against a separate enemy
instead of your own malfunctioning mind. Your mind is fine it is functioning
and able to achieve the task at hand, your mind is not broken; what you have
is an enemy that is invisible to your site that is fighting against you to
sabotage and kill you even by your own hand through suicide. Live your life
and with logical calculations and reactionary speech defeat the enemy that
brings you sorrow. I wish you the More Perfect possibility.
863-(19-115-1). The Sound Cancelizer And
Rhythmic Equalizer (SCARE)
1.To familiarize you with the concepts leading to the invention of the Sound
Cancelizer and Rhythmic Equalizer read the Phase differences, the Flanagan
Neurophone, and The Invention of the Sound Cancellizer and Rhythmic
Equalizer (SCARE). When complete, (SCARE) will be able to block out sounds
coming from the invisible evil minded schizoid entity and from the
environment. It is awesome to see that the words are so calibrated that Sound
Cancelizer and Rhythmic Equalizer is abbreviated to say (SCARE). As you know
the invisible evil minded schizoid entities scare their victims to death. Marco
will be able to invent an electronic scientific device named (SCARE) to combat
the evil minded schizoid entities and to liberate their victims from the
torturous grip of the evil minded schizoid entities. Just like they scare their
victims to death we shall invent the cure by building (SCARE) or the Sound
Cancelizer and Rhythmic Equalizer. We shall (SCARE) them too with our
scientific device that shall set free the captives of the hell of schizophrenia
which is caused by the evil minded schizoid entities.
2.Phase difference: Two ac waves might have exactly the same frequency, but
they can still have different effects because they are “out of sync” with each
other. This is especially true when ac waves are added together to produce a
third, or composite, signal.
3.If two ac waves have the same frequency and the same magnitude, but
differ in phase by 180 degrees ( a half cycle), they will cancel each other out,
and the net signal will be zero. If the two waves are in phase, the resulting
signal will have the same frequency, but twice the amplitude of either signal
4.If two ac waves have the same frequency but different magnitudes, and
differ in phase by 180 degrees, the resulting composite signal will have the
same frequency as the originals, and a magnitude equal to the difference
between the two. If two such waves are exactly in phase, the composite will
have the same frequency as the originals and a magnitude equal to the sum
of the two.
5.If the waves have the same frequency but differ in phase by some odd
amount such as 75 degrees or 310 degrees, the resulting signal will have the
same frequency, but will not have the same waveshape as either of the
original signals. The variety of such cases is infinite.
6.Household utility current, as you get it from wall outlet, consists of a 60-Hz
sine wave with just one phase component. But the energy is transmitted over
long distances in three phases, each differing by 120 degrees or 1/3 of the
total power in a utility transmission line.
7.Flanagan Neurophone: This fascinating technology was developed in 1958
by Patrick Flanagan. It was thought that sound was only heard by the inner
ear; Flanagan, however, was able to demonstrate that the brain also hears
sounds that vibrate on the skin.
8.To use this technology, you place the sensors on the forehead under a
headband. Then plug the unit into your sound source, such as a CD player.
The sensors cause your skin, the largest organ of the body, to vibrate to the
music you’ve selected, much like a speaker vibrates.
9.By bypassing the ear, you are using a completely different part of the brain
to process the sound creating new neural pathways. This technology is great
for concentration while studying, learning languages, assisting in “new sound
perception” great for listening to music in a whole new way, helping with
meditation, relaxation, and healing.
10.When you first put the sensors on your skin, you feel a vibration and can
actually hear the sound of the music you’ve selected. You can put the sensors
on any part of your body, not just the forehead.
11.Just by wearing the sensors, you will notice a dramatic moodshift making
you more positive, and also a change in your brain power, producing
unwavering focus! The ultrasound it produces sends high frequency sound
waves and their harmonics beyond the hearing threshold to the brain. It is
these high frequency sounds that actually energize the brain, giving you more
energy and focus. For music lovers, the clarity of the sound will astound you.
12.The Invention of the Sound Cancellizer And Rhythmic Equalizer (SCARE):
My idea is to invent an electronic device that is computer operated to cancel
out the signal of the voices of invisible schizoid entities that torment their
victim with the sound wave of their voices.
13.The voices of the evil minded schizoid entities in the most part bypass the
ears of the victim and go strait to the mind of the victim. Like the Flanagan
Neurophone the voices of the schizoid entities bypass the human ear and go
straight to the human or victim’s brain. My invention will be a device that can
block the sound of the voices of the invisible entities so that the victim may
not hear their voices. The voices of the evil minded schizoid entities cause
mental torture, degradation and torment of their victims some victims cannot
take it anymore and so they commit suicide. This invention will save millions
upon millions of lives in the present and in the future if it is invented.
14.Just like If two ac waves have the same frequency and the same
magnitude, but differ in phase by 180 degrees (a half cycle), they will cancel
each other out, and the net signal will be zero following this principle or
something similar, (SCARE) will detect the frequency of the invisible entity and
it will match the frequency of the voice of the schizoid entity and block the
unwanted sound by canceling out the voice of the schizoid entity to equalize
and cancelize the frequency of the sound of the evil minded schizoid entity.
However the device work it will be able to detect certain frequencies and
block them from entering the mind or ear of the victim.
15.The device will be able to match any sound frequency and block it from
entering the victim’s brain. The device will also be able to cancelize
hallucinogenic images from the mind of the victim it will be able to cancellize
imaginations from the minds eye of the victim.
16.Following the principal of the phase differences and the invention of the
Flanagan Neurophone Marco will be able to invent the electronic device that
have a small internal computer to match the frequency or rhythm sound of
any voice and match the frequency in some form to cancel the sound of it
from getting into the brain or ear of the victim. The schizoid entity does not
rely on the ear of the victim it rely on the mind or brain of the victim to
transmit its sounds into the brain of its victims; therefore a device is needed
in order to filter and cancel out the sounds made by the evil minded schizoid
entity to scare, terrorize, torment and torture their victims.
17.There is also the problem of sounds coming from the environment. Sounds
coming from the environment can also be cancelized when they overlap with
the frequency of electronic devices and animals or sounds coming from the
natural environment. The Sound Cancelizer (SCARE) will be able to block
sounds in the mind and sounds coming from the environment by matching
the frequency of the voices or signal and producing a reactionary frequency
of its own to block the unwanted voice or sound from entering the victims
mind or ear.
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I Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis known that humanity can achieve the More Perfect Possibility if Humanity have Knowledge, Ability, and Power.
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