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Page: 1982 

the Communal and Family Circle Of Infinite 
Existence Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics 
Peoples and Continue-we-nations World Design. 

3.We the Beings of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists 
Creatics must Love each other with our hearts and 
minds as if fellow Beings Of Marc-G-P-L 
Perfectionists Creatics were our Own “O” or our 
Own “Zero”. The World Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists 
Creatics must have a Strong Foundation of Love. 
We recognize this Strong Foundation of Love in our 
most valuable desire to achieve The Three Primary 
Enjoyable Conditions Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists 
Creatics Purposes and Plan which will bring into 
birth the Paradise Of The World Of Marc-G-P-L 
Perfectionists Creatics (Woo), which shall be filled 
with Love, Life and Living at its Marc Perfect Form. 

Love to BuildParadise 

1.Beneficially Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists 
Creatics, Communities and Worlds must recognize 
the Power Of Love. In recognizing the Power Of 
Love, they must then Establish Love with the Marc 

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Page: 1983 

Perfect Intentions. After recognition and 
establishment of Love, Beings Of Marc-G-P-L 
Perfectionists Creatics and Worlds must then 
maintain this Harmonious Environment of Love by 
nurturing the ( OperationComplex ) of Love to its 
Optimum Level of Perfectness and Paradise 

2.The Loved Filled Paradise Of Marc-G-P-L 
Perfectionists Creatics should be maintained and 
nurtured by Beings of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists 
Creatics to its Continuities Fullness unto Eternity. 

3.Beings of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics must 
plan for the Endless Future and must put to the 
Highest Value the achievement of The Three 
Primary Enjoyable Conditions Of Marc-G-P-L 
Perfectionists Creatics Purposes and Plan for it is 
their protection and the Universes Protection for all 
Eternity and shall bring Love and Paradises. 

635-(8-3-25-2-14-11).SpreadingLove to Build 

1.In achieving Mental Love for Oneself, one must 

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spread this Mental Love to others; In achieving 
Mental Love for ones Family, ones Family must 
spread Mental Love to other Families; In achieving 
Mental Love throughout ones Community, ones 
Community must spread Mental Love to other 
Communities; In achieving Mental Love throughout 
ones Country, ones Country must spread this 
Mental Love to other Nations; in achieving Mental 
Love throughout the World, ones World must 
spread Mental Love to other Worlds. 

2.Unifying together, as the Love of Beings Of Marc-
G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics and Worlds grow 
abundantly and as Beings Of Marc-G-P-L 
Perfectionists Creatics and Worlds seek to achieve 
The Three Marc Perfect Marc-G-P-L Purposes And 
Plan, the Ultimate Love Of Infinite Existence grows 
throughout Qualified Worlds and the Whole Of 
Existence Benefits from this Ultimate Love Of Infinite 

3.As the Ultimate Love Of Infinite Existence Grows, 
is diminished to the lowest level 
possible, the removal of all illegal hell from inside 

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Qualified Worlds is achieved and Paradise Spreads 
throughout Qualified Worlds. 

636-(8-3-25-2-15).ATranquilLife AndWorldTo 

1.Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics and 
Compatible and Qualified Worlds of Existences must 
do their Marc Perfect to Existence in a Tranquil 
World loosuncapturety from harmful disturbances or 
harmful agitations of the Mind, Body, spirit, or 
spiritual beings, and Soul. 

2.There must Existence a steady and even state of 
Peace, Love and Tranquility in a World that seek to 
Existence in a state of Paradise. 

3.Preventative measures must be put into place to 
avoid harmful things from disturbing the Tranquility 
of the Existence of Beings Of Marc-G-P-L 
Perfectionists Creatics and of the Paradise Of 
Worlds Of The Universe. 

4.Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics must 
receive proficient special instructions that teaches 

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them how to shape their Existence and Worlds into 
a Tranquil Paradise filled Environment. 

5.Peace, Love and Tranquility must become a 
tradition in the Culture of Beings Of Marc-G-P-L 
Perfectionists Creatics. One generation to another 
must hand down a heritage of Peace, Love and 
Tranquility. The world must Existence in a mode of 
steady improvements and Preservation of Paradises 
and the Preservation of the Existence of Beings Of 
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics. 

6.The Community Circle Of Infinite Existence must 
build training schools where the Marc Perfect 
Effective Formulas are discovered and invented to 
teach Beings of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics 
how to build and maintain Existence and Worlds 
that are filled with Peace, Love and Tranquility. 

7.Formulas Of Infinite Existence specifically designed 
to bring Paradise to Worlds such as The Three 
Primary Enjoyable Conditions Of Marc-G-P-L 
Perfectionists Creatics Purposes and Plan shall 
rearrange illegal hell and anti-pleasure 

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worlds into Oasis Of Infinite Existence that shall rise 
above and beyond worlds of anti-pleasure 
Bloom into Temporary and Eternal Paradises Of 
Infinite Existence. These Worlds Of Infinite Existence 
that are filled with Peace, Love and Tranquility shall 
Existence in their Prime, and be filled with Vigor, 
Freshness and Beauty. 

637-(8-3-25-2-16).Being aHigher Conscious 
Being to BuildParadise 

1.Building and Preserving Paradises requires Higher 
Consciousness. Working as a Conscious Network 
Beings Of Infinite Existence must turn their 
Environment into Paradises. 

2.Conscious Beings are capable of thought, will and 
Perception and they must use these capabilities to 
shape their reality into the Marc Perfect State and 

3.Using the technique of Consciousness-Raising, 
Beings Of Infinite Existence must use effective 
processes to achieve Greater Awareness of their 
needs in order to fulfill their Highest and Marc 

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Perfect Potential as Individuals and Communities. 

4.Beings of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics must 
be very Conscientious and must recognize the 
differences between Right and wrong with regards 
to their conduct and the conduct of others. 
Universal Computation Beings must use their Higher 
Conscious Mind to see that we are Consanguineous 
coming from the same source which is Infinite 
Existence. Knowing these truths we must pave the 
way to end hateful separation of compatible beings 
and things that are harmless to each other and 
form Successful Communities that are Paradise 
Conscious Connectivity's Of Infinite Existence. 

5.Conscious Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists 
Creatics and of Qualified and Compatible Existences 
must be Conservationists of The Three Marc Perfect 
Marc-G-P-L Purposes And Plan. For The Three 
Primary Enjoyable Conditions Of Marc-G-P-L 
Perfectionists Creatics Purposes and Plan are our 
Eternal Protection from illegal hell and againstpleasure 
and are to be Protected and Conserved by 
Higher Conscious Beings Of Marc-G-P-L 

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Perfectionists Creatics and of Qualified and 
Compatible Existences. 

6.Beings of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics must 
become Logical Conscious Beings with a 
Consistency of Righteous behavioral patterns. We 
must all have Consentaneous, Unanimous 
agreement throughout the Universe that The Three 
Primary Enjoyable Conditions Of Marc-G-P-L 
Perfectionists Creatics Purposes and Plan are the 
Marc Perfect Way to Build and Preserve Conscious 
Paradises for these truths are Universal 
Computation and shall be discovered throughout 
Qualified Worlds throughout all Eternity by Higher 
Conscious Beings with the Marc Perfect Intentions. 
Higher Conscious Beings with the Marc Perfect 
Intention and the proper Knowledge, Ability, and 
Power, will sometimes realize what Marc Gregory 
Pierre-Louis realized and they shall apply them 
throughout their Existence and worlds. 

7.For when the Higher Conscious Mind connect to 
the ( OperationComplex ) Of Infinite Existence that 
believe what Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis realized the 

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Higher Conscious Mind shall discover that when 
is diminished to the lowest level 
possible that Paradise Spreads, thereby coming to 
realize the first Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics 
Purpose and Plan; the Higher Conscious shall also 
discover that aggravating and vengeance illegal hells 
are the worst possibility and are illegal to the 
( OperationComplex ) Of Infinite Existence and the 
Beings of Infinite Existence, thereby coming to 
realize the Second of The Three Marc Perfect Marc-
G-P-L Purposes And Plan; the Higher Conscious 
Mind shall discover the Third Marc-G-P-L 
Perfectionists Creatics Purpose and Plan by realizing 
that Paradise is the Marc Perfect Possibility and is 
Beneficial at all times and causes Worlds and Beings 
to Existence at their Prime State and Highest 
Functionality of Happiness, "Paradisecal 
Contentment With Life", Peace, Love and Tranquility. 

638-(8-3-25-2-17).PossessingClarityAbout all 
PossibleThings to BuildParadise 

1.In order to Build and Preserve Paradises, Beings Of 
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics must gain and 
obtain as much Clarity as Possible on all Universal 

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Computation truths and phenomena. Universal 
Computation Beings must also gain as much 
Knowledge about all that are undetectable by the 
normal Human Senses. 

2.Working as a Unified Community, Beings Of Marc-
G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics must 
( OperationComplex )atically learn and catalog all 
things that are Beneficial to a Paradise Filled World 
and all things that may harm a Paradise Filled 

3.Knowledge is Power of Invention, Power of 
Protection, Power of Clarity and Power of Ability; 
therefore, Knowledge must be given Great 
Importance in the World Of incipience Universal 
Computation Reality Timeless Infinite ( MindActuated-
Reality-Calculated-Existence Matrixes ) 
Existence (Our Space And Time). There must 
Existence an abundance of Logical Philosophies with 
High Clarity on all subject matter that may cause 
The Three Primary Enjoyable Conditions Of Marc-G-
P-L Perfectionists Creatics Purposes and Plan to be 
Achieved and Preserved throughout all compatible 

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words and beings. 

639-(8-3-25-2-18).Living toOnes Continuities 
Fullness to BuildParadise 

1.Infinite Existence the First Requirement Of 
Existence is the Most Continuous Aspect of Reality, 
Always Existing, Being Infinite and Eternal. We the 
Beings Of The Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatic 
Existence must Emulate our True Source which is 
Ourselves, as we live inside of Infinite Existence. We 
must seek to Existence to our Continuities Fullness 
Unto Eternity if possible, for it is Possible because 
Infinite Existence is Infinite, Eternal and will last 

2.Knowing that we are made of the Essence of that 
which is Eternal, we must seek to gain the 
Knowledge to Emulate our True Source which is our 
Eternal Self. 

3.Living to ones Continuities Fullness is the Quest to 
gain ones Full Profit Of Existence. If a Beings Of 
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics and Existences 
body is capable of existing for One Hundred Years, 

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it would be Marc Perfect for that Beings Of Marc-G-
P-L Perfectionists Creatics and Existences to 
Existence for his or her full Profit of Growth which 
would be for One Hundred Years. The same way if a 
Universal Computation World or Being is capable of 
existing for One Thousand or Several Bilhumen 
Years or Forever, it would be Marc Perfect for that 
Universal Computation World and Being to 
Existence to its Continuities Fullness. 

4.It is also Marc Perfect to Existence a Continuous 
Lifespan that is not fragmented by reincarnation or 
by death. It is Marc Perfect for Beings Of Marc-G-P-
L Perfectionists Creatics to travel to different 
Dimensions and Worlds through a Deathless 
Metamorphosis that Preserves the Mind, Body and 
All Component Parts such as the Soul and spirit, or 
spiritual beings. Using All Perfect Sciences or the 
Highest Sciences Possible to obtain Permanent Life, 
Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics and 
Existences can gain the Metamorphosis that shall 
allow Universal Computation Beings to travel to 
other reality ( OperationComplex )s without death 
and dis-carnation. 

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5.We as Beings of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics 
and Existences must seek to Existence to our 
Continuities Fullness Unto Eternity. For Eternity 
needs Perfect Company and we the ones who have 
gain the Knowledge of The Three Primary Enjoyable 
Conditions Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics 
Purposes and Plan who use this Knowledge with 
our Marc Perfect Intentions are Perfect Company of 
the Universe Of Infinite Existence and of our Fellow 
Beings Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics and 
Compatible and Qualified Worlds of Existences. 

640-(8-3-25-2-19).Living aPerfect Life to Build 

1.As we Wish, Hope and Work Continuously to 
produce a Perfect, Dignified Life for Beings Of 
Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics and Worlds of 
the ( OperationComplex ) Of Infinite Existence, we 
would achieve a Philosophy and a Way of Life that 
would make the Road and Way to Paradise Wide 
and Vast and the Road and Way to illegal hell to 
the smallest level possible or non-existent inside the 
Universe Of Infinite Existence. Beings Of Marc-G-P-L 

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Perfectionists Creatics and Compatible Existential 
Realities and Existences and Parts Of Infinite 
Existence Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics and 
Existences would Existence a Perfect Life that is 
filled with Paradise and illegal hell would be chased 
out of Existence as it was meant to be. 

2.We searched the Universe for an Answer and I 
Marc Gregory Pierre-Louis Discovered the Universal 
Computation Formula which I later called The Three 
Marc Perfect Marc-G-P-L Purposes And Plan. With 
more Insights we discovered that it was The the 
formation of our Pleasure and Pain Senses and the 
formulation of our physical composition and our 
Mind ( MindOperationCausation ) Routation and 
Composition that kept us Living and Loving Life all 
along without the proper condition of the body 
( Mind-Actuated-Reality-Calculated-Existence 
Matrixes ) and the environmental ( Mind-ActuatedReality-
Calculated-Existence Matrixes ) life became 
undesirable and the Perfectness Of Life faded. We 
discovered that when Universal Computation Beings 
achieve the formulas and plans Marc Gregory 
Pierre-Louis wrote into existences life became much 

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and far Marc Perfect then before. When the Three 
Marc Perfect Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics 
purposes and plan are applied Universal 
Computation Beings achieve the Marc Perfect 
Possibility and Paradise come into existences. 

3.When anti-pleasure 
increased the Perfectness Of 
Life diminished, when illegal hell increased the 
Perfectness Of Life vanished and when Paradise is 
destroyed, there is no hope, but the Innate 
Universal Computation Formula inside our Minds 
and Souls that Motivated us to gain back what is 
Essentially Ours, Our Marc Perfect Existential 
Purposes And Plan. 

4.With more Insights we discovered the Marc 
Perfect Possibility which are The Three Marc Perfect 
Marc-G-P-L Purposes And Plan, which would bring 
Perfectness to our Existence, World and Universe. 
With more Insights we realized that The Three 
Primary Enjoyable Conditions Of Marc-G-P-L 
Perfectionists Creatics Purposes and Plan can 
become an Essential Universal Computation 
Formula Of Infinite Existence and Existences that 

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shall Preserve the Unending Infinite Spaces Of 
Infinite Existence and Existences from the worst 
aspects and possibilities of existence, which are 
illegal hell and anti-pleasure. 

5.We came to realize that we needed Perfectness in 
our Existence Always and Forever and The Three 
Primary Enjoyable Conditions Of Marc-G-P-L 
Perfectionists Creatics Purposes and Plan Guided Us 
towards the way of Perfectness. With Goodwill we 
paved the road towards Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists 
Creatics Way. Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics 
Way was Generous and Kind and filled with 
Optimism To Its Highest Level. Now we had a 
Universal Computation Tool that we could use in 
our most dismal situation that would bring 
Perfectness and Prosperity to our Existence even if 
illegal hell took over our Existence and World we 
would turn to Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics 
Way and Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics Way 
would Strengthen us and Guide us towards the 
Revolution Of Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics to 
diminish anti-pleasure 
and to end all illegal hell. 
With Marc-G-P-L Perfectionists Creatics Way we 

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