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How to end the Age of dog sex time:

“”advisory do not visit any bestiality website despite of knowledge that bestiality websites exists or you may be targeted by evil entities that practice bestiality. Do not practice any form of bestiality even under pressure or threat of death, brainwash, or body stimulation, instead condemn all who practice bestiality and kill all dogs and bestiality animals from the world:””

Many people may not believe it but there are events taking place right now in this world that may lead to the end of Humanity just like mayan calendar predicted thousands of years ago; years ago we heard news in 2012 that 12-12-2012 would be the end of human civilization, but the end never came, well I have bad fatal news that there is an event that is taking place right now that may lead to the end of humanity it is known as abomination sincrime; there is a rise in abomination sincrime that can cause just about any opportunistic race that do not practice such abomination sincrime to target humanity and kill humanity as a species even worst, races and entities that practice abomination sincrime may just try to claim humanity as their own to abominate and desecrate. I have something fatally evil to announce based on my reconnaissance I think maybe the year of 2012 may have been the year when bestiality dog sex increased among humanity, never in the age of humanity have there been so much dogs in the world and I believe that in the year of 2012 and forward spiritual and physical and animal transformers and being that dwell in all things and that have pansexual sex with all things including animals and humans at the same time have conspired to spread bestiality among humanity; that is correct evil entities have began to spread dog sex among humanity, and this conspiracy may have begun 30 thousand years ago around animal reincarnation bestiality practicing india and around china where the first dog was created by evil entities that may have been hindu gods or hindu devi deva devils. In the year 12-29-2012 an evil website was opened called dogsextime.com “which I don't advise you to visit”; I believe that this bestiality website out of the many hundreds of thousands or even millions of pages of bestiality websites that exists signified the beginning of the age of dog sex time this means that during this age the epidemic and abominable sincrime called bestiality dog sex have increased due to the largest number of dogs dwelling in the homes of humanity which number in close to 800 million to 1 billion dogs alive today in the physical human world. There were many bestiality websites before but during the year 2012 a new bestiality website was opened called dogsextime.com that ushered in the age of dog sex which can or may lead to the end of humanity as we know it.

There is something we can do about it we can kill all dogs in the world by passing laws in every nation to kill the dog population from the planet earth completely; this is our only choice humanity must chose humanity to survive instead of dogs and terminate every dog in the world and every animal that humans breed with must also be killed if possible all humans that lay with beast and animals must be terminated and discontinued. If you have any dog at your house take the dog to the veterinarian and have them euthanize the dog for you; free yourself of the wicked abominable dog that may be used against you and your family; if you refuse to kill the dog it is because you are dumb and wicked you just don't posses the intelligence to save humanity over a dog that will abominate you; many of you do not have the intelligence nor the programming language to kill a dog that will rape you or your wife, or daughter, or cousin, or mother; yet you can kill a human out of jealousy just for looking at your wife or girlfriend; get the wicked filthiness out of you and take the wicked, dirty, nasty, hedonistic, toxic, filthy, rapine dog to the veterinarian and have them put the dog to sleep and euthanize the dog. It is estimated that 12 percent of humanity have already lost the combat to dogs and other animals and have practiced bestiality with animals; do not let yourself or your family or friend become the next victim of bestiality dog sex please kill the dog population of the world call your lawmaker and ask them to write laws against bestiality and new laws to kill all dogs in the world and to illegalize pet ownership to avoid bestiality from occurring or spreading.

This message was brought to you by:

Marc Pierre-Louis



“”advisory do not visit any bestiality website despite of knowledge that bestiality websites exists or you may be targeted by evil entities that practice bestiality. Do not practice any form of bestiality even under pressure or threat of death, brainwash, or body stimulation, instead condemn all who practice bestiality and kill all dogs and bestiality animals from the world:””

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